Author: Göppert, Johann Heinrich Robert, 1800-1884 // H. R. Göppert
Title: Ueber die giftigen Pflanzen Schlesiens.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Breslau. Grass, Barth und Comp.
Date: s.d.[1832].
Format: 8º.
Copies: Regensburg, RBG
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3429; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 73; BMNH 2: 689.
Notes: Published as an inviational program for the public examination of students at the Royal College of Surgeons on 7 Sept. 1832.
HI Number: \02188\
Title: Ueber die giftigen Pflanzen Schlesiens.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Breslau. Grass, Barth und Comp.
Date: s.d.[1832].
Format: 8º.
Copies: Regensburg, RBG
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3429; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 73; BMNH 2: 689.
Notes: Published as an inviational program for the public examination of students at the Royal College of Surgeons on 7 Sept. 1832.
HI Number: \02188\
Author: Göppert, Johann Heinrich Robert, 1800-1884 // H. R. Göppert
Title: Die in Schlesien wildwachsenden offizinellen Pflanzen. Als Einladungs- Programm ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Breslau.
Date: 1835.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Grass, Barth und Comp.
Copies: MH-HL; WU
Seen / Located: BMNH; B-SB; LE; MH-FH; P-BC; Prühonice
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3430; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 73; BLA2 2: 784; NUC 203: NG 0272821.
HI Number: \02189\
Title: Die in Schlesien wildwachsenden offizinellen Pflanzen. Als Einladungs- Programm ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Breslau.
Date: 1835.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Grass, Barth und Comp.
Copies: MH-HL; WU
Seen / Located: BMNH; B-SB; LE; MH-FH; P-BC; Prühonice
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3430; Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 73; BLA2 2: 784; NUC 203: NG 0272821.
HI Number: \02189\
Author: Görlitz, Johann Christian //
Title: Die vaterländischen Giftpflanzen und Giftschwämme, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Breslau. R. F. Schöne.
Date: 1822.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 16 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 7(1): 283; announcement in Årsberätt. Vetensk. Framsteg Kongl. Vetensk.- Acad. Embetsmän [3]: 446. 1823 >>4MLP 0246<<4.
HI Number: \16435\
Title: Die vaterländischen Giftpflanzen und Giftschwämme, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Breslau. R. F. Schöne.
Date: 1822.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 16 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 7(1): 283; announcement in Årsberätt. Vetensk. Framsteg Kongl. Vetensk.- Acad. Embetsmän [3]: 446. 1823 >>4MLP 0246<<4.
HI Number: \16435\
Author: Görlitz, Johann Christian //
Title: Die vaterländischen Giftpflanzen und Giftschwämme in genauen und sorgfaltigen illuminirten Abbildungen, zur Schul- und Selbstbelehrung.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Breslau.
Date: 1820.
Format: 12º.
Illustrations: 16 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 6: 291; Holzmann & Bohatta 2: 7472; Kayser 4: 155.
Notes: Some sources (including Holzmann & Bohatta alternatively) give author's initials as C. G.
HI Number: \31613\
Title: Die vaterländischen Giftpflanzen und Giftschwämme in genauen und sorgfaltigen illuminirten Abbildungen, zur Schul- und Selbstbelehrung.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Breslau.
Date: 1820.
Format: 12º.
Illustrations: 16 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 6: 291; Holzmann & Bohatta 2: 7472; Kayser 4: 155.
Notes: Some sources (including Holzmann & Bohatta alternatively) give author's initials as C. G.
HI Number: \31613\
Author: Goebel, Karl Christian Traugott Friedemann, 1794-1851
Title: Reise in die Steppen des südlichen Russlands, unternommen von ... in Begleitung der Herren Dr. C. Claus und a Bergmann.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dorpat.
Date: 1840.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 19 MIXD plates (including 1 COL map).
Reference / Citation: Graesse 3: 101; Brunet 2: 1641.
Notes: Apparently a later issue, with only the title-page date different. Reference in title is to the collaborator Claus and to: Bergmann, A. (no data available).
HI Number: \24012\
Title: Reise in die Steppen des südlichen Russlands, unternommen von ... in Begleitung der Herren Dr. C. Claus und a Bergmann.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dorpat.
Date: 1840.
Format: 4º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 19 MIXD plates (including 1 COL map).
Reference / Citation: Graesse 3: 101; Brunet 2: 1641.
Notes: Apparently a later issue, with only the title-page date different. Reference in title is to the collaborator Claus and to: Bergmann, A. (no data available).
HI Number: \24012\
Author: Goebel, Karl Christian Traugott Friedemann, 1794-1851 // Fr. Goebel
Title: Reise in die Steppen des südlichen Russlands, unternommen von ..., in Begleitung der Herren Dr. C. Claus und A. Bergmann.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dorpat. C. A. Kluge.
Date: 1837-1838.
Format: 4º.
Printer: J. C. Schünmann.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweiter Theil).
Illustrations: 19 MIXD plates (including 1 COL map).
Copies: H-UB; IU (vol. 2 only); WU
Seen / Located: G; LE
Reported: BMNH; DNLM (vol. 2 only); MH (vol. 2 only); TAM (?) (vol. 2 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3423; TL 2: 2065; Bradley 1: 361; Lipschitz 183, 235; Bogojawlensky 448; Engelmann 91; Trautvetter 473.
Notes: Plates of vols. 1-2 published together and separately from the text (see statement at end of the contents of vol. 1; the copy at G has the plates in a wrapper dated Dorpat, 1837, and the copy at LE also has the plates bound separately). The title-page of vol. 1 is dated 1837, the wrapper (G copy) however, is dated 1838. Reference in the title is to collaborator Claus and to: Bergman, A. (no data available).
HI Number: \02182\
Title: Reise in die Steppen des südlichen Russlands, unternommen von ..., in Begleitung der Herren Dr. C. Claus und A. Bergmann.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dorpat. C. A. Kluge.
Date: 1837-1838.
Format: 4º.
Printer: J. C. Schünmann.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweiter Theil).
Illustrations: 19 MIXD plates (including 1 COL map).
Copies: H-UB; IU (vol. 2 only); WU
Seen / Located: G; LE
Reported: BMNH; DNLM (vol. 2 only); MH (vol. 2 only); TAM (?) (vol. 2 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3423; TL 2: 2065; Bradley 1: 361; Lipschitz 183, 235; Bogojawlensky 448; Engelmann 91; Trautvetter 473.
Notes: Plates of vols. 1-2 published together and separately from the text (see statement at end of the contents of vol. 1; the copy at G has the plates in a wrapper dated Dorpat, 1837, and the copy at LE also has the plates bound separately). The title-page of vol. 1 is dated 1837, the wrapper (G copy) however, is dated 1838. Reference in the title is to collaborator Claus and to: Bergman, A. (no data available).
HI Number: \02182\
Author: Goebel, Karl Christian Traugott Friedemann, 1794-1851 // Fr. Goebel
Title: Reise in die Steppen des südlichen Russlands, unternommen von ..., in Begleitung der Herren Dr. C. Claus und A. Bergmann.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dorpat. C. A. Kluge.
Date: 1838.
Format: 4º.
Printer: J. C. Schünmann.
Volumation: 1 vol. only in this issue: Erster Theil.
Illustrations: 13 MIXD plates (including 1 COL map).
Copies: IU
Reported: DNLM; MH; TAM (?)
Reference / Citation: Bogojawlensky: 448; Engelmann 91; Trautvetter 473
Notes: A new issue of vol. 1 only differing in the title-page date.
HI Number: \24057\
Title: Reise in die Steppen des südlichen Russlands, unternommen von ..., in Begleitung der Herren Dr. C. Claus und A. Bergmann.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dorpat. C. A. Kluge.
Date: 1838.
Format: 4º.
Printer: J. C. Schünmann.
Volumation: 1 vol. only in this issue: Erster Theil.
Illustrations: 13 MIXD plates (including 1 COL map).
Copies: IU
Reported: DNLM; MH; TAM (?)
Reference / Citation: Bogojawlensky: 448; Engelmann 91; Trautvetter 473
Notes: A new issue of vol. 1 only differing in the title-page date.
HI Number: \24057\
Author: Goetz, Georg Max Theodor
Title: Abbildungen der vorzuglichsten in Deutschland einheimischen und einheimisch gewordenen Giftpflanzen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Weimar.
Date: 1817.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 4 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 3763; Kayser 2: 412.
HI Number: \07914\
Title: Abbildungen der vorzuglichsten in Deutschland einheimischen und einheimisch gewordenen Giftpflanzen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Weimar.
Date: 1817.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 4 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 3763; Kayser 2: 412.
HI Number: \07914\
Author: Golbéry, Sylvain Meinrad Xavier de, 1742-1822 // Silvester Meinrad Xavier Golberry
Title: Travels in Africa performed during the years 1785, 1786, and 1787, in the western countries of this continent. Comprized between Cape Blanco of Barbary, 20º 47', and Cape Palmas, 4º and 30' north latitude.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. M. Jones; R. Bent; J. Mudie.
Date: 1803.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Illustrations: 10 BW plates (including frontisp. map vol. 1 + 2 maps).
Translator: Mudford, William, 1742-1848 (Translated from the French, HI 07917).
Copies: E-UL
Reported: BM; NN; PPAN; WIS
Reference / Citation: Cox 1: 398; Lowndes 2: 908; Michaud 17: 100; NUC 204: NG 0286878.
HI Number: \16417\
Title: Travels in Africa performed during the years 1785, 1786, and 1787, in the western countries of this continent. Comprized between Cape Blanco of Barbary, 20º 47', and Cape Palmas, 4º and 30' north latitude.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. M. Jones; R. Bent; J. Mudie.
Date: 1803.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Illustrations: 10 BW plates (including frontisp. map vol. 1 + 2 maps).
Translator: Mudford, William, 1742-1848 (Translated from the French, HI 07917).
Copies: E-UL
Reported: BM; NN; PPAN; WIS
Reference / Citation: Cox 1: 398; Lowndes 2: 908; Michaud 17: 100; NUC 204: NG 0286878.
HI Number: \16417\
Author: Goldbach, Karl Ludwig, 1793-1824
Title: Izobraženija rastenij, upotrebitel'nyh v medicine, sel'skom hozjajstve, hudožestvah i remeslah, otpecatannyja s samyh rastenij s opisaniem ih vida i pol'zy.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moskva.
Date: 1823.
Printer: Rešstnikov.
Volumation: 2 fasc.: Tetr. I (- Tetr. II).
Illustrations: 22 BW plates.
Seen / Located: LE (fasc. 2 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3458; Bradley 3: 68; Trautvetter 478.
Notes: Trautvetter, who did not see the work, reports 3 fascicles. However, existence of a third fascicle, nowhere else reported, is doubtful.
HI Number: \02201\
Title: Izobraženija rastenij, upotrebitel'nyh v medicine, sel'skom hozjajstve, hudožestvah i remeslah, otpecatannyja s samyh rastenij s opisaniem ih vida i pol'zy.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moskva.
Date: 1823.
Printer: Rešstnikov.
Volumation: 2 fasc.: Tetr. I (- Tetr. II).
Illustrations: 22 BW plates.
Seen / Located: LE (fasc. 2 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3458; Bradley 3: 68; Trautvetter 478.
Notes: Trautvetter, who did not see the work, reports 3 fascicles. However, existence of a third fascicle, nowhere else reported, is doubtful.
HI Number: \02201\