Author: Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878 // Elias Fries
Title: Novitiae florae svecicae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lundae (= Lund).
Date: 1814.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Berling ("Litteris Berlingianis").
Volumation: 1 part only in this issue: Partic. II.
Pagination: 23-40 (24 blank).
Copies: Beltsville, SML
Reference / Citation: TL-2 1: 1862.
Notes: A new issue (trade issue), apparently restricted to a single part and differing in the title-page information and lacking the dedication on the verso of the title-page (p. 24). For the original dissertation issue see Agardh, Carl Adolph (Pr.) & Fries, Elias Magnus ([Pr.]) or (Pr.): Novitiae florae svecicae. 10 parts. Lundae, 1814-1823 [1814-1824] (HI 01973).
HI Number: \24356\
Title: Novitiae florae svecicae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lundae (= Lund).
Date: 1814.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Berling ("Litteris Berlingianis").
Volumation: 1 part only in this issue: Partic. II.
Pagination: 23-40 (24 blank).
Copies: Beltsville, SML
Reference / Citation: TL-2 1: 1862.
Notes: A new issue (trade issue), apparently restricted to a single part and differing in the title-page information and lacking the dedication on the verso of the title-page (p. 24). For the original dissertation issue see Agardh, Carl Adolph (Pr.) & Fries, Elias Magnus ([Pr.]) or (Pr.): Novitiae florae svecicae. 10 parts. Lundae, 1814-1823 [1814-1824] (HI 01973).
HI Number: \24356\
Author: Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878 // Elias Fries (Pr.)
Title: Anteckningar öfver de i Sverige växande ätliga svampar.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Upsala. Palmblad, Sebell & C. (parts 1-6).
Date: 1836.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Leffler och Sebell (parts 7-8).
Volumation: 8 parts: 1. [Delen] (- 8:de och sesta Delen).
Illustrations: 1 COL plate.
Copies: HBL-S; UPS-UB
Seen / Located: C; C-UB; G; LE; MH-FH; S-KVA
Reported: BMNH; CU; DNAL; MoSB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (EEd. 2) 3080; Krok 208 (no. 102): Lindau & Sydow 1: 496; TL-2 1: 1879.
Notes: Respondents: Borgardt, Reinhold (part 1); Liedberg, Wilhelm (part 2); Lundell, Jacob (part 3); Stiegler, Jacob August (part 4); Östberg, Jakob (part 5); Hammarström, And. Aug. (part 6); Engman, Pehr, 1804-1863 (part 7); Juel, Hans Oscar (part 8). Dates of defense of dissertations: 30 Apr. 1836 (part 1); 4 May 1836 (parts 2-3); 14 May 1836 (part 4); 28 May 1836 (part 5); 4 June 1836 (part 6); 11 June 1836 (part 7); 14 June 1836 (part 8).
HI Number: \01876\
Title: Anteckningar öfver de i Sverige växande ätliga svampar.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Upsala. Palmblad, Sebell & C. (parts 1-6).
Date: 1836.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Leffler och Sebell (parts 7-8).
Volumation: 8 parts: 1. [Delen] (- 8:de och sesta Delen).
Illustrations: 1 COL plate.
Copies: HBL-S; UPS-UB
Seen / Located: C; C-UB; G; LE; MH-FH; S-KVA
Reported: BMNH; CU; DNAL; MoSB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (EEd. 2) 3080; Krok 208 (no. 102): Lindau & Sydow 1: 496; TL-2 1: 1879.
Notes: Respondents: Borgardt, Reinhold (part 1); Liedberg, Wilhelm (part 2); Lundell, Jacob (part 3); Stiegler, Jacob August (part 4); Östberg, Jakob (part 5); Hammarström, And. Aug. (part 6); Engman, Pehr, 1804-1863 (part 7); Juel, Hans Oscar (part 8). Dates of defense of dissertations: 30 Apr. 1836 (part 1); 4 May 1836 (parts 2-3); 14 May 1836 (part 4); 28 May 1836 (part 5); 4 June 1836 (part 6); 11 June 1836 (part 7); 14 June 1836 (part 8).
HI Number: \01876\
Author: Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878 // Elias Fries (Pr.)
Title: Topographia stirpium scanensium, cujus particulam I (- particulam XVI + particulam XXIII - particulam XXV et ultimam), ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Upsaliae (= Uppsala).
Date: 1835-1837.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Regia Academia.
Volumation: 19 parts.
Copies: H (parts 1-12, 25 only); HBL-S
Seen / Located: DLC; NN
Reference / Citation: Krok 202 (no. 16a).
Notes: Respondents: Lagerstedt, Jacob WIlhelm (Part I); Björck, Albert Julius (Part II); Liljeblad, Johan Adolph (Part III); Sundberg, Peter Gustav (Part IV); Hjorth, Carl Johan (Part V); Engström, Johan Ludvik (Part VI); Sieurin, Johan (Part VII); Gläs, Olof (Part VIII); Begmanson, Wilhelm Mauritz (Part IX); Ekman, Laurents Theodor (Part X); Gellerstedt, Peter Erik (Part. XI); Göranson, Julius Axel (Part XII); Hammarström, Andreas Aug. (Part XIII); Sjöstrand, Magnus Gustaf (Part. XIV); Lundberg, Peder Robert (Part XV); Friedleiff, Johann (Part XVI); Ångström, Anders Jonas (Part XXIII); Edling, Erik (Part XXIV); Lundström, Axel (Part XXV). Dates of defense of dissertations: 21 Oct. 1835 (parts 1-2); 28 Oct. 1835 (parts 2-4); 4 Nov. 1835 (parts 5-6); 11 Nov. 1835 (part 7); 18 Nov. 1835 (parts 8-9); 2 Dec. 1835 (part 10); 9 Dec. 1835 (part 11); 12 Dec. 1835 (part 12); 27 Feb. 1836 (parts 13-14); 11 Nov. 1836 (parts 15-16); 22 Mar. 1837 (parts 23-24); 5 Apr. 1837 (part 25). For parts 17-19 see HI 21491, for parts [20]-21 see HI 21492 and for part 22 see HI 21493. For a reissue see: Corpus florarum provincialium Sueciae. Upsaliae, 1835 [1835-1837] (HI 01994).
HI Number: \16979\
Title: Topographia stirpium scanensium, cujus particulam I (- particulam XVI + particulam XXIII - particulam XXV et ultimam), ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Upsaliae (= Uppsala).
Date: 1835-1837.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Regia Academia.
Volumation: 19 parts.
Copies: H (parts 1-12, 25 only); HBL-S
Seen / Located: DLC; NN
Reference / Citation: Krok 202 (no. 16a).
Notes: Respondents: Lagerstedt, Jacob WIlhelm (Part I); Björck, Albert Julius (Part II); Liljeblad, Johan Adolph (Part III); Sundberg, Peter Gustav (Part IV); Hjorth, Carl Johan (Part V); Engström, Johan Ludvik (Part VI); Sieurin, Johan (Part VII); Gläs, Olof (Part VIII); Begmanson, Wilhelm Mauritz (Part IX); Ekman, Laurents Theodor (Part X); Gellerstedt, Peter Erik (Part. XI); Göranson, Julius Axel (Part XII); Hammarström, Andreas Aug. (Part XIII); Sjöstrand, Magnus Gustaf (Part. XIV); Lundberg, Peder Robert (Part XV); Friedleiff, Johann (Part XVI); Ångström, Anders Jonas (Part XXIII); Edling, Erik (Part XXIV); Lundström, Axel (Part XXV). Dates of defense of dissertations: 21 Oct. 1835 (parts 1-2); 28 Oct. 1835 (parts 2-4); 4 Nov. 1835 (parts 5-6); 11 Nov. 1835 (part 7); 18 Nov. 1835 (parts 8-9); 2 Dec. 1835 (part 10); 9 Dec. 1835 (part 11); 12 Dec. 1835 (part 12); 27 Feb. 1836 (parts 13-14); 11 Nov. 1836 (parts 15-16); 22 Mar. 1837 (parts 23-24); 5 Apr. 1837 (part 25). For parts 17-19 see HI 21491, for parts [20]-21 see HI 21492 and for part 22 see HI 21493. For a reissue see: Corpus florarum provincialium Sueciae. Upsaliae, 1835 [1835-1837] (HI 01994).
HI Number: \16979\
Author: Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878 // Elias Fries (Pr.)
Title: Clavis analytica in vegetabilia Achlorophyta Homonemearum, quam ... Topograph. stirp. scanic. part. XXII.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Upsaliae (= Uppsala).
Date: 1836.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Regiae Acad. Typographi.
Copies: HBL-S
Seen / Located: C; LE
Reported: DLC
Reference / Citation: Krok 202 (no. 16d).
Notes: Respondent: Liljeblad, Johan Adolph. Date of defense of dissertation: 10 June 1836. For parts 1-16 and 23-25 see HI 16979; for parts 17-19 see HI 21491; for parts [20]-21 see HI 21492. For a reissue see: Corpus florarum provincialium Sueciae. Upsaliae, 1835 [1835-1837] (HI 01994).
HI Number: \21493\
Title: Clavis analytica in vegetabilia Achlorophyta Homonemearum, quam ... Topograph. stirp. scanic. part. XXII.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Upsaliae (= Uppsala).
Date: 1836.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Regiae Acad. Typographi.
Copies: HBL-S
Seen / Located: C; LE
Reported: DLC
Reference / Citation: Krok 202 (no. 16d).
Notes: Respondent: Liljeblad, Johan Adolph. Date of defense of dissertation: 10 June 1836. For parts 1-16 and 23-25 see HI 16979; for parts 17-19 see HI 21491; for parts [20]-21 see HI 21492. For a reissue see: Corpus florarum provincialium Sueciae. Upsaliae, 1835 [1835-1837] (HI 01994).
HI Number: \21493\
Author: Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878 // Elias Fries (Pr.) (part 1)
Title: Ruborum Sueciae dispositio monographico-critica quam ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Upsaliae (= Uppsala).
Date: 1839.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Wahlström & Låstbom.
Volumation: 4 parts: I (- IV).
Pagination: [I]: 1st-2nd unnumb. p., 1-16; [II]: 3rd-6th unnumb. p., 17-32; [III]: 7th-10th unnumb. p., 33-46; [IV]: 11th-14 unnumb. p. (12th and 14th p. blank), 47-64.
Copies: K; MH-HL; NYBG
Seen / Located: BP-BM; C; DLC; G; H; HBL-S; LE; WU
Reported: MoSB
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 2: 301; Krok 59 (no. 3); TL-2 1: 189.
Coauthor(s): Arrhenius, Johann Peter, 1811-1889
Notes: Respondents: Arrhenius, Johann Peter, 1811-1889 (part 1); Ferner, Henrik E. (part 2); Lindeberg, Carl Johan, 1815-1900 (part 3); Holmgren, Hjalmar Joseph, 1822-1885 (part 4). Dates of defense of dissertation: 26 Oct. 1839 (part 1); 30 Nov. 1839 (parts 2-3); 3 Dec. 1839 (part 4). The text of part 1 (pp. 1-16) was very likely written by Arrhenius, the respondent, rather than by Fries, the praeses; a later issue only giving Arrhenius' name as author, was published under the title: Monographia Ruborum Sueciae. Upsaliae, 1840 (HI 00163).
HI Number: \11543\
Title: Ruborum Sueciae dispositio monographico-critica quam ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Upsaliae (= Uppsala).
Date: 1839.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Wahlström & Låstbom.
Volumation: 4 parts: I (- IV).
Pagination: [I]: 1st-2nd unnumb. p., 1-16; [II]: 3rd-6th unnumb. p., 17-32; [III]: 7th-10th unnumb. p., 33-46; [IV]: 11th-14 unnumb. p. (12th and 14th p. blank), 47-64.
Copies: K; MH-HL; NYBG
Seen / Located: BP-BM; C; DLC; G; H; HBL-S; LE; WU
Reported: MoSB
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 2: 301; Krok 59 (no. 3); TL-2 1: 189.
Coauthor(s): Arrhenius, Johann Peter, 1811-1889
Notes: Respondents: Arrhenius, Johann Peter, 1811-1889 (part 1); Ferner, Henrik E. (part 2); Lindeberg, Carl Johan, 1815-1900 (part 3); Holmgren, Hjalmar Joseph, 1822-1885 (part 4). Dates of defense of dissertation: 26 Oct. 1839 (part 1); 30 Nov. 1839 (parts 2-3); 3 Dec. 1839 (part 4). The text of part 1 (pp. 1-16) was very likely written by Arrhenius, the respondent, rather than by Fries, the praeses; a later issue only giving Arrhenius' name as author, was published under the title: Monographia Ruborum Sueciae. Upsaliae, 1840 (HI 00163).
HI Number: \11543\
Author: Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878 // Elias Magnus Fries ([Pr.])
Title: Symbolae Gasteromycorum ad illustrandam floram svecicam, quas, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lundae (= Lund).
Date: 1817-1818.
Printer: Berling ("Ex officina Berlingiana").
Volumation: 3 parts: Fascic. I (- Fascic. III).
Copies: MH-FH
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; G; P-BC
Reported: BMNH; K; MoSB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3066; Krok 207 (no. 82); Lindau & Sydow 1: 9207; TL 2: 1864.\t\ 4º.
Notes: Respondents: Nordholm, Johan (part 1); Lindgren, Johan (Part 2); Palmquist, Lars Gust. (Part 3). Dates of defense of dissertations: 9 June 1824 (parts 1 and 2); 7 May 1825 (part 3). For a latter issue of parts 1-2 and an earlier issue of part 3 see: Fries, Elias Magnus: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus exsiccatis Sueciae. Fasc. 1-4. Londini Gothorum, 1824 (HI 01985).
HI Number: \01981\
Title: Symbolae Gasteromycorum ad illustrandam floram svecicam, quas, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lundae (= Lund).
Date: 1817-1818.
Printer: Berling ("Ex officina Berlingiana").
Volumation: 3 parts: Fascic. I (- Fascic. III).
Copies: MH-FH
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; G; P-BC
Reported: BMNH; K; MoSB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3066; Krok 207 (no. 82); Lindau & Sydow 1: 9207; TL 2: 1864.\t\ 4º.
Notes: Respondents: Nordholm, Johan (part 1); Lindgren, Johan (Part 2); Palmquist, Lars Gust. (Part 3). Dates of defense of dissertations: 9 June 1824 (parts 1 and 2); 7 May 1825 (part 3). For a latter issue of parts 1-2 and an earlier issue of part 3 see: Fries, Elias Magnus: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus exsiccatis Sueciae. Fasc. 1-4. Londini Gothorum, 1824 (HI 01985).
HI Number: \01981\
Author: Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878 // Elias Magnus Fries (First part)
Title: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus exsiccatis Sueciae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Londini Gothorum (= Lund) (first part); Lincopiae (= Linkoping) (second part); s.l. [Lundae] (= Lund) (third part).
Date: 1824-s.d.[1826]
Format: 4º.
Printer: Berling ("Ex officina Berlingiana") (first part); A. Petre (second part); Berling ("Literis Berlingianis").
Volumation: 3 unnumbered parts (First part consists of: Fasciculus primus - Fasciculus quartus; second part consists of: Fasciculus quintus - Fasciculus sextus; third part consists of: Fascicul. VII).
Copies: W; WU
Seen / Located: G; HBG; MH-FH; S-KVA
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3069; Krok 212 (no. 144a), 466, 666 (no. 4a); Lindau & Sydow 1: 9223, 15747; 2: 25776.
Coauthor(s): Stenhammar, Christian, 1783-1866
Notes: 3 unnumbered parts (First part consists of: Fasciculus primus - Fasciculus quartus; second part consists of: Fasciculus quintus - Fasciculus sextus; third part consists of: Fascicul. VII). Title of third part reads: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus suecanis. For an earlier issue of fasc. 1-2 and part of fasc. 3 and for a later issue of part of fasc. 3 and of fasc. 4, see: Fries, Elias Magnus (Pr.) Schedulae criticae de lichenibus suecanis. 3 parts Lundae, 1824-1825 (HI 13514). For continuation see: Novae schedulae criticae de lichenibus suecanis. Lundae. 1826- s.d. [1833] (HI 13517).
HI Number: \01985\
Title: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus exsiccatis Sueciae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Londini Gothorum (= Lund) (first part); Lincopiae (= Linkoping) (second part); s.l. [Lundae] (= Lund) (third part).
Date: 1824-s.d.[1826]
Format: 4º.
Printer: Berling ("Ex officina Berlingiana") (first part); A. Petre (second part); Berling ("Literis Berlingianis").
Volumation: 3 unnumbered parts (First part consists of: Fasciculus primus - Fasciculus quartus; second part consists of: Fasciculus quintus - Fasciculus sextus; third part consists of: Fascicul. VII).
Copies: W; WU
Seen / Located: G; HBG; MH-FH; S-KVA
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3069; Krok 212 (no. 144a), 466, 666 (no. 4a); Lindau & Sydow 1: 9223, 15747; 2: 25776.
Coauthor(s): Stenhammar, Christian, 1783-1866
Notes: 3 unnumbered parts (First part consists of: Fasciculus primus - Fasciculus quartus; second part consists of: Fasciculus quintus - Fasciculus sextus; third part consists of: Fascicul. VII). Title of third part reads: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus suecanis. For an earlier issue of fasc. 1-2 and part of fasc. 3 and for a later issue of part of fasc. 3 and of fasc. 4, see: Fries, Elias Magnus (Pr.) Schedulae criticae de lichenibus suecanis. 3 parts Lundae, 1824-1825 (HI 13514). For continuation see: Novae schedulae criticae de lichenibus suecanis. Lundae. 1826- s.d. [1833] (HI 13517).
HI Number: \01985\
Author: Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878 // Elias Magnus Fries (First part); Elias Fries (Third part)
Title: Novae schedulae criticae de lichenibus suecanis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lundae (= Lund) (First part, third part). :: Norcopiae (= Norrkoping). Abr. Bohlin (second part). :: s.l. [Norcopiae] (= Norrkoping) [A. Bohlin] (fourth part).
Date: 1826-s.d.[1833].
Format: 4º.
Printer: Berling ("Litteris Berlingianis") (first part); Officina Academica (third part).
Volumation: 4 unnumbered parts (First part consists of: Fasciculus octavus - Fasciculus nonus; second part consists of: Fasciculus decimus; third part consists of: Fasciculus decimus tertius; fourth part consists of: Fasciculus decimus quartus; Fasciculus undecimus - Fasciculus duodecimuus not published).
Copies: W; WU
Seen / Located: C; G; GOET-UB; LE
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3069; Krok 212 (no. 144b-c), 666 (no. 4b-c); Lindau & Sydow 1: 9223; 2: 25776.
Coauthor(s): Stenhammar, Christian, 1783-1866
Notes: 4 unnumbered parts (First part consists of: Fasciculus octavus - Fasciculus nonus; second part consists of: Fasciculus decimus tertius; fourth part consists of: Fasciculus decimus quartus; Fasciculus undecimus - Fasciculus duodecimuus not published. Fourth part without title (only fascicle number given). Place and publisher of fourth part given on last page of text (p. 17). Continuation of: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus exsiccatis Sueciae. Londini Gothorum. 1824 - s.d. [1826] (HI 01985).
HI Number: \13517\
Title: Novae schedulae criticae de lichenibus suecanis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lundae (= Lund) (First part, third part). :: Norcopiae (= Norrkoping). Abr. Bohlin (second part). :: s.l. [Norcopiae] (= Norrkoping) [A. Bohlin] (fourth part).
Date: 1826-s.d.[1833].
Format: 4º.
Printer: Berling ("Litteris Berlingianis") (first part); Officina Academica (third part).
Volumation: 4 unnumbered parts (First part consists of: Fasciculus octavus - Fasciculus nonus; second part consists of: Fasciculus decimus; third part consists of: Fasciculus decimus tertius; fourth part consists of: Fasciculus decimus quartus; Fasciculus undecimus - Fasciculus duodecimuus not published).
Copies: W; WU
Seen / Located: C; G; GOET-UB; LE
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3069; Krok 212 (no. 144b-c), 666 (no. 4b-c); Lindau & Sydow 1: 9223; 2: 25776.
Coauthor(s): Stenhammar, Christian, 1783-1866
Notes: 4 unnumbered parts (First part consists of: Fasciculus octavus - Fasciculus nonus; second part consists of: Fasciculus decimus tertius; fourth part consists of: Fasciculus decimus quartus; Fasciculus undecimus - Fasciculus duodecimuus not published. Fourth part without title (only fascicle number given). Place and publisher of fourth part given on last page of text (p. 17). Continuation of: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus exsiccatis Sueciae. Londini Gothorum. 1824 - s.d. [1826] (HI 01985).
HI Number: \13517\
Author: Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878 // Elias Magnus Fries (Pr.)
Title: Stirpes in regione cimbritshamnensi sponte crescentes, quarum enumerationem, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Londini Gothorum (= Lund).
Date: 1831.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Berlingius.
Volumation: 1 part only: Part. I.
Copies: H
Seen / Located: C; GOET-UB
Reported: KMK
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 232; Bradley 1: 353; Krieg 1: 26; Krok 48 (no. 1), 215 (sub no. 71); Krüger 124; NUC 186: NF 039523.
Notes: Respondent: Areschoug, Johan Erhard, 1811-1887. Unfinished work. Date of defense of dissertation: 11 Nov. 1831.
HI Number: \00149\
Title: Stirpes in regione cimbritshamnensi sponte crescentes, quarum enumerationem, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Londini Gothorum (= Lund).
Date: 1831.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Berlingius.
Volumation: 1 part only: Part. I.
Copies: H
Seen / Located: C; GOET-UB
Reported: KMK
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 232; Bradley 1: 353; Krieg 1: 26; Krok 48 (no. 1), 215 (sub no. 71); Krüger 124; NUC 186: NF 039523.
Notes: Respondent: Areschoug, Johan Erhard, 1811-1887. Unfinished work. Date of defense of dissertation: 11 Nov. 1831.
HI Number: \00149\
Author: Fries, Elias Magnus, 1794-1878 // Elias Magnus Fries (Pr.)
Title: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus suecanis, quas ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lundae (= Lund).
Date: 1824-1825.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Berling ("Lit(t)eris Berlingianis").
Volumation: 3 parts: Part. I (- Part. III).
Copies: UPS-UB
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; GOET-UB; H (part 3 lacking); S-KVA; WU
Reported: DLC; DNLM
Reference / Citation: Krok 212 (no. 144(a)); NUC 186: NF 0395229.
Notes: Respondents: Erlandsson, P. M. (Part. I); Anderson, Andreas (Part. II); Boström, Lars Anders, 1806-1857 (Part. III). Dates of defense of dissertations: 9 June 1824 (parts 1-2); 7 May 1825 (part 3). For a later issue of parts 1-2 and an earlier issue of part 3 see: Fries, Elias Magnus: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus exsiccatis Sueciae. Fasc. 1-4. Londini Gothorum, 1824 (HI 01985).
HI Number: \13514\
Title: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus suecanis, quas ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lundae (= Lund).
Date: 1824-1825.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Berling ("Lit(t)eris Berlingianis").
Volumation: 3 parts: Part. I (- Part. III).
Copies: UPS-UB
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; GOET-UB; H (part 3 lacking); S-KVA; WU
Reported: DLC; DNLM
Reference / Citation: Krok 212 (no. 144(a)); NUC 186: NF 0395229.
Notes: Respondents: Erlandsson, P. M. (Part. I); Anderson, Andreas (Part. II); Boström, Lars Anders, 1806-1857 (Part. III). Dates of defense of dissertations: 9 June 1824 (parts 1-2); 7 May 1825 (part 3). For a later issue of parts 1-2 and an earlier issue of part 3 see: Fries, Elias Magnus: Schedulae criticae de lichenibus exsiccatis Sueciae. Fasc. 1-4. Londini Gothorum, 1824 (HI 01985).
HI Number: \13514\