Author: Frank, Joseph C., 1782-1835 // Jos. C. Frank
Title: Rastadts Flora.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Heidelberg.
Additional Publisher Info: C. F. Winter.
Date: 1830.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: I-XXXIII (XXXIV blank), 1-171 (172 blank).
Copies: B-SB
Reported: G; P-BC
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3014; Kayser 2: 250; Heinsius 8(1): 240; Dierbach 161; Bradley 1: 378; TL 2: sub 1849.
Notes: A new issue, differing only in the title-page imprint from the original issue: Heidelberg, 1830, printed by J. F. Gutmann (HI 24299).
HI Number: \01947\
Title: Rastadts Flora.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Heidelberg.
Additional Publisher Info: C. F. Winter.
Date: 1830.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: I-XXXIII (XXXIV blank), 1-171 (172 blank).
Copies: B-SB
Reported: G; P-BC
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 3014; Kayser 2: 250; Heinsius 8(1): 240; Dierbach 161; Bradley 1: 378; TL 2: sub 1849.
Notes: A new issue, differing only in the title-page imprint from the original issue: Heidelberg, 1830, printed by J. F. Gutmann (HI 24299).
HI Number: \01947\
Author: Frank, Joseph C., 1782-1835 // Jos. C. Frank
Title: Rastadts Flora.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Heidelberg.
Date: 1830.
Format: 8º.
Printer: J. M. Gutmann.
Pagination: I-XXXIII (XXXIV blank), 1-171 (172 blank).
Copies: HBL; JE
Reported: NYBG
Reference / Citation: TL 2: 1849.
Notes: Preface (p. XIII) dated Heidelberg, June 1830.
HI Number: \24299\
Title: Rastadts Flora.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Heidelberg.
Date: 1830.
Format: 8º.
Printer: J. M. Gutmann.
Pagination: I-XXXIII (XXXIV blank), 1-171 (172 blank).
Copies: HBL; JE
Reported: NYBG
Reference / Citation: TL 2: 1849.
Notes: Preface (p. XIII) dated Heidelberg, June 1830.
HI Number: \24299\
Author: Franke, Franz Christian Friedrich //
Title: Die essbaren Schwämme Deutschlands, nach der Natur abgebildet ind beschreiben, zur Verhütung nachtheiliger Vergiftungen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin. Friedrich Franke.
Date: 1805.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 5 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 3: 675; Kayser 2: 381; Kruger 1: 148-149; Miltitz 145; review in Bot. Zeitung (Regensburg) 4(18): 273-278. 1805 [30 Sept.] >>4MLP 0393<<4.
HI Number: \25249\
Title: Die essbaren Schwämme Deutschlands, nach der Natur abgebildet ind beschreiben, zur Verhütung nachtheiliger Vergiftungen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin. Friedrich Franke.
Date: 1805.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 5 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 3: 675; Kayser 2: 381; Kruger 1: 148-149; Miltitz 145; review in Bot. Zeitung (Regensburg) 4(18): 273-278. 1805 [30 Sept.] >>4MLP 0393<<4.
HI Number: \25249\
Author: Franke, Franz Christian Friedrich //
Title: Die schädlichste Giftgewächse Deutschlands abgebildet und beschrieben.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin.
Date: 1801.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 14 COL plates.
Seen / Located: LE
Reference / Citation: Kayser 2: 381; reviews in Neue Allg. Deutsche Biblioth. 69.I(3): 201-204. 1802 >>4MLP 1740<<4; Bot. Zeitung (Regensburg) 1(19): 292-296. 1802 >>4MLP 0393<<4.
Notes: For another issue published under the title: Giftpflanzenbuch oder die schädlichste Giftgewächse Deutschlands, nach der Natur abgebildet und Beschrieben. Berlin, 1801 see HI 26211.
HI Number: \25258\
Title: Die schädlichste Giftgewächse Deutschlands abgebildet und beschrieben.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin.
Date: 1801.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 14 COL plates.
Seen / Located: LE
Reference / Citation: Kayser 2: 381; reviews in Neue Allg. Deutsche Biblioth. 69.I(3): 201-204. 1802 >>4MLP 1740<<4; Bot. Zeitung (Regensburg) 1(19): 292-296. 1802 >>4MLP 0393<<4.
Notes: For another issue published under the title: Giftpflanzenbuch oder die schädlichste Giftgewächse Deutschlands, nach der Natur abgebildet und Beschrieben. Berlin, 1801 see HI 26211.
HI Number: \25258\
Author: Franke, Franz Christian Friedrich //
Title: Giftpflanzenbuch, oder die schädlichsten Giftgewächse Deutschlands, nach der Natur abgebildet und beschrieben.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin. Franke.
Date: 1801.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 14 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Holzmann & Bohatta 2: 7471; Kayser 2: 381; Bradley 3: 72.
Notes: For another issue published under the title: Die schädlichsten Giftgewächse Deutschlands. Berlin, 1801, see (HI 25258).
HI Number: \26211\
Title: Giftpflanzenbuch, oder die schädlichsten Giftgewächse Deutschlands, nach der Natur abgebildet und beschrieben.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin. Franke.
Date: 1801.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 14 COL plates.
Reference / Citation: Holzmann & Bohatta 2: 7471; Kayser 2: 381; Bradley 3: 72.
Notes: For another issue published under the title: Die schädlichsten Giftgewächse Deutschlands. Berlin, 1801, see (HI 25258).
HI Number: \26211\
Author: Franke, Franz Christian Friedrich //
Title: Giftpflanzenbuch. Oder: die schädlichsten Giftgewächse und essbaren Schwämme Teutschlands nach der Natur abgebildet und beschrieben. Nebst Bemerkungen ...
Edition: Zweite viel vermehrte Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin. Friedrich Franke.
Date: 1805.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 19 COL plates.
Copies: MH-FH
Seen / Located: B-SB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 11760; Heinsius 2: 121; Holzmann & Bohatta 2: 7471; Kayser 2: 381; Lindau & Sydow 3: 33404.
Notes: Date of disputation: 18 June 1757.
HI Number: \26212\
Title: Giftpflanzenbuch. Oder: die schädlichsten Giftgewächse und essbaren Schwämme Teutschlands nach der Natur abgebildet und beschrieben. Nebst Bemerkungen ...
Edition: Zweite viel vermehrte Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin. Friedrich Franke.
Date: 1805.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 19 COL plates.
Copies: MH-FH
Seen / Located: B-SB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 11760; Heinsius 2: 121; Holzmann & Bohatta 2: 7471; Kayser 2: 381; Lindau & Sydow 3: 33404.
Notes: Date of disputation: 18 June 1757.
HI Number: \26212\
Author: Frankl, Joseph Adam, 1803-1877 // J. Ad. Frankl
Title: Marienbad, seine Heilquellen und Umgebungen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Prag. Kronberger und Weber.
Date: 1837.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Gottlieb Haase Söhne.
Copies: O2NB
Reported: BM; ICJ
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 9(1): 277; Kayser 7: 296; Futák & Domin 207; Sommer, Das Königreich Böhmen; Statistisch-topographisch dargestellt. Vol. 6: XIX. 1838.
HI Number: \16956\
Title: Marienbad, seine Heilquellen und Umgebungen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Prag. Kronberger und Weber.
Date: 1837.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Gottlieb Haase Söhne.
Copies: O2NB
Reported: BM; ICJ
Reference / Citation: Heinsius 9(1): 277; Kayser 7: 296; Futák & Domin 207; Sommer, Das Königreich Böhmen; Statistisch-topographisch dargestellt. Vol. 6: XIX. 1838.
HI Number: \16956\
Author: Franklin, John // John Franklin
Title: Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22. ... With an appendix on various subjects relating to science and natural history.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1823.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Wm. Cloves.
Pagination: i-xvi, 1-784.
Illustrations: 35 MIXD plates (including 4 maps).
Copies: Teyler
Seen / Located: LE; MH
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 306; Sabin 7: 29; TL-2 1: 1850.
Notes: This is a new edition, differing from the earlier edition of the same year (HI 21962) by its pagination of the botanical appendix and by the presence of an additional plate. For a reprint of the floristic contributions see Richardson, John: Botanical appendix. s.l. [London], s.d. [1823] (HI 04690).
HI Number: \34067\
Title: Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22. ... With an appendix on various subjects relating to science and natural history.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1823.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Wm. Cloves.
Pagination: i-xvi, 1-784.
Illustrations: 35 MIXD plates (including 4 maps).
Copies: Teyler
Seen / Located: LE; MH
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 306; Sabin 7: 29; TL-2 1: 1850.
Notes: This is a new edition, differing from the earlier edition of the same year (HI 21962) by its pagination of the botanical appendix and by the presence of an additional plate. For a reprint of the floristic contributions see Richardson, John: Botanical appendix. s.l. [London], s.d. [1823] (HI 04690).
HI Number: \34067\
Author: Franklin, John, 1786-1847 // John Franklin
Title: Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1825, 1826, and 1827.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1828.
Format: 4º.
Printer: William Clowes.
Illustrations: 37 BW plates (including frontisp. and 6 maps).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: LE; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Dierbach 191; Embacher 120; Lowndes 1: 834.
Notes: Plates are dated Apr. or May 1828.
HI Number: \12372\
Title: Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1825, 1826, and 1827.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1828.
Format: 4º.
Printer: William Clowes.
Illustrations: 37 BW plates (including frontisp. and 6 maps).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: LE; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Dierbach 191; Embacher 120; Lowndes 1: 834.
Notes: Plates are dated Apr. or May 1828.
HI Number: \12372\
Author: Franklin, John, 1786-1847 // John Franklin
Title: Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22. ... With an appendix on various subjects relating to science and natural history.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1823.
Format: 4º.
Printer: William Clowes.
Pagination: i-xvi, 1-768, 1st unnumb. p. (Errata).
Illustrations: 34 MIXD plates (including 4 maps).
Copies: MH-HL; MoSB; RPJCB
Seen / Located: O2NB
Reported: BMNH; NYBG
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 306; Desmond 518; Embacher 120; TL-2 1: sub 1850.
Notes: This is the first edition. Musci (species 430-502, pp. 754-757) determined by Schwaegrichen, Christian Friedrich, 1775-1853; Lichenes (species 519-639, pp. 757-763) and Fungi (species 640-658, p. 763) determined by Hooker, William Jackson, 1785-1865. All plates (except pl. 26) are dated Mar. 1823. For a reprint of the floristic contributions see: Richardson, John: Botanical appendix to Captain Franklin's Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea. London, 1823 (HI 22397).
HI Number: \21962\
Title: Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22. ... With an appendix on various subjects relating to science and natural history.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1823.
Format: 4º.
Printer: William Clowes.
Pagination: i-xvi, 1-768, 1st unnumb. p. (Errata).
Illustrations: 34 MIXD plates (including 4 maps).
Copies: MH-HL; MoSB; RPJCB
Seen / Located: O2NB
Reported: BMNH; NYBG
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 306; Desmond 518; Embacher 120; TL-2 1: sub 1850.
Notes: This is the first edition. Musci (species 430-502, pp. 754-757) determined by Schwaegrichen, Christian Friedrich, 1775-1853; Lichenes (species 519-639, pp. 757-763) and Fungi (species 640-658, p. 763) determined by Hooker, William Jackson, 1785-1865. All plates (except pl. 26) are dated Mar. 1823. For a reprint of the floristic contributions see: Richardson, John: Botanical appendix to Captain Franklin's Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea. London, 1823 (HI 22397).
HI Number: \21962\