Author: Evans, John, 1767-1827 // J. Evans
Title: Letters written during a tour through North Wales, in the year 1798, and at other times; containing views of the history, antiquitites, and customs of that part of the principality; and interspersed with observations on its scenery, agriculture, botany, mineralogy, trade and manufactures.
Edition: The third edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. C. and R. Baldwin.
Date: 1804.
Format: 8º.
Copies: MH-NEDL
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: BM; DLC; NIC
Reference / Citation: Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 8: 1069; Cox 3: 47.
Notes: First and second editions published under the title: A tour through parts of North Wales, in the year 1798. London, 1800 (HI 21934) and London, 1802 (HI 12355).
HI Number: \18219\
Title: Letters written during a tour through North Wales, in the year 1798, and at other times; containing views of the history, antiquitites, and customs of that part of the principality; and interspersed with observations on its scenery, agriculture, botany, mineralogy, trade and manufactures.
Edition: The third edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. C. and R. Baldwin.
Date: 1804.
Format: 8º.
Copies: MH-NEDL
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: BM; DLC; NIC
Reference / Citation: Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 8: 1069; Cox 3: 47.
Notes: First and second editions published under the title: A tour through parts of North Wales, in the year 1798. London, 1800 (HI 21934) and London, 1802 (HI 12355).
HI Number: \18219\
Author: Evans, John, 1767-1827 // Rev. J. Evans
Title: A tour through part of North Wales, in the year 1798, and at other times; principally undertaken with a view to botanical researches in that alpine country: interspersed with observations on its scenery, agriculture, manufactures, customs, history, and antiquities.
Edition: The second edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. J. White.
Date: 1802.
Format: 8º.
Copies: K
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 533; 5: xx; Desmond 212.
Notes: Third edition published under the title: Letters written during a tour through North Wales, in the year 1798. London, 1804 (HI 18219). Desmond erroneously gives date of second edition as 1804.
HI Number: \12355\
Title: A tour through part of North Wales, in the year 1798, and at other times; principally undertaken with a view to botanical researches in that alpine country: interspersed with observations on its scenery, agriculture, manufactures, customs, history, and antiquities.
Edition: The second edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. J. White.
Date: 1802.
Format: 8º.
Copies: K
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 533; 5: xx; Desmond 212.
Notes: Third edition published under the title: Letters written during a tour through North Wales, in the year 1798. London, 1804 (HI 18219). Desmond erroneously gives date of second edition as 1804.
HI Number: \12355\
Author: Evans, John, 1767-1827 // Rev. J. Evans
Title: A tour through part of North Wales, in the year 1798, and at other times; principally undertaken with a view to botanical researches in that alpine country: interspersed with observations on its scenery, agriculture, manufactures, customs, history, and antiquities.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. J. White.
Date: 1800.
Format: 8º.
Printer: H. Baldwin and Son.
Copies: MH-HL
Reported: BMNH; NcD; PPL
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 533; 5: xx; Desmond 212; Lowndes 1: 765.
HI Number: \21934\
Title: A tour through part of North Wales, in the year 1798, and at other times; principally undertaken with a view to botanical researches in that alpine country: interspersed with observations on its scenery, agriculture, manufactures, customs, history, and antiquities.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. J. White.
Date: 1800.
Format: 8º.
Printer: H. Baldwin and Son.
Copies: MH-HL
Reported: BMNH; NcD; PPL
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 533; 5: xx; Desmond 212; Lowndes 1: 765.
HI Number: \21934\
Author: Eysenhardt, Carl Wilhelm, 1794-1825 // Carolus Guilielmus Eysenhardt
Title: De accurata plantarum comparatione, adnexis observationibus in floram prussicam. Dissertatio inauguralis quam ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Regiomonti (= Königsberg).
Date: 1823.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Hartungius ("Typis academicis Hartungianis").
Copies: BMNH; MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; GOET-UB; LE; O2NB; P; WU
Reported: K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2770; Kayser 2: 182; Heinsius 7([1]): 223; Bradley 1: 377.
Notes: Date of defense of dissertation: 12 May 1823.
HI Number: \01812\
Title: De accurata plantarum comparatione, adnexis observationibus in floram prussicam. Dissertatio inauguralis quam ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Regiomonti (= Königsberg).
Date: 1823.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Hartungius ("Typis academicis Hartungianis").
Copies: BMNH; MH-HL
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; GOET-UB; LE; O2NB; P; WU
Reported: K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2770; Kayser 2: 182; Heinsius 7([1]): 223; Bradley 1: 377.
Notes: Date of defense of dissertation: 12 May 1823.
HI Number: \01812\
Author: Fabregou, Mathieu // Fabregou
Title: Description des plantes qui naissent ou se renouvellent aux environs de Paris avec leurs usages dans la médecine & dans les arts, le commencement & le progrès de cette science, & l'histoire des personnes dont on parlera dans l'ouvrage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Jacques Lambert (vol. 1); Cailleau; Briasson; Dupuis fils; Lambert (vol. 2) (publishers for vols. 3-4 unavailable).
Date: 1734-1739.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 4 vols. only in this edition: Tome premier (- Tome quatrieme).
Copies: DNAL (vols. 1-2 only)
Seen / Located: P (vols. 1-2 only)
Reported: BM; NNHor (vols. 1-2 only)
Reference / Citation: Miltitz 122; Krüger 140; NUC 165: NF 0005557; Announcements (for vols. 3 and 4) in J. Sçavans (Paris, 4º) 1739(6): 383-384. 1739 [June]; 1739(8): 511-512. 1739 [Aug.] >>4MLP 1674<<4; J. Sçavans (Amsterdam) 119(9): 138-140. 1739 [Sept.]; 119(11): 430-431. 1739 [Nov.] >>4MLP 1673<<4.
Notes: Title-page of vol. 2 reads: Description des plantes qui naissent ou se renouvellent aux environs de Paris, avec leurs usages dans la médecine. This edition, the “Lambert edition”, consists of only 4 volumes. Vols. 5-6, dated 1740, are only known as part of the “Gisssey edition”: 6 vols. Paris, 1740 (HI 01814). Some copies (e.g. those as BM, DNAL, and NNHor) are mixtures of these two editions.
HI Number: \29823\
Title: Description des plantes qui naissent ou se renouvellent aux environs de Paris avec leurs usages dans la médecine & dans les arts, le commencement & le progrès de cette science, & l'histoire des personnes dont on parlera dans l'ouvrage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Jacques Lambert (vol. 1); Cailleau; Briasson; Dupuis fils; Lambert (vol. 2) (publishers for vols. 3-4 unavailable).
Date: 1734-1739.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 4 vols. only in this edition: Tome premier (- Tome quatrieme).
Copies: DNAL (vols. 1-2 only)
Seen / Located: P (vols. 1-2 only)
Reported: BM; NNHor (vols. 1-2 only)
Reference / Citation: Miltitz 122; Krüger 140; NUC 165: NF 0005557; Announcements (for vols. 3 and 4) in J. Sçavans (Paris, 4º) 1739(6): 383-384. 1739 [June]; 1739(8): 511-512. 1739 [Aug.] >>4MLP 1674<<4; J. Sçavans (Amsterdam) 119(9): 138-140. 1739 [Sept.]; 119(11): 430-431. 1739 [Nov.] >>4MLP 1673<<4.
Notes: Title-page of vol. 2 reads: Description des plantes qui naissent ou se renouvellent aux environs de Paris, avec leurs usages dans la médecine. This edition, the “Lambert edition”, consists of only 4 volumes. Vols. 5-6, dated 1740, are only known as part of the “Gisssey edition”: 6 vols. Paris, 1740 (HI 01814). Some copies (e.g. those as BM, DNAL, and NNHor) are mixtures of these two editions.
HI Number: \29823\
Author: Fabregou, Matthieu // Fabregou
Title: Description des plantes qui naissent ou se renouvellent aux environs de Paris, avec leurs usages dans la médecine & dans les arts, le commencement & le progres de cette science, & l'histoire des auteurs dont il est parlé dans l'ouvrage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Gissey.
Date: 1740.
Format: 12º in 8's + 4's.
Printer: Gissey.
Volumation: 6 vols.: Tome premier (- Tome sixieme).
Copies: B-SB; DNAL (vols. 3-6 only); MH-HL; MoSB
Seen / Located: BMNH; C; C-UB; GOET-UB; O2NB; P-BC
Reported: BM; BR-BR; E-UL (vols. 1-2 only); NNHor (vols. 3-6 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2792; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 405; Haller 2: 310; Debure 1211; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 8: 1213.
Notes: In his preface to vol. 5, the author complains about many mistakes contained in the first four voumes published previously (vol. 1: 1734; vol. 2: 1736; vols. 3-4: 1739): “Lambert edition” (HI 29823); he changed the publisher for vols. 5-6, and at the same time had vols. 1-4 republished under a slightly different title. Only this “Gissey edition” therefore consists of 6 volumes.
HI Number: \01814\
Title: Description des plantes qui naissent ou se renouvellent aux environs de Paris, avec leurs usages dans la médecine & dans les arts, le commencement & le progres de cette science, & l'histoire des auteurs dont il est parlé dans l'ouvrage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Gissey.
Date: 1740.
Format: 12º in 8's + 4's.
Printer: Gissey.
Volumation: 6 vols.: Tome premier (- Tome sixieme).
Copies: B-SB; DNAL (vols. 3-6 only); MH-HL; MoSB
Seen / Located: BMNH; C; C-UB; GOET-UB; O2NB; P-BC
Reported: BM; BR-BR; E-UL (vols. 1-2 only); NNHor (vols. 3-6 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2792; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 405; Haller 2: 310; Debure 1211; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 8: 1213.
Notes: In his preface to vol. 5, the author complains about many mistakes contained in the first four voumes published previously (vol. 1: 1734; vol. 2: 1736; vols. 3-4: 1739): “Lambert edition” (HI 29823); he changed the publisher for vols. 5-6, and at the same time had vols. 1-4 republished under a slightly different title. Only this “Gissey edition” therefore consists of 6 volumes.
HI Number: \01814\
Author: Fabricius, Johann Christian, 1745-1808
Title: Reize naar Noorwegen, nevens aanmerkingen uit de natuurlijke historie en oeconomie.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amsterdam. J. van Selm.
Date: 1781.
Format: 8º.
Translator: (Translated from the German, HI 13504).
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 72; TL 2: 1737; reviews in Maendel. Uittr. ("Maandel. Uittr.") 141(7): 56-64. 1784 [July] >>4MLP 2693<<4; Niewve Ned. Biblioth. 2.I.(1): 42-45. 1782 >>4MLP 3522<<4).
HI Number: \18238\
Title: Reize naar Noorwegen, nevens aanmerkingen uit de natuurlijke historie en oeconomie.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amsterdam. J. van Selm.
Date: 1781.
Format: 8º.
Translator: (Translated from the German, HI 13504).
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 72; TL 2: 1737; reviews in Maendel. Uittr. ("Maandel. Uittr.") 141(7): 56-64. 1784 [July] >>4MLP 2693<<4; Niewve Ned. Biblioth. 2.I.(1): 42-45. 1782 >>4MLP 3522<<4).
HI Number: \18238\
Author: Fabricius, Johann Christian, 1745-1808 // Jean-Chrétien Fabricius
Title: Voyage en Norwège, avec des observations sur l'histoire naturelle et l'économie.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris et Strasbourg. Levrault, Frères.
Date: AnX.<1802>.
Format: 8º.
Translator: Millin de Grandmaison, Aubin Louis, 1759-1818; Winckler, T. F. (Translated from the German, HI 13504.
Copies: HBL-S
Seen / Located: H-UB; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; CU; ICU; MH; PPAN
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 72; Engelmann 166; Brunet 6: 20379; TL-2 1: sub 1737.
HI Number: \18240\
Title: Voyage en Norwège, avec des observations sur l'histoire naturelle et l'économie.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris et Strasbourg. Levrault, Frères.
Date: AnX.<1802>.
Format: 8º.
Translator: Millin de Grandmaison, Aubin Louis, 1759-1818; Winckler, T. F. (Translated from the German, HI 13504.
Copies: HBL-S
Seen / Located: H-UB; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; CU; ICU; MH; PPAN
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 72; Engelmann 166; Brunet 6: 20379; TL-2 1: sub 1737.
HI Number: \18240\
Author: Fabricius, Philipp Conrad, 1714-1774
Title: Sciagraphia historiae physico-medicae Butisbaci ejusque viciniae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Wetzlariae (= Wetzlar).
Date: 1746.
Format: 8º.
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Haller 2: 325; Dryander 1: 245.
HI Number: \34130\
Title: Sciagraphia historiae physico-medicae Butisbaci ejusque viciniae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Wetzlariae (= Wetzlar).
Date: 1746.
Format: 8º.
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Haller 2: 325; Dryander 1: 245.
HI Number: \34130\
Author: Fabricius, Philipp Conrad, 1714-1774 // Philip. Conradus Fabricius
Title: Primitiae florae butisbacensis, sive sex decades plantarum rariorum inter alias circa Butisbacum sponte nascentium, cum observationibus methodos plantarum Turnefortianam [sic], Rivinianam, Raianam, Knautianam et Linnaeanam potissimum concernentibus, recensitae, et celeberrimo nomini viri excellentissimi et experientissimi Domini D. Johan. Casimiri Hertii, ..., inscriptae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Wetzlariae (= Wetzlar).
Date: 1743.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Wincklerius ("Literis Wincklerianis").
Seen / Located: B-SB; BMNH; C; C-UB; P-BC; Pruh.
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2794); Haller 2: 325; Bradley 1: 373; Miltitz 164; Krüger 157.
Notes: Dedication, included in title, is to: Hert, Johann Casimir, 1679-1748. Text dated at end (p. 64): 31 Dec. 1742.
HI Number: \01815\
Title: Primitiae florae butisbacensis, sive sex decades plantarum rariorum inter alias circa Butisbacum sponte nascentium, cum observationibus methodos plantarum Turnefortianam [sic], Rivinianam, Raianam, Knautianam et Linnaeanam potissimum concernentibus, recensitae, et celeberrimo nomini viri excellentissimi et experientissimi Domini D. Johan. Casimiri Hertii, ..., inscriptae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Wetzlariae (= Wetzlar).
Date: 1743.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Wincklerius ("Literis Wincklerianis").
Seen / Located: B-SB; BMNH; C; C-UB; P-BC; Pruh.
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2794); Haller 2: 325; Bradley 1: 373; Miltitz 164; Krüger 157.
Notes: Dedication, included in title, is to: Hert, Johann Casimir, 1679-1748. Text dated at end (p. 64): 31 Dec. 1742.
HI Number: \01815\