Author: Eschassériaux, Joseph, 1753-1823 // Eschasseriaux
Title: Lettre sur le Valais, sur les moeurs de ses habitans, avec les tableaux pittoresques de ce pays, et une notice des productions naturelles les plus remarquables qu'il renferme.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Maradan.
Date: 1806.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Cellot.
Copies: MH
Reported: BR-BR; CtY
Reference / Citation: NUC 162: NE 0163166; Michaud 13: 5; DBF 12: 1425.
HI Number: \29790\
Title: Lettre sur le Valais, sur les moeurs de ses habitans, avec les tableaux pittoresques de ce pays, et une notice des productions naturelles les plus remarquables qu'il renferme.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Maradan.
Date: 1806.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Cellot.
Copies: MH
Reported: BR-BR; CtY
Reference / Citation: NUC 162: NE 0163166; Michaud 13: 5; DBF 12: 1425.
HI Number: \29790\
Author: Eschenbach, Johann Friedrich, b. 1757 // Joannes Fridericus Eschenbach
Title: Disputatio physica observationum botanicarum specimen continens[,] quam ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lipsiae (= Leipzig).
Date: 1784.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Klaubarth ("Ex officina Klaubarthia").
Copies: GOET-UB
Seen / Located: B-SB; BMNH; C; LE; P-BC; Pruh.; W; WU
Reported: BM; DNLM; NN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2738; Bradley 1: 263; Kayser 2: 159; Krüger 159; Miltitz 101; Schrader, Flora germanica 1: 31. 1806.
Notes: For a later edition see Usteri, Paul (Ed.): Delectus opuscolorum botanicorum. Argentorati. Vol. 2: 79-120. 1793 (HI 06350). Date of defense of dissertation: 15 May 1784.
HI Number: \01797\
Title: Disputatio physica observationum botanicarum specimen continens[,] quam ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Lipsiae (= Leipzig).
Date: 1784.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Klaubarth ("Ex officina Klaubarthia").
Copies: GOET-UB
Seen / Located: B-SB; BMNH; C; LE; P-BC; Pruh.; W; WU
Reported: BM; DNLM; NN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2738; Bradley 1: 263; Kayser 2: 159; Krüger 159; Miltitz 101; Schrader, Flora germanica 1: 31. 1806.
Notes: For a later edition see Usteri, Paul (Ed.): Delectus opuscolorum botanicorum. Argentorati. Vol. 2: 79-120. 1793 (HI 06350). Date of defense of dissertation: 15 May 1784.
HI Number: \01797\
Author: Eschwege, Wilhelm Ludwig von, 1777-1855 // L. W. von Eschwege
Title: Brasilien[,] die Neue Welt in topographischer, geognostischer, bergmännischer, naturhistorischer, politischer und statistischer Hinsicht, wahrend eines elfjährigen Aufenthaltes, von 1810 bis 1821, mit Hinweisung auf die neueren Begebenheiten, beobachtet.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Braunschweig. Friedrich Vieweg.
Date: 1830.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweiter Theil).
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (frontisp. vols. 1-2).
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: BM; NN (vol. 1 only)
Reference / Citation: Sabin 6: 231; Heinsius 8(1): 215; Kayser 2: 161; Embacher 108.
Notes: Main text does not include floristic information, except for some remarks in connection with Sellow’s contribution (Northwendige Berichtigugen zum Journal von Brasilien des Verfassers. Vol. 1: 247, 248-249). These pages are a correction to an earlier account published under the title: Journal von Brasilien. Erster Heft (-Zweiter Heft) in Neue Biblioth. Wichtigsten Reisebeschreib. 14: II, V-XVI, 1-242. pls. I-V. 1 table. 1818; 15: II, V-XII, 1-304. pls. 1-6. 2 unnumb. tables, tables I-VII. 1818 (the particular reference is to the chapter headed: Die Raiz Preta, oder Schwarze Brechwurzel. Vol. 14: 225-230. pl. III. 1818), MLP 1744. Except for title-page information and some slight differences on p, 245 (first page of corrections), text identical with earlier issue: Braunnschweig, 1824 (HI 34096). The available information on plates is inadequate.
HI Number: \18212\
Title: Brasilien[,] die Neue Welt in topographischer, geognostischer, bergmännischer, naturhistorischer, politischer und statistischer Hinsicht, wahrend eines elfjährigen Aufenthaltes, von 1810 bis 1821, mit Hinweisung auf die neueren Begebenheiten, beobachtet.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Braunschweig. Friedrich Vieweg.
Date: 1830.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweiter Theil).
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (frontisp. vols. 1-2).
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: BM; NN (vol. 1 only)
Reference / Citation: Sabin 6: 231; Heinsius 8(1): 215; Kayser 2: 161; Embacher 108.
Notes: Main text does not include floristic information, except for some remarks in connection with Sellow’s contribution (Northwendige Berichtigugen zum Journal von Brasilien des Verfassers. Vol. 1: 247, 248-249). These pages are a correction to an earlier account published under the title: Journal von Brasilien. Erster Heft (-Zweiter Heft) in Neue Biblioth. Wichtigsten Reisebeschreib. 14: II, V-XVI, 1-242. pls. I-V. 1 table. 1818; 15: II, V-XII, 1-304. pls. 1-6. 2 unnumb. tables, tables I-VII. 1818 (the particular reference is to the chapter headed: Die Raiz Preta, oder Schwarze Brechwurzel. Vol. 14: 225-230. pl. III. 1818), MLP 1744. Except for title-page information and some slight differences on p, 245 (first page of corrections), text identical with earlier issue: Braunnschweig, 1824 (HI 34096). The available information on plates is inadequate.
HI Number: \18212\
Author: Eschwege, Wilhelm Ludwig von, 1777-1855 // W. L. von Eschwege (vol. 1); L. W. von Eschwege (vol. 2)
Title: Brasilien[,] die Neue Welt in topographischer, geognostischer, bergmännischer, naturhistorische, politischer und statistischer Hinsicht, während eines elfjährigen Aufenthaltes, von 1810 bis 1821, mit Hinweisung auf die neueren Begebenheiten(,) beobachtet.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Braunschweig.
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweiter Theil).
Copies: DCU-IA
Reference / Citation: Dierbach 152; NUC 162: NE 0164586; Sabin 6: 231 (in adnot.).
Notes: Main text does not include floristic information, except for some remarks in connection with Sellow’s contribution (Nothwendige Berichtigungen. [Zum] Journal von Brasilien, 1ster Theil. Vol. 1: 247, 248-249). These pages are a correction to an earlier account published under the title: Journal von Brasilien. Erster Heft (- Zweiter Heft) in Neue Biblioth. Wichtigsten Reisebeschreib. 14: II, V-XVI, 1-242. pls. I-V. 1 table I-VII. 1818 ; 15: II, V-XII, 1-304. pls. 1-6. 2 unnumb. tables, tables I-VII. 1818 (the particular references is to the chapter headed: Die Raiz Preta, oder schwarze Brechwurzel. Vol. 14: 225-230. pl. III. 1818), MLP 1744. No plates and maps present in the only copy known of, in spite of the indication on the title-page of vol. 1: “Mit Kupfern und Karten.”
HI Number: \34096\
Title: Brasilien[,] die Neue Welt in topographischer, geognostischer, bergmännischer, naturhistorische, politischer und statistischer Hinsicht, während eines elfjährigen Aufenthaltes, von 1810 bis 1821, mit Hinweisung auf die neueren Begebenheiten(,) beobachtet.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Braunschweig.
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Erster Theil (- Zweiter Theil).
Copies: DCU-IA
Reference / Citation: Dierbach 152; NUC 162: NE 0164586; Sabin 6: 231 (in adnot.).
Notes: Main text does not include floristic information, except for some remarks in connection with Sellow’s contribution (Nothwendige Berichtigungen. [Zum] Journal von Brasilien, 1ster Theil. Vol. 1: 247, 248-249). These pages are a correction to an earlier account published under the title: Journal von Brasilien. Erster Heft (- Zweiter Heft) in Neue Biblioth. Wichtigsten Reisebeschreib. 14: II, V-XVI, 1-242. pls. I-V. 1 table I-VII. 1818 ; 15: II, V-XII, 1-304. pls. 1-6. 2 unnumb. tables, tables I-VII. 1818 (the particular references is to the chapter headed: Die Raiz Preta, oder schwarze Brechwurzel. Vol. 14: 225-230. pl. III. 1818), MLP 1744. No plates and maps present in the only copy known of, in spite of the indication on the title-page of vol. 1: “Mit Kupfern und Karten.”
HI Number: \34096\
Author: Esmarch, Heinrich Peter Christian, 1745-1830 // H. P. C. Esmarch
Title: Beschreibung der Gräser, rietartigen Gewächse, Schäftlinge und Kannenkräuter, welche in den Herzogthümern Schleswig und Holstein wild wachsen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Schleswig und Leipzig. Reinhold Jacob Boie.
Date: 1794.
Format: 8º.
Copies: GOET-UB
Seen / Located: B-SB; C-KB; C-UB; G; LE; Pruh.
Reported: BM; BMNH; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2742; Miltitz 141; Kayser 2: 161; Heinsius 1: 810.
HI Number: \01801\
Title: Beschreibung der Gräser, rietartigen Gewächse, Schäftlinge und Kannenkräuter, welche in den Herzogthümern Schleswig und Holstein wild wachsen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Schleswig und Leipzig. Reinhold Jacob Boie.
Date: 1794.
Format: 8º.
Copies: GOET-UB
Seen / Located: B-SB; C-KB; C-UB; G; LE; Pruh.
Reported: BM; BMNH; K
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2742; Miltitz 141; Kayser 2: 161; Heinsius 1: 810.
HI Number: \01801\
Author: Esmarch, Heinrich Peter Christian, 1745-1830 // H. P. C. Esmarch
Title: Kurze Beschreibung der Gewächse, welche in einer Strecke von zwey Meilen um diese Stadt [Schleswig] ohne Anbauung wachsen, zum Gebrauche bey meinen botanischen Excursionen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Schleswig.
Date: 1810-1814.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Serringhausen ("gedruckt in der Königl. priv. Serringhausenschen Buchdruckerey").
Volumation: 8 parts: (main text + 7 continuations): [Main text] + Erste Fortsetzung (- Siebente Fortsetzung).
Copies: LZ-UB
Seen / Located: C-UB (incomplete copy)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2743; reviews and announcements in several volumes of Neue Leipziger Literaturzeiung (1810.II(49): 780-781. 1810 [23 Apr] to 1814.II(309): 2468. 1814 [21 Dec.]) >>4MLP 1750<<4.
Notes: Title for continuations 1-7 reads: Erste Fortsetzung (- Siebente Portsetzung) von der Kurzen Beschreibung der Gewächse in der Schleswigschen Gegend. Published as a series of invitational programs, on the occasion of public examinations held and some titles given at the High school at Schlewig (designated variously as “Schleswigsche Schule” (main text), “Königliche Schule” (Forts. 1-6) and “Schlewigsche Damschule” (Forts. 7). Dates of examinations and talks mentioned on the title-pages of the various parts are: 9/10 Apr. 1810 (main text); 24 Sept. 1810 (Forts 1); 1/2 Apr. 1811 (Forts 2); 23 Sept. 1811 (Forts 3); 16/17 Mar. 1812 (Forts 4); 23 Sept. 1812 (Forts 5); 5/6 Apr. 1813 (Forts 6); 28/29 Mar. 1814 (Forts 7).
HI Number: \01802\
Title: Kurze Beschreibung der Gewächse, welche in einer Strecke von zwey Meilen um diese Stadt [Schleswig] ohne Anbauung wachsen, zum Gebrauche bey meinen botanischen Excursionen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Schleswig.
Date: 1810-1814.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Serringhausen ("gedruckt in der Königl. priv. Serringhausenschen Buchdruckerey").
Volumation: 8 parts: (main text + 7 continuations): [Main text] + Erste Fortsetzung (- Siebente Fortsetzung).
Copies: LZ-UB
Seen / Located: C-UB (incomplete copy)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2743; reviews and announcements in several volumes of Neue Leipziger Literaturzeiung (1810.II(49): 780-781. 1810 [23 Apr] to 1814.II(309): 2468. 1814 [21 Dec.]) >>4MLP 1750<<4.
Notes: Title for continuations 1-7 reads: Erste Fortsetzung (- Siebente Portsetzung) von der Kurzen Beschreibung der Gewächse in der Schleswigschen Gegend. Published as a series of invitational programs, on the occasion of public examinations held and some titles given at the High school at Schlewig (designated variously as “Schleswigsche Schule” (main text), “Königliche Schule” (Forts. 1-6) and “Schlewigsche Damschule” (Forts. 7). Dates of examinations and talks mentioned on the title-pages of the various parts are: 9/10 Apr. 1810 (main text); 24 Sept. 1810 (Forts 1); 1/2 Apr. 1811 (Forts 2); 23 Sept. 1811 (Forts 3); 16/17 Mar. 1812 (Forts 4); 23 Sept. 1812 (Forts 5); 5/6 Apr. 1813 (Forts 6); 28/29 Mar. 1814 (Forts 7).
HI Number: \01802\
Author: Esmarch, Heinrich Peter Christian, 1745-1830 // H. P. C. Esmarch
Title: Anfang einer Schleswigschen Flora + Erste Fortsetzung (- Sechste Fortsetzung) der Schleswigschen Flora.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Schleswig.
Date: 1789-1795.
Format: 8º.
Printer: J. W. Seringhausen (Anf.); Serringhausen ("mit Serringhausenschen Schriften, Forts. 1; "in der Königl. privil. Serringhausenschen Buchdruckerey", Forts. 2-3) (Forts. 1-2).
Volumation: 7 parts (Beginning + 6 continuations).
Copies: C; GOET-UB (Anf. and Forts 1-2 only)
Seen / Located: C-KB (Forts. 2-4 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2741; Heinsius 1: 810; Kayser 2: 161; Krüger 127; Miltitz 141; Bradley 1: 374.
Notes: Headline at the beginning of the text proper (Anf., p. 3. 1789) reads: Schleswigsche Flora. Published as a series of invitational programs, on the occasion of the annual public examinations at the Cathedral School in Schleswig (“Schleswigsche Domschule”). Each part has independent pagination. Dates of the first four parts are: 30 Mar. and 31 Mar. 1789; 23 Mar. 1790; 11 Apr. and 12 Apr. 1791; 26 Mar. and [27 Mar.] 1792.
HI Number: \01800\
Title: Anfang einer Schleswigschen Flora + Erste Fortsetzung (- Sechste Fortsetzung) der Schleswigschen Flora.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Schleswig.
Date: 1789-1795.
Format: 8º.
Printer: J. W. Seringhausen (Anf.); Serringhausen ("mit Serringhausenschen Schriften, Forts. 1; "in der Königl. privil. Serringhausenschen Buchdruckerey", Forts. 2-3) (Forts. 1-2).
Volumation: 7 parts (Beginning + 6 continuations).
Copies: C; GOET-UB (Anf. and Forts 1-2 only)
Seen / Located: C-KB (Forts. 2-4 only)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2741; Heinsius 1: 810; Kayser 2: 161; Krüger 127; Miltitz 141; Bradley 1: 374.
Notes: Headline at the beginning of the text proper (Anf., p. 3. 1789) reads: Schleswigsche Flora. Published as a series of invitational programs, on the occasion of the annual public examinations at the Cathedral School in Schleswig (“Schleswigsche Domschule”). Each part has independent pagination. Dates of the first four parts are: 30 Mar. and 31 Mar. 1789; 23 Mar. 1790; 11 Apr. and 12 Apr. 1791; 26 Mar. and [27 Mar.] 1792.
HI Number: \01800\
Author: Euphrasén, Bengt Anders, 1756-1796 // Bengt And. Euphrasén
Title: Beskrifning öfver svenska Vestindska ön St. Barthelemi, samt öarne St. Eustache och St. Christopher.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Stockholm.
Date: 1795.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Anders Zetterberg.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (including 1 map).
Copies: G
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; HBL; H-UB
Reported: DLC; MH; NN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2765; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 335; Krok 182 (no. 1); TL-2 1: p. 806.
HI Number: \01805\
Title: Beskrifning öfver svenska Vestindska ön St. Barthelemi, samt öarne St. Eustache och St. Christopher.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Stockholm.
Date: 1795.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Anders Zetterberg.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (including 1 map).
Copies: G
Seen / Located: GOET-UB; HBL; H-UB
Reported: DLC; MH; NN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2765; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 335; Krok 182 (no. 1); TL-2 1: p. 806.
HI Number: \01805\
Author: Euphrasén, Bengt Anders, 1756-1796 // Benst And. Euphrasén
Title: Reise nach der schwedisch-westindischen Insel St. Barthelemi, und den Inseln St. Eustache und St. Christoph; oder Beschreibung der Sitten, Lebensart der Einwohner, Lage, Beschaffenheit und natürlichen Produkte dieser Inseln.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Göttingen. Johann Christian Dieterich.
Date: 1798.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp.).
Translator: Blumhof, Johann Georg Ludolf, 1774-1825 (Translated from the Swedish, HI 01805).
Copies: GOET-UB
Seen / Located: MB; MH; MiU; NN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2765; Sabin 6: 263; TL 2: p. 806; Kayser 2: 170; Heinsius 1: 826; Krok 182.
Notes: Posthumously published translation.
HI Number: \01806\
Title: Reise nach der schwedisch-westindischen Insel St. Barthelemi, und den Inseln St. Eustache und St. Christoph; oder Beschreibung der Sitten, Lebensart der Einwohner, Lage, Beschaffenheit und natürlichen Produkte dieser Inseln.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Göttingen. Johann Christian Dieterich.
Date: 1798.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp.).
Translator: Blumhof, Johann Georg Ludolf, 1774-1825 (Translated from the Swedish, HI 01805).
Copies: GOET-UB
Seen / Located: MB; MH; MiU; NN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2765; Sabin 6: 263; TL 2: p. 806; Kayser 2: 170; Heinsius 1: 826; Krok 182.
Notes: Posthumously published translation.
HI Number: \01806\
Author: Evans, George William
Title: A geographical, historical, and topographical descripton of Van Diemen's Land, with important hints to emigrants, and useful information respecting the application for grants of lands; together ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. J. Souter.
Date: 1822.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp.: map).
Reported: CtY; CST; E-UL; NN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Nicholson 1: 1229; NUC 163: NE 0203486; review in Neue Allg. Geogr. Ephem. 10(1): 53-67. 1822 (MLP 995).
HI Number: \29807\
Title: A geographical, historical, and topographical descripton of Van Diemen's Land, with important hints to emigrants, and useful information respecting the application for grants of lands; together ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. J. Souter.
Date: 1822.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (frontisp.: map).
Reported: CtY; CST; E-UL; NN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Nicholson 1: 1229; NUC 163: NE 0203486; review in Neue Allg. Geogr. Ephem. 10(1): 53-67. 1822 (MLP 995).
HI Number: \29807\