Author: Ecklon, Christian Friedrich, 1795-1868 // Christianus Friedericus Ecklon
Title: Enumeratio plantarum Africae australis extratropicae quae collectae, determinatae et expositae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Hamburg. Auctores.
Additional Publisher Info: Perthes & Besser.
Date: 1835-1837[1834-1837].
Format: 8º.
Printer: F. H. Nestler et Melle.
Volumation: 3 parts: Pars 1; Pars II (- Pars III).
Copies: JE
Seen / Located: B-SB; BMNH; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; L; LE; O2NB; P; P-BC; Pruhonice; U; W
Reported: BM; CT-SAPL; K; L; LINN (part 1 only); MH; NIC; NYBG; Regensburg, RBG; RHS; U
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2610; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 494; Heinsius 8(1): 208; 9(1): 239; Kayser 7: 256; Jackson 346; Krüger 180; Tyrrell-Glynn & Levyns 65; Christensen 2: 194; LGN 2: 162; TL-2 1: 1621; Marshall, H. S., J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 1(4): 101-103. 1937 [8 Dec.].
Coauthor(s): Zeyher, Karl Ludwig Phillip, 1799-1858.
Notes: According to TL-2 (Ed. 2) 2610; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 494; Heinsius 8(1): 208; 9(1): 239; Jackson 346; Krüger 180; Tyrrell-Glynn & Levyns 65; TL-2 1: 1621; Marshall, H. S., J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 1(4): 101-103. 1937 [8 Dec.]. According to TL-2, a wrapper title for part 2 exists with date of Oct. 1835 (rather than Jan. 1836); and for part 3 with date of June 1836 (rather than Apr. 1837).
HI Number: \01721\
Title: Enumeratio plantarum Africae australis extratropicae quae collectae, determinatae et expositae.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Hamburg. Auctores.
Additional Publisher Info: Perthes & Besser.
Date: 1835-1837[1834-1837].
Format: 8º.
Printer: F. H. Nestler et Melle.
Volumation: 3 parts: Pars 1; Pars II (- Pars III).
Copies: JE
Seen / Located: B-SB; BMNH; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; L; LE; O2NB; P; P-BC; Pruhonice; U; W
Reported: BM; CT-SAPL; K; L; LINN (part 1 only); MH; NIC; NYBG; Regensburg, RBG; RHS; U
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2610; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 494; Heinsius 8(1): 208; 9(1): 239; Kayser 7: 256; Jackson 346; Krüger 180; Tyrrell-Glynn & Levyns 65; Christensen 2: 194; LGN 2: 162; TL-2 1: 1621; Marshall, H. S., J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 1(4): 101-103. 1937 [8 Dec.].
Coauthor(s): Zeyher, Karl Ludwig Phillip, 1799-1858.
Notes: According to TL-2 (Ed. 2) 2610; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 494; Heinsius 8(1): 208; 9(1): 239; Jackson 346; Krüger 180; Tyrrell-Glynn & Levyns 65; TL-2 1: 1621; Marshall, H. S., J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 1(4): 101-103. 1937 [8 Dec.]. According to TL-2, a wrapper title for part 2 exists with date of Oct. 1835 (rather than Jan. 1836); and for part 3 with date of June 1836 (rather than Apr. 1837).
HI Number: \01721\
Author: Edwards, G. F.
Title: Tableau des plantes indigènes du département de la Lys, à l'exception des arbres et des champignons.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Bruges.
Date: 1810.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2619.
HI Number: \01725\
Title: Tableau des plantes indigènes du département de la Lys, à l'exception des arbres et des champignons.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Bruges.
Date: 1810.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2619.
HI Number: \01725\
Author: Egede, Hans Poulsen, 1686-1758 // Hand Egede
Title: Beschryving van Oud-Groenland, of eigentlyk van de zoogenaamde Straat Davis: behelzende deszelfs natuurlyke historie, standsgelegenheid, gedaante, grenscheidingen, veld-gewassen, dieren, vogelen, vischen, enz. Mitsgaders den oirsprong en voortgang der aeloude noorweegsche volkplantingen in dat gewest; benevens den aart, inbotst, wooningen, levenswyze, kleding, spraak, bygelovigheid, dichtkunst, uitspanningen en tydverdryven der hedendaagsche inboorlingen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Delft. Reiner Boitet.
Date: 1746.
Format: 4º.
Printer: L. C.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: (Translated from the Danish, HI 01731).
Copies: MH
Reported: C-UB; CtY; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2914; Sabin 6: 117-118; Christensen 40 (no. 2d); Graesse 2: 464; TL 2: sub 1629; NUC 156: NE 0052354.
HI Number: \10415\
Title: Beschryving van Oud-Groenland, of eigentlyk van de zoogenaamde Straat Davis: behelzende deszelfs natuurlyke historie, standsgelegenheid, gedaante, grenscheidingen, veld-gewassen, dieren, vogelen, vischen, enz. Mitsgaders den oirsprong en voortgang der aeloude noorweegsche volkplantingen in dat gewest; benevens den aart, inbotst, wooningen, levenswyze, kleding, spraak, bygelovigheid, dichtkunst, uitspanningen en tydverdryven der hedendaagsche inboorlingen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Delft. Reiner Boitet.
Date: 1746.
Format: 4º.
Printer: L. C.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: (Translated from the Danish, HI 01731).
Copies: MH
Reported: C-UB; CtY; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2914; Sabin 6: 117-118; Christensen 40 (no. 2d); Graesse 2: 464; TL 2: sub 1629; NUC 156: NE 0052354.
HI Number: \10415\
Author: Egede, Hans, 1686-1758 // Eggede [sic]
Title: Description et histoire naturelle du Groenland.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Copenhague et Geneve. Fréres C. & A. Philibert.
Date: 1763.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: Des Roches de Parthenay, 1690-1766 (on title-page as D. R. D. P.) (Translated from the Danish, HI 01731).
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: C; GOET-UB; P-BC; S-KVA
Reported: BM; BR-BR; CtY; DLC; E-UL; IU; MH; MiU-C; NIC; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 40; Bradley 1: 308; Brunet 2: 949; Sabin 6: 118; TL 2: 1630.
Notes: Posthumously published edition. 1 pl. botanical.
HI Number: \14456\
Title: Description et histoire naturelle du Groenland.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Copenhague et Geneve. Fréres C. & A. Philibert.
Date: 1763.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: Des Roches de Parthenay, 1690-1766 (on title-page as D. R. D. P.) (Translated from the Danish, HI 01731).
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: C; GOET-UB; P-BC; S-KVA
Reported: BM; BR-BR; CtY; DLC; E-UL; IU; MH; MiU-C; NIC; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 40; Bradley 1: 308; Brunet 2: 949; Sabin 6: 118; TL 2: 1630.
Notes: Posthumously published edition. 1 pl. botanical.
HI Number: \14456\
Author: Egede, Hans, 1686-1758 // Hans Egede
Title: Det gamle Grønlands Nye Perlustration, Eller Naturel-Historie, Og Veskrivelse over det gamle Grønlands Situation, Luft, Temperament og Beskaffenhed; De gamle Norske Coloniers Begyndelse og Undergana9g der Samme-Steds, de itzige Indbyggeres Oprindelse, Vaesen, Lebe-Maade og Handtaeringer, samt Hbad ellers Landet Yder og giber af sig, saasom Dyer, Fiske of Fugle & med hosføyet nyt Land-Caart og andre Kaarber-Stykker ober Landets Naturalier og Indbyggernis Handtraeringer.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Kiobenhavn.
Date: 1741.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Johan Christoph Groth.
Illustrations: 12 BW plates.
Copies: H-UB
Seen / Located: C; GOET-UB
Reported: BM; CtY; DLC; PPL; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2625; Christensen 2: 40; Engelmann 84; Jackson 366; TL 2: 1629.
Editor/Contributor: Egede, Paul, 1708-1789.
HI Number: \01731\
Title: Det gamle Grønlands Nye Perlustration, Eller Naturel-Historie, Og Veskrivelse over det gamle Grønlands Situation, Luft, Temperament og Beskaffenhed; De gamle Norske Coloniers Begyndelse og Undergana9g der Samme-Steds, de itzige Indbyggeres Oprindelse, Vaesen, Lebe-Maade og Handtaeringer, samt Hbad ellers Landet Yder og giber af sig, saasom Dyer, Fiske of Fugle & med hosføyet nyt Land-Caart og andre Kaarber-Stykker ober Landets Naturalier og Indbyggernis Handtraeringer.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Kiobenhavn.
Date: 1741.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Johan Christoph Groth.
Illustrations: 12 BW plates.
Copies: H-UB
Seen / Located: C; GOET-UB
Reported: BM; CtY; DLC; PPL; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2625; Christensen 2: 40; Engelmann 84; Jackson 366; TL 2: 1629.
Editor/Contributor: Egede, Paul, 1708-1789.
HI Number: \01731\
Author: Egede, Hans, 1686-1758 // Hans Egede
Title: ... Beschreibung und Natur-Geschichte von Grönland.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin. August Mylius.
Date: 1763.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: Krünitz, Johann Georg, 1728-1796 (Translated from the Danish, HI 01731).
Copies: HBG-S
Seen / Located: LE; O2NB
Reported: BM; C-UB; CtY; CU; DLC; H-UB; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2625; Bradley 1: 308; Christensen 2: 40; Engelmann 84; Sabin 6: 117; TL 2: 1629; Deliciae Cobresianae 1: 258; Kayser 1: 98.
Notes: Posthumously published edition.
HI Number: \01732\
Title: ... Beschreibung und Natur-Geschichte von Grönland.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Berlin. August Mylius.
Date: 1763.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 11 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: Krünitz, Johann Georg, 1728-1796 (Translated from the Danish, HI 01731).
Copies: HBG-S
Seen / Located: LE; O2NB
Reported: BM; C-UB; CtY; CU; DLC; H-UB; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2625; Bradley 1: 308; Christensen 2: 40; Engelmann 84; Sabin 6: 117; TL 2: 1629; Deliciae Cobresianae 1: 258; Kayser 1: 98.
Notes: Posthumously published edition.
HI Number: \01732\
Author: Egede, Hans, 1686-1758 // Hans Egede
Title: A description of Greenland. Shewing [sic] the natural history, situation, boundaries, and face of the country; the nature of the soil; the rise and progress of the old norwegian colonies; the ancient and modern inhabitants; their genius and way of life, and produce of the soil; their plants, beasts, fishes, etc.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. C. Hitch; S. Austen; and J. Jackson.
Date: 1745.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 12 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: (Translated from the Danish, HI 01731).
Copies: O2NB
Reported: BM; C-KB; CtY; DLC; MB; NIC; NN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2914; Christensen 2: 40; Engelmann 165; Sabin 6: 118; TL 2: sub 1629.
HI Number: \10414\
Title: A description of Greenland. Shewing [sic] the natural history, situation, boundaries, and face of the country; the nature of the soil; the rise and progress of the old norwegian colonies; the ancient and modern inhabitants; their genius and way of life, and produce of the soil; their plants, beasts, fishes, etc.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. C. Hitch; S. Austen; and J. Jackson.
Date: 1745.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: 12 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: (Translated from the Danish, HI 01731).
Copies: O2NB
Reported: BM; C-KB; CtY; DLC; MB; NIC; NN; PPL
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2914; Christensen 2: 40; Engelmann 165; Sabin 6: 118; TL 2: sub 1629.
HI Number: \10414\
Author: Egede, Hans, 1686-1758 // Hans Egede
Title: Des alten Grœnlands Neue Perlustration, Oder Eine kurtze Beschreibung Derer Alten Nordischen Colonien Anfang und Untergang in Grœnland, wobey desselben Situation, Beschaffenheit der Gewachsen, Thieren, Vögeln und Fischen, Lufft und Temperament, des Himmels Constitution, der jetzigen Einwohner Verhalten, Wohnungen, Sprache, Gestalt, Ansehen, Kleider-Tracht, Nahrung, Gebräuche, Hanthierung, Speisen, Handlung, Sprach, Ehestands-Ceremonien und Kinder-Zucht; Nebst ihrer Religion oder Superstition, und anderer so wohl in ihren Zusammenkünssten, als auch zu Hauss gebräuchlichen Sitten, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Franckfurt. Stocks Erben und Schilling.
Date: 1730.
Format: 8º.
Translator: (Translated from the Danish, Det gamle Grœnlands Nye Perlustration. Kiøbenhavn, 1729).
Copies: O2NB
Reported: LINN
Reference / Citation: Jackson 366; Christensen 2: 39; Haller 2: 228; Sabin 6: 116.
HI Number: \10256\
Title: Des alten Grœnlands Neue Perlustration, Oder Eine kurtze Beschreibung Derer Alten Nordischen Colonien Anfang und Untergang in Grœnland, wobey desselben Situation, Beschaffenheit der Gewachsen, Thieren, Vögeln und Fischen, Lufft und Temperament, des Himmels Constitution, der jetzigen Einwohner Verhalten, Wohnungen, Sprache, Gestalt, Ansehen, Kleider-Tracht, Nahrung, Gebräuche, Hanthierung, Speisen, Handlung, Sprach, Ehestands-Ceremonien und Kinder-Zucht; Nebst ihrer Religion oder Superstition, und anderer so wohl in ihren Zusammenkünssten, als auch zu Hauss gebräuchlichen Sitten, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Franckfurt. Stocks Erben und Schilling.
Date: 1730.
Format: 8º.
Translator: (Translated from the Danish, Det gamle Grœnlands Nye Perlustration. Kiøbenhavn, 1729).
Copies: O2NB
Reported: LINN
Reference / Citation: Jackson 366; Christensen 2: 39; Haller 2: 228; Sabin 6: 116.
HI Number: \10256\
Author: Egede, Hans, 1686-1758 // Hans Egede
Title: Des alten Grönlands neue Perlustration, Oder Naturell-Historie und Beschreibung Der Situation Beschaffenheit, Lufft und des Temperaments dieses Landes; Wie auch Vom Anfange und Untergange derer alten Norwegischen Colonien daselbst; vom Ursprunge, der Sitten, Lebensart und den Gebräuchen derer itzigen Einwohner, und was dieses Land an Thieren, Fischen, Vögeln &c. heget und mittheilet; Deme beygefüget Eine neue Land-Charte und andere in Kupfer gestochene Figuren und Abbildungen der Naturalien und Handthierungen derer dasigen Einwohner.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Copenhagen.
Date: 1742.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Johann Christoph Groth.
Illustrations: 12 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: (Translated from the Danish, HI 01731).
Copies: HBG-S
Reported: CtY; MH
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 40; Sabin 6: 117.
HI Number: \18786\
Title: Des alten Grönlands neue Perlustration, Oder Naturell-Historie und Beschreibung Der Situation Beschaffenheit, Lufft und des Temperaments dieses Landes; Wie auch Vom Anfange und Untergange derer alten Norwegischen Colonien daselbst; vom Ursprunge, der Sitten, Lebensart und den Gebräuchen derer itzigen Einwohner, und was dieses Land an Thieren, Fischen, Vögeln &c. heget und mittheilet; Deme beygefüget Eine neue Land-Charte und andere in Kupfer gestochene Figuren und Abbildungen der Naturalien und Handthierungen derer dasigen Einwohner.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Copenhagen.
Date: 1742.
Format: 4º.
Printer: Johann Christoph Groth.
Illustrations: 12 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: (Translated from the Danish, HI 01731).
Copies: HBG-S
Reported: CtY; MH
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 40; Sabin 6: 117.
HI Number: \18786\
Author: Egede, Hans, 1686-1758 // Hans Egede
Title: A description of Greenland. ... With an historical introduction and a life of the author. Illustrated ... Second edition.
Edition: A new edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. T. and J. Allman; W. H. Reid; Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy.
Date: 1818.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: BW plates (including a map).
Translator: (Translated from the Danish, HI 01763).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; C-UB; MB; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 40; Bradley 1: 308; Lowndes 1: 721; Sabin 6: 48.
Notes: Posthumous edition. No information available on first edition of Historical introduction and a life of the author is available.
HI Number: \21921\
Title: A description of Greenland. ... With an historical introduction and a life of the author. Illustrated ... Second edition.
Edition: A new edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. T. and J. Allman; W. H. Reid; Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy.
Date: 1818.
Format: 8º.
Illustrations: BW plates (including a map).
Translator: (Translated from the Danish, HI 01763).
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; C-UB; MB; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Christensen 2: 40; Bradley 1: 308; Lowndes 1: 721; Sabin 6: 48.
Notes: Posthumous edition. No information available on first edition of Historical introduction and a life of the author is available.
HI Number: \21921\