Author: Durande, Jean François, 1730-1794 //
Title: Flore de Bourgogne, ou catalogue des plantes naturelles à cette province, & de celles qu'on y cultive le plus communément, avec l'indication du sol où elles croissent, du temps de leur floraison, & de la couleur de leur fleurs; ouvrage redigé pour servir aux cours publics de l'Academie d'Anjou.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dijon.
Date: 1782.
Format: 8º.
Printer: L. N. Frantin.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Premiere partie (- Seconde partie).
Copies: HBL; JE
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; MH-HL; P-BC
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2551; Barbier 2: 472; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 405; Debure 1196; TL-2 1: 1597.
Notes: Title-page of vol. 2 reads: Flore de Bourgogne, ou propriétés des plantes de cette province, relativement a’ la médicine, a’ l’agriculture & aux arts. Ouvrage rédigé pour servir aux cours publics de l’Academie de Dijon.
HI Number: \01674\
Title: Flore de Bourgogne, ou catalogue des plantes naturelles à cette province, & de celles qu'on y cultive le plus communément, avec l'indication du sol où elles croissent, du temps de leur floraison, & de la couleur de leur fleurs; ouvrage redigé pour servir aux cours publics de l'Academie d'Anjou.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dijon.
Date: 1782.
Format: 8º.
Printer: L. N. Frantin.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Premiere partie (- Seconde partie).
Copies: HBL; JE
Seen / Located: B-SB; C; C-UB; G; GOET-UB; LE; MH-HL; P-BC
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2551; Barbier 2: 472; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 405; Debure 1196; TL-2 1: 1597.
Notes: Title-page of vol. 2 reads: Flore de Bourgogne, ou propriétés des plantes de cette province, relativement a’ la médicine, a’ l’agriculture & aux arts. Ouvrage rédigé pour servir aux cours publics de l’Academie de Dijon.
HI Number: \01674\
Author: Duval, Charles Jeunet, 1751-1828 // Jeunet Düval
Title: Systematisches Verzeichniss derjenigen Farrnkräuter, Afterfarrnkräuter und Laubmoose welche bei Regensburg wachsen, nebst Angabe der Wohnorte und Bemerkungen über die vorzüglichsten Arten.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Nürnberg und Altdorf. J. C. Monath und J. F. Kussler.
Date: 1806.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: I-VI, 1-53.
Copies: C
Seen / Located: BP-BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2568; Heinsius 1: 718; Kayser 2: 85.
Notes: The title-page statement “Eine Beilage zum botanischen Taschenbuche” is incorrect; rather, there should have been a notice identifying the present work as a reprint from “Neues Botanisches Taschenbuch fu3r die Anfänger dieser Wissenschaft und der Apothekerkunst auf das Jahr 1806”.
HI Number: \01684\
Title: Systematisches Verzeichniss derjenigen Farrnkräuter, Afterfarrnkräuter und Laubmoose welche bei Regensburg wachsen, nebst Angabe der Wohnorte und Bemerkungen über die vorzüglichsten Arten.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Nürnberg und Altdorf. J. C. Monath und J. F. Kussler.
Date: 1806.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: I-VI, 1-53.
Copies: C
Seen / Located: BP-BM
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2568; Heinsius 1: 718; Kayser 2: 85.
Notes: The title-page statement “Eine Beilage zum botanischen Taschenbuche” is incorrect; rather, there should have been a notice identifying the present work as a reprint from “Neues Botanisches Taschenbuch fu3r die Anfänger dieser Wissenschaft und der Apothekerkunst auf das Jahr 1806”.
HI Number: \01684\
Author: Dvigubskii, Ivan Alekseevich, 1772-1839 // Ivan Dvigubskij
Title: Izobraženija rastenij, preimušcestvenno rossijskih, upotrebljaemyh v lekarstva, i takih, kotoryja naruznyn vidom s nimi shodny i casto za nih prinimajuts a, no lekarstvennyh sil ne imejut.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moskva.
Date: 1828-1834.
Format: 8º.
Printer: V Universitetskoj Tipografii.
Volumation: 4 vols.: Cast' I. (- Cast' IV.).
Illustrations: 200 BW or 200 COL plates.
Copies: H-UB
Seen / Located: LE (lacks vol. 4)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2590; Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2880; Krejsberg 1: 186; Trautvetter 310; Lipschitz 3: 120; Lipschitz, Fontes 24.
Notes: Dates of publication of vols. (according to Lipschitz, Fontes): C. 1: 1-60, plates 1-60. 1828; C. 2: 61-120, plates 61-120. 1830 [1829 on title-page]; C. 3: 121-180, plates 121-180. 1830; C. 4: 181-200, plates 181-200. 1834.
HI Number: \01700\
Title: Izobraženija rastenij, preimušcestvenno rossijskih, upotrebljaemyh v lekarstva, i takih, kotoryja naruznyn vidom s nimi shodny i casto za nih prinimajuts a, no lekarstvennyh sil ne imejut.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moskva.
Date: 1828-1834.
Format: 8º.
Printer: V Universitetskoj Tipografii.
Volumation: 4 vols.: Cast' I. (- Cast' IV.).
Illustrations: 200 BW or 200 COL plates.
Copies: H-UB
Seen / Located: LE (lacks vol. 4)
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2590; Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2880; Krejsberg 1: 186; Trautvetter 310; Lipschitz 3: 120; Lipschitz, Fontes 24.
Notes: Dates of publication of vols. (according to Lipschitz, Fontes): C. 1: 1-60, plates 1-60. 1828; C. 2: 61-120, plates 61-120. 1830 [1829 on title-page]; C. 3: 121-180, plates 121-180. 1830; C. 4: 181-200, plates 181-200. 1834.
HI Number: \01700\
Author: Dvigubskii, Ivan Alekseevich, 1772-1840
Title: Prodromus florae mosquensis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Mosquae [Moscow].
Date: 1802.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2875, (Ed. 2) 2585; Trautvetter sub 309; Notice sur le professeur J. Dwigoubsky. Bull. Soc.. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1840 (1); 342-359. 1840.
Notes: Existence doubtful. Reports possibly based on confusion with: Primitae faunae mosquensis. Mosquae, 1802, a republication of Dvigubskii’s 1801 dissertation.
HI Number: \01693\
Title: Prodromus florae mosquensis.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Mosquae [Moscow].
Date: 1802.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2875, (Ed. 2) 2585; Trautvetter sub 309; Notice sur le professeur J. Dwigoubsky. Bull. Soc.. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1840 (1); 342-359. 1840.
Notes: Existence doubtful. Reports possibly based on confusion with: Primitae faunae mosquensis. Mosquae, 1802, a republication of Dvigubskii’s 1801 dissertation.
HI Number: \01693\
Author: Dvigubskii, Ivan Alekseevich, 1772-1840 // I. A. D.
Title: Legkij sposob raspoznavat' dikorastušcie na poljah moskovskih rastenija, izdannyj dlja vospitannikov Universitetskago blagorodnago pansiona.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moskva.
Date: 1827.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2878, (Ed. 2) 2588; Bradley 1: 360; Trautvetter 308; Lipschitz, Fontes 2323; Notice sur le professeur J. Dwigoubsky. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1840(1): 342-359. 1840.
HI Number: \01697\
Title: Legkij sposob raspoznavat' dikorastušcie na poljah moskovskih rastenija, izdannyj dlja vospitannikov Universitetskago blagorodnago pansiona.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moskva.
Date: 1827.
Format: 8º.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2878, (Ed. 2) 2588; Bradley 1: 360; Trautvetter 308; Lipschitz, Fontes 2323; Notice sur le professeur J. Dwigoubsky. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1840(1): 342-359. 1840.
HI Number: \01697\
Author: Dvigubskii, Ivan Alekseevich, 1772-1840 // I. A. D.
Title: Legkij sposob raspoznavat dikorastušcie na poljah moskovskih rastenija, izdannyj dlja vospitannikov Universitetskago blagorodnago pansiona.
Edition: Ed. 2
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moskva.
Date: 1838.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Universitetskaja Tipografija.
Seen / Located: LE
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2878, (Ed. 2) 2588; Bradley 1: 360; Trautvetter 308; Lipschitz, Fontes 2323; Notice sur le professeur J. Dwigoubsky. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1840(1): 342-359. 1840.
HI Number: \01698\
Title: Legkij sposob raspoznavat dikorastušcie na poljah moskovskih rastenija, izdannyj dlja vospitannikov Universitetskago blagorodnago pansiona.
Edition: Ed. 2
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moskva.
Date: 1838.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Universitetskaja Tipografija.
Seen / Located: LE
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2878, (Ed. 2) 2588; Bradley 1: 360; Trautvetter 308; Lipschitz, Fontes 2323; Notice sur le professeur J. Dwigoubsky. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1840(1): 342-359. 1840.
HI Number: \01698\
Author: Dvigubskii, Ivan Alekseevich, 1772-1840 // Ivan Dvigubskii
Title: Moskovskaja flora, ili opisanie rastenij, dikorastušcih v Moskovskoj gubernii.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moskva.
Date: 1828.
Format: 12º.
Printer: Universitetskaja Tipografija.
Illustrations: 1 plate.
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2879, (Ed. 2) 2589; Bradley Bibliogr. 1; 360; Lipschitz, Fontes 372; Trautvetter 309; Notice sur le professeur J. Dwigoubsky. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1840(1): 342-359. 1840.
HI Number: \01699\
Title: Moskovskaja flora, ili opisanie rastenij, dikorastušcih v Moskovskoj gubernii.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moskva.
Date: 1828.
Format: 12º.
Printer: Universitetskaja Tipografija.
Illustrations: 1 plate.
Seen / Located: LE
Reported: BMNH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 2879, (Ed. 2) 2589; Bradley Bibliogr. 1; 360; Lipschitz, Fontes 372; Trautvetter 309; Notice sur le professeur J. Dwigoubsky. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1840(1): 342-359. 1840.
HI Number: \01699\
Author: Dwight, Timothy, 1752-1817 // Timothy Dwight
Title: Travels in New-England and New-York.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. William Baynes and Son; Ogle, Duncan, & Co. :: Edinburgh. H. S. Baynes and Co.
Date: 1823.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 4 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. IV).
Illustrations: 4 BW plates (3 maps + 1 portrait; including frontisp. vol. 1: portrait of Timothy Dwight, and dfrontisp. vols. 2-3).
Copies: E-UL; PPAN
Reference / Citation: Meisel 3: 388; Lowndes 1: 704; Sabin 6: 52.
HI Number: \18747\
Title: Travels in New-England and New-York.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. William Baynes and Son; Ogle, Duncan, & Co. :: Edinburgh. H. S. Baynes and Co.
Date: 1823.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 4 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. IV).
Illustrations: 4 BW plates (3 maps + 1 portrait; including frontisp. vol. 1: portrait of Timothy Dwight, and dfrontisp. vols. 2-3).
Copies: E-UL; PPAN
Reference / Citation: Meisel 3: 388; Lowndes 1: 704; Sabin 6: 52.
HI Number: \18747\
Author: Dwight, Timothy, 1752-1817 // Timothy Dwight
Title: Travels; in New-England and New-York: ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: New Haven. Timothy Dwight.
Date: 1821-1822.
Format: 8º in 4º.
Printer: S. Converse.
Volumation: 4 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. IV).
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (maps: frontisp. vols. 1-3).
Copies: MH-HL; PPi
Reported: CtY; DLC; ICN; ICU; MB; PPi; PPL
Reference / Citation: Sabin 6: 52; Shoemaker 1821: 5221; Bradley 1: 313.
Notes: Postumously published work.
HI Number: \21916\
Title: Travels; in New-England and New-York: ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: New Haven. Timothy Dwight.
Date: 1821-1822.
Format: 8º in 4º.
Printer: S. Converse.
Volumation: 4 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. IV).
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (maps: frontisp. vols. 1-3).
Copies: MH-HL; PPi
Reported: CtY; DLC; ICN; ICU; MB; PPi; PPL
Reference / Citation: Sabin 6: 52; Shoemaker 1821: 5221; Bradley 1: 313.
Notes: Postumously published work.
HI Number: \21916\
Author: Dziarkowski, J.
Title: Wybór roslin krajowych dla okazania skutków lekarskich, ku uzytkowi dómowemu.
Edition: Ed. 2.
Place of Publication / Publisher: W Warszawie.
Date: 1813.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Piarów.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2591; Trautvetter 311.
Notes: Title as reported in Trautvetter is: Wybór roslin krajowych dla okazania skutków lekarskich, ku wzytkowi dómowemn.
HI Number: \01702\
Title: Wybór roslin krajowych dla okazania skutków lekarskich, ku uzytkowi dómowemu.
Edition: Ed. 2.
Place of Publication / Publisher: W Warszawie.
Date: 1813.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Piarów.
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 2591; Trautvetter 311.
Notes: Title as reported in Trautvetter is: Wybór roslin krajowych dla okazania skutków lekarskich, ku wzytkowi dómowemn.
HI Number: \01702\