Year book, Federated Garden Clubs. New York. Vols. ?-2-?, ?-1926-?? Year Book Fed. Gard. Clubs. HI 77454
Year book of the Hawaii Orchid Society. Hilo, HI. 1956+. Year Book Hawaii Orchid Soc. HI 60679
Year book of the Heather Society. London. 1963+. Year Book Heather Soc. HI 60673
Year book of the Horticultural Society of New York. New York. 1924/25+. Year Book Hort. Soc. New York. Preceded by: Report (Annual) of the Horticultural Society of New York. ULS 3-1887-3. HI 74587
Year book, International Council of Scientific Unions. London. 1954+. Year Book Int. Council Sci. Unions. HI 71148
Year book and journal, Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society. Edinburgh. (1968-78), 1969-79. Year Book J. Roy. Caledonian Hort. Soc. Preceded by: Journal of the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society. HI 74590
Year book, Khedivial Agricultural Society. Cairo. (1904+), 1905-06; 1909-10. Year Book Khedivial Agric. Soc. Preceded by: Journal of the Khedivial Agricultural Society. Cairo. HI 77452
Year book, Mycological Society of America. Ithaca, NY. 1934-36. Year Book Mycol. Soc. Amer. HI 56930
Year book of the Ontario Rose Society. Streetsville, Ont. 1914+. Year Book Ontario Rose Soc. ULS 4-3709-3. HI 60680
Year book of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WI. Vols. 1-10, (1921-30), 1922-31? Year Book Public Mus. City Milwaukee. Preceded by: Report of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee. ULS 3-2663-3. HI 74603
Year book of the Rhododendron Association. London. 1928-39. Year Book Rhododendron Assoc. ULS 4-3675-3. HI 60674
Year book of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Vol. 1+, 1940/41+. Year Book Roy. Soc. Edinburgh. ULS 4-3727-2. HI 60681
Year book, Rubber Planters' Association of Mexico. Mexico City. (1907-08), 1908. Year Book Rubber Planters’ Assoc. Mexico. HI 77451
Year book of sericulture. [Sanshi nenkan.] Tokyo. 1964+. Year Book Seric. HI 60682
Year book and tree notes, Field and Forest Club. Boston, MA. (1904-06), [1906?]. Year Book Tree Notes Field Forest Club. HI 77450
Year book of the Vegetable Growers' Association of New South Wales. Sydney, N.S.W. Vol. 1+, 1937+. Year Book Veg. Growers' Assoc. New South Wales. ULS 5-4356-3. HI 60683
The Year, Commonwealth Mycological Institute. Kew. 1971/72-75/76. 1972-76. Year Commonw. Mycol. Inst. Issued with: Review of plant pathology. Superseded by: Annual review, Commonwealth Mycological Institute. HI 70861
Year in review, Australian National Botanic Gardens. Canberra, A.C.T. ?-1991/92+, ?-1993+. Year Rev. Austral. Natl. Bot. Gard. Preceded by: ?Review of activities, Australian National Botanic Gardens. ULS reference. ISSN none? (But: ISBN 0 642 19025 9) HI 75581
The Year-Book of facts in science and art (and the arts). London. (1838-79/80), 1839-80. Year-Book Facts Sci. Art. Preceded by: Arcana of science and art. London. ULS 5-4570-3. HI 79172
The Year-book, Imperial Institute of Great Britain. London. 1st, 1892. Year-Book Imp. Inst. HI 77453
Year-book, New Orleans Garden Society. New Orleans, LA. ?-1927-??. Year-Book New Orleans Gard. Soc. HI 77449
Year-book of pharmacy; comprising abstracts of papers relating to pharmacy, materia medica, (thereapeutics), and chemistry contributed to British and foreign journals [etc.]. London. 1870-1926/7. Year-Book Pharm. Preceded by: Proceedings of the British Pharmaceutical Conference. London. Superseded by: Quarterly journal of pharmacy and allied sciences. London. ULS 5-4572-1. HI 74601
Year-book and record, Royal Geographical Society. London. (1898-1901-??), [1898]-1901-?? Year-Book Rec. Roy. Geogr. Soc. HI 84400
Year-book of science. London. 1891-93. Year-Book Sci. ULS 5-4573-1. HI 79715
Yearbook of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, PA. (1923-31), 1924-32. Yearb. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Preceded by: Report (Annual), Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Superseded by: Review of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. HI 74577