World pollen flora. Copenhagen, Stockholm. Nos. 1-4, 1970. World Pollen Fl. Supplement to: Grana. Stockholm. Superseded by: World pollen and spore flora. Stockholm. HI 59043
World pollen and spore flora. Stockholm. Nos. 1-17/18, 1973-93. World Pollen Spore Fl. Supplement to: Grana. Stockholm. Preceded by: World pollen flora. Copenhagen. ULS reference. ISSN 0346-4601 HI 74564
World review of pest control. London. Vol. 1+, 1962+. World Rev. Pest Control. HI 60652
World transindex. Delft. Vol. 1+, 1978+. World Transindex. Preceded by: World index of scientific translations. HI 74565
World wheat facts and trends. Mexico, D.F. Vol. 1+, 1981+. World Wheat Facts Trends. HI 59322
World wide web journal of biology (online). Plymouth, MN. Vol. 1+, 1995+. World Wide Web. J. Biol. Online serial. HI 81915
World wildlife news. London. No. 1+, 1962+. World Wildlife News. ?Superseded by: W W F news. HI 70246
World wood. San Francisco, CA. Vol. 1+, 1960+. World Wood. HI 60653
World's work. New York, NY. Vols. 1-61`, 1900-32. World's Work. HI 60654
Wormsloe Foundation publication. Athens, GA. No. ?-2+, ?-1958+. Wormsloe Found. Publ. HI 83090
Worthing naturalist. Worthing. 1978/79+. Worthing Naturalist. HI 74566
Wrightia; a botanical journal. Dallas, TX. Vols. 1-? 1945/51-?? Wrightia. Superseded by: Lundellia. Austin, TX. ULS 5-4555-1. ISSN 0084-2648 HI 60655
Wszechswiat; pismo przyrodnicze. Cracow, Warsaw, Vilna. 1882+ [publication suspended, 1915-27]. Wszechswiat. HI 80214
Wuhan botanical research. Wuchang. Vol. 1(1-2), 1983-84. Wuhan Bot. Res. Superseded by: Journal of Wuhan botanical research. HI 74567
Wulfenia; Mitteilungen des Botanischen Gartens des Landes Kärnten. Klagenfurt. Vol. 1+, 1992+. Wulfenia. ULS reference. ISSN 1561-882X. HI 84464
Württembergisches Wochenblatt für Landwirtschaft. Stuttgart. 1878-1934; vol. 112+, 1945+ [vol. nos. 51-94 not used]. Württemberg. Wochenbl. Landw. Preceded by: Wochenblatt für Land- und Forstwirthschaft. ULS 5-4557-2. HI 74568
Würzburger gelehrte Anzeigen. Würzburg. Vols. 1-11, 1786-96. Würzburger Gel. Anz. Superseded by: Würzburger wöchentliche Anzeigen. Würzburg. HI 77008
Würzburger Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift; herausgegeben von der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Gesellschaft in Würzburg. Würzburg. Vols. 1-6, 1860-66/67. Würzburger Naturwiss. Z. Preceded and superseded by: Verhandlungen der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Gesellschaft in Würzburg. Erlangen, Würzburg. HI 60656
Würzburger wöchentliche Anzeigen, von gelehrten Sachen ... und andern gemeinnützigen Gegenständen. Würzburg. Vols. 1-2, 1797-98. Würzburger Wöchentl. Anz. Gel. Sachen. Preceded by: Würzburger gelehrte Anzeigen. Würzburg. Superseded by: Neue Würzburger Gelehrte Anzeigen. Würzburg. HI 60657
Wuyi science journal. Fuzhou. Vol. 1+, 1981+. Wuyi Sci. J. HI 74569
Wydawnictwa Muzeum Slaskiego w Katowicach. Dzial III. Katowice. Vol. 1-3(1-8)-?, 1930-35-? Wydaw. Muz. Slask. Katowicach. Dzial III. HI 74570
Wydawnictwa okregowego komitetu ochrony przyrody na wielkopolske i Pomorze w Poznaniu. Poznan. 1930-37. Wydaw. Okreg. Komitetu Ochr. Przyr. Wielkopolske Pomorze Poznaniu. HI 74571
Wydawnictwa popularnonaukowe. Crakow. Nos. 1-24, 1952-67. Wydaw. Popularnonauk. HI 74572
Wynboer. Stellenbosch. Vol. 1+, 1931+. Wynboer. HI 74573
Wyoming farm bulletin, devoted to the home, farm and ranch Laramie, WY. Vols. 1-14(1), 1911-27; n.s., vols. 1-2(3), 1927-28. Wyoming Farm Bull. HI 80003