Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Galanthus nivalis 288 View this page at BHL
Galax aphylla 200 View this page at BHL
Galega officinalis 714 View this page at BHL
Galenia africana 359 View this page at BHL
Galeopsis galeobdolon 580 View this page at BHL
Galeopsis hirsuta 580 View this page at BHL
Galeopsis ladanum 579 View this page at BHL
Galeopsis tetrahit 579 View this page at BHL
Galium aparine 108, err. View this page at BHL
Galium bermudense 105 View this page at BHL
Galium boreale 108 View this page at BHL
Galium glaucum 107 View this page at BHL
Galium minutum 106 View this page at BHL
Galium mollugo 107 View this page at BHL
Galium palustre 105 View this page at BHL
Galium parisiense 108 View this page at BHL
Galium purpureum 107 View this page at BHL
Galium pusillum 106 View this page at BHL
Galium rotundifolium 108 View this page at BHL
Galium rubioides 105 View this page at BHL
Galium rubrum 107 View this page at BHL
Galium saxatile 106 View this page at BHL
Galium scabrum 108 View this page at BHL
Galium spurium 106 View this page at BHL
Galium tinctorium 106 View this page at BHL
