Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Festuca ovina 73 View this page at BHL
Festuca rubra 74 View this page at BHL
Fevillea cordifolia 1013 View this page at BHL
Fevillea trilobata 1014 View this page at BHL
Ficus benghalensis 1059 View this page at BHL
Ficus carica 1059 View this page at BHL
Ficus indica 1060 View this page at BHL
Ficus pumila 1060 View this page at BHL
Ficus racemosa 1060 View this page at BHL
Ficus religiosa 1059 View this page at BHL
Ficus sycomorus 1059 View this page at BHL
Filago arvensis add. View this page at BHL
Filago gallicum add. View this page at BHL
Filago maritima 927 View this page at BHL
Filago montana add. View this page at BHL
Filago pygmaea 927 View this page at BHL
Filago pyramidata 1199, add. View this page at BHL
Flagellaria indica 333 View this page at BHL
Fontinalis antipyretica 1107 View this page at BHL
Fontinalis minor 1107 View this page at BHL
Fontinalis pennatum 1108 View this page at BHL
Fontinalis squamosa 1108 View this page at BHL
Fragaria muricata 495 View this page at BHL
Fragaria sterilis 495 View this page at BHL
Fragaria vesca 494 View this page at BHL
