Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Phyllis indica 232 View this page at BHL
Phyllis nobla 232 View this page at BHL
Physalis alkekengi 183 View this page at BHL
Physalis angulata 183 View this page at BHL
Physalis curassavica 182 View this page at BHL
Physalis flexuosa 182 View this page at BHL
Physalis minima 183 View this page at BHL
Physalis pruinosa 184 View this page at BHL
Physalis pubescens 183 View this page at BHL
Physalis somnifera 182 View this page at BHL
Physalis viscosa 183 View this page at BHL
Phyteuma comosa 171 View this page at BHL
Phyteuma hemisphaerica 170 View this page at BHL
Phyteuma orbicularis 170 View this page at BHL
Phyteuma pauciflora 170 View this page at BHL
Phyteuma pinnata 171 View this page at BHL
Phyteuma spicata 171 View this page at BHL
Phytolacca americana 441 View this page at BHL
Phytolacca asiatica 441 View this page at BHL
Picris asplenioides 793 View this page at BHL
Picris echioides 792 View this page at BHL
Picris hieracioides 792 View this page at BHL
Picris pyrenaica 792 View this page at BHL
Pilularia globulifera 1100 View this page at BHL
Pimpinella anisum 264 View this page at BHL
