Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Phaseolus farinosus 724 View this page at BHL
Phaseolus helvulus 724 View this page at BHL
Phaseolus inamoenus 724 View this page at BHL
Phaseolus lunatus 724 View this page at BHL
Phaseolus max 725 View this page at BHL
Phaseolus radiatus 725 View this page at BHL
Phaseolus vexillatus 724 View this page at BHL
Phaseolus vulgaris 723 View this page at BHL
Phellandrium aquaticum 255 View this page at BHL
Phellandrium mutellina 255 View this page at BHL
Philadelphus coronarius 470 View this page at BHL
Philadelphus inodorus 470 View this page at BHL
Phillyrea angustifolia 7 View this page at BHL
Phillyrea latifolia 8 View this page at BHL
Phleum alpinum 59 View this page at BHL
Phleum arenarium 60 View this page at BHL
Phleum pratense 59 View this page at BHL
Phleum schoenoides 60 View this page at BHL
Phlomis fruticosa 584 View this page at BHL
Phlomis herba-venti 586 View this page at BHL
Phlomis indica 586 View this page at BHL
Phlomis laciniata 585 View this page at BHL
Phlomis leonurus 587 View this page at BHL
Phlomis lychnitis 585 View this page at BHL
Phlomis nepetaefolia 586 View this page at BHL
