Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Ludwigia perennis 119 View this page at BHL
Lunaria annua 653 View this page at BHL
Lunaria rediviva 653 View this page at BHL
Lupinus albus 721 View this page at BHL
Lupinus angustifolius 721, 1200, add. View this page at BHL
Lupinus hirsutus 721 View this page at BHL
Lupinus luteus 722 View this page at BHL
Lupinus perennis 721 View this page at BHL
Lupinus varius 721 View this page at BHL
Lychnis alpina 436 View this page at BHL
Lychnis apetala 437 View this page at BHL
Lychnis chalcedonica 436 View this page at BHL
Lychnis dioica 437 View this page at BHL
Lychnis flos-cuculi 436 View this page at BHL
Lychnis sibirica 437 View this page at BHL
Lychnis viscaria 436 View this page at BHL
Lycium afrum 191 View this page at BHL
Lycium barbarum 192 View this page at BHL
Lycium europaeum 192 View this page at BHL
Lycoperdon aurantium 1184 View this page at BHL
Lycoperdon bovista 1183 View this page at BHL
Lycoperdon carpobolus 1184 View this page at BHL
Lycoperdon cervinum 1183 View this page at BHL
Lycoperdon epidendrum 1184 View this page at BHL
Lycoperdon epiphyllum 1185 View this page at BHL
