Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Knautia orientalis 101 View this page at BHL
Knoxia zeylanica 104 View this page at BHL
Lachnaea conglomerata 560 View this page at BHL
Lachnaea eriocephala 560 View this page at BHL
Lactuca canadensis 796 View this page at BHL
Lactuca perennis 796 View this page at BHL
Lactuca quercina 795 View this page at BHL
Lactuca saligna 796 View this page at BHL
Lactuca sativa 795 View this page at BHL
Lactuca virosa 795 View this page at BHL
Lagoecia cuminoides 203 View this page at BHL
Lagurus ovatus 81 View this page at BHL
Lamium album 579 View this page at BHL
Lamium amplexicaule 579 View this page at BHL
Lamium multifidum 579 View this page at BHL
Lamium purpureum 579 View this page at BHL
Lantana aculeata 627 View this page at BHL
Lantana africana 628 View this page at BHL
Lantana annua 627 View this page at BHL
Lantana bullata 627 View this page at BHL
Lantana camara 627 View this page at BHL
Lantana corymbosa 628 View this page at BHL
Lantana trifolia 626 View this page at BHL
Lapsana capillaris 812 View this page at BHL
Lapsana chondrilloides 812 View this page at BHL
