Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Juniperus oxycedrus 1038 View this page at BHL
Juniperus phoenicea 1040 View this page at BHL
Juniperus sabina 1039 View this page at BHL
Juniperus thurifera 1039 View this page at BHL
Juniperus virginiana 1039 View this page at BHL
Jussiaea erecta 388 View this page at BHL
Jussiaea peruviana 388 View this page at BHL
Jussiaea repens 388 View this page at BHL
Jussiaea suffruticosa 388 View this page at BHL
Justicia adhatoda 15 View this page at BHL
Justicia betonica 15 View this page at BHL
Justicia chinensis 16 View this page at BHL
Justicia ecbolium 15 View this page at BHL
Justicia echioides 16 View this page at BHL
Justicia hyssopifolia 15 View this page at BHL
Justicia nasuta 16 View this page at BHL
Justicia procumbens 15 View this page at BHL
Justicia purpurea 16 View this page at BHL
Justicia repens 15 View this page at BHL
Justicia sexangularis 16 View this page at BHL
Kaempferia galanga 2 View this page at BHL
Kaempferia rotunda 3 View this page at BHL
Kalmia angustifolia 391 View this page at BHL
Kalmia latifolia 391 View this page at BHL
Kiggelaria africana 1037 View this page at BHL
