Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Targionia hypophylla 1136 View this page at BHL
Taxus baccata 1040 View this page at BHL
Taxus nucifera 1040 View this page at BHL
Telephium imperati 271 View this page at BHL
Tetracera volubilis 533 View this page at BHL
Tetragonia fruticosa 480 View this page at BHL
Tetragonia herbacea 480 View this page at BHL
Tetragonotheca helianthoides 903 View this page at BHL
Teucrium botrys 562 View this page at BHL
Teucrium campanulatum 562 View this page at BHL
Teucrium canadense 564 View this page at BHL
Teucrium capitatum 566 View this page at BHL
Teucrium chamaedrys 565 View this page at BHL
Teucrium chamaepitys 562 View this page at BHL
Teucrium creticum 563 View this page at BHL
Teucrium flavum 565 View this page at BHL
Teucrium fruticans 563 View this page at BHL
Teucrium iva 563 View this page at BHL
Teucrium latifolium 563 View this page at BHL
Teucrium marum 564 View this page at BHL
Teucrium mauritanum 563 View this page at BHL
Teucrium montanum 565 View this page at BHL
Teucrium mucronatum 566 View this page at BHL
Teucrium multiflorum 564 View this page at BHL
Teucrium nissolianum 563 View this page at BHL
