Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Spiraea trifoliata 490 View this page at BHL
Spiraea ulmaria 490 View this page at BHL
Splachnum ampullaceum 1108 View this page at BHL
Splachnum luteum 1108 View this page at BHL
Splachnum rubrum 1108 View this page at BHL
Spondias mombin 371 View this page at BHL
Spongia aculeata 1170 View this page at BHL
Spongia fistulosa 1170 View this page at BHL
Spongia flabelliformis 1170 View this page at BHL
Spongia fluviatilis 1171 View this page at BHL
Spongia infundibuliformis 1170 View this page at BHL
Spongia lacustris 1171 View this page at BHL
Spongia muricata 1170 View this page at BHL
Spongia nodosa 1170 View this page at BHL
Spongia oculata 1170 View this page at BHL
Spongia officinalis 1169 View this page at BHL
Spongia tubulosa 1170 View this page at BHL
Stachys alpina 581 View this page at BHL
Stachys cretica 581 View this page at BHL
Stachys germanica 581 View this page at BHL
Stachys glutinosa 581 View this page at BHL
Stachys orientalis 582 View this page at BHL
Stachys palustris 580 View this page at BHL
Stachys spinosa 581 View this page at BHL
Stachys sylvatica 580 View this page at BHL
