Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Ischaemum muticum 1049 View this page at BHL
Isnardia palustris 120 View this page at BHL
Isoëtes lacustris 1100 View this page at BHL
Isopyrum aquilegioides 557 View this page at BHL
Isopyrum fumarioides 557, err. View this page at BHL
Isopyrum thalictroides 557 View this page at BHL
Itea virginica 199 View this page at BHL
Iva annua 988 View this page at BHL
Iva frutescens 989 View this page at BHL
Ixia africana 36 View this page at BHL
Ixia chinensis 36 View this page at BHL
Ixora alba 110 View this page at BHL
Ixora coccinea 110 View this page at BHL
Jambolifera pedunculata 349 View this page at BHL
Jasione montana 928 View this page at BHL
Jasminum azoricum 7 View this page at BHL
Jasminum fruticans 7 View this page at BHL
Jasminum humile 7 View this page at BHL
Jasminum odoratissimum 7 View this page at BHL
Jasminum officinale 7 View this page at BHL
Jatropha curcas 1006, err. View this page at BHL
Jatropha gossypifolia 1006 View this page at BHL
Jatropha herbacea 1007 View this page at BHL
Jatropha manihot 1007 View this page at BHL
Jatropha moluccana 1006 View this page at BHL
