Species Plantarum Binomials Index

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Genus Epithet Page Number View
Ipomoea tuberosa 160 View this page at BHL
Ipomoea violacea 161 View this page at BHL
Iris aphylla 38 View this page at BHL
Iris biflora 38 View this page at BHL
Iris foetidissima 39 View this page at BHL
Iris germanica 38 View this page at BHL
Iris graminea 39 View this page at BHL
Iris persica 40 View this page at BHL
Iris pseudacorus 38 View this page at BHL
Iris pumila 38 View this page at BHL
Iris sibirica 39 View this page at BHL
Iris sisyrinchium 40 View this page at BHL
Iris spuria 39 View this page at BHL
Iris susiana 38 View this page at BHL
Iris tuberosa 40 View this page at BHL
Iris variegata 38 View this page at BHL
Iris verna 39 View this page at BHL
Iris versicolor 39 View this page at BHL
Iris virginica 39 View this page at BHL
Iris xiphium 40 View this page at BHL
Isatis aegyptica 671 View this page at BHL
Isatis armena 670 View this page at BHL
Isatis lusitanica 670 View this page at BHL
Isatis tinctoria 670 View this page at BHL
Ischaemum aristatum 1049 View this page at BHL
