Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Physalis viscosa Calend. fl. 072 [19] View this dissertation
Physeter Nat. pelagi 084 14 as Physecter View this dissertation
Physis pelagica Chin. Lagerstr. 064 29 View this dissertation
Physis pelagica Chin. Lagerstr. 064 36 as palagica View this dissertation
Phyteuma Gem. arb. 024 13 View this dissertation
Phyteuma comosa Fl. alp. 071 14 View this dissertation
Phyteuma comosa Fl. Monsp. 074 11 View this dissertation
Phyteuma hemisphaerica Fl. alp. 071 13 as hemispherica View this dissertation
Phyteuma hemisphaerica Fl. Monsp. 074 11 View this dissertation
Phyteuma orbicularis Fl. Angl. 056 12 View this dissertation
Phyteuma orbicularis Fl. alp. 071 14 View this dissertation
Phyteuma pauciflora Fl. alp. 071 13 View this dissertation
Phyteuma pauciflora Fl. Monsp. 074 11 View this dissertation
Phyteuma spica oblonga nuda, foliis caulinis lanceolatis serratis Pl. Mart.-Burs. 006 6 View this dissertation
Phyteuma spicata Fl. alp. 071 14 View this dissertation
Phyteuma spicata Fl. Monsp. 074 11 View this dissertation
Phyteuma spicata Prodr. fl. Dan. 082 15 View this dissertation
Phytolacca Pl. Mart.-Burs. 006 [vi] View this dissertation
Phytolacca Hort. Upsal. 007 36 View this dissertation
Phytolacca Spons. pl. 012 35 View this dissertation
Phytolacca Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 9 View this dissertation
Phytolacca Prol. pl. 1760 114 10 as Phytalacca View this dissertation
Phytolacca Pot. theae 142 10 View this dissertation
Phytolacca americana Demonstr. pl. 049 12 View this dissertation
Phytolacca americana Pl. officin. 052 15 View this dissertation
