Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Anemone caule dichotomo, foliis sessilibus amplexicaulibus palmatis Pl. rar. Camsch. 030 5 View this dissertation
Anemone coronaria Demonstr. pl. 049 15 View this dissertation
Anemone coronaria Fl. Palaest. 070 22 View this dissertation
Anemone coronaria Pl. rar. Afr. 115 6 View this dissertation
Anemone coronaria Hort. cul. 132 25 View this dissertation
Anemone dichotoma Hist. nat. Rossia 144 12 View this dissertation
Anemone dichotoma Hist. nat. Rossia 144 30 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Herbat. Upsal. 050 7 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Pl. officin. 052 11 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Stat. pl. 055 18 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Fl. Angl. 056 6 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Cervus 060 8 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Calend. fl. 072 [10] View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Calend. fl. 072 [9] View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Fl. Monsp. 074 18 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Prodr. fl. Dan. 082 19 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Hort. cul. 132 24 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Hort. cul. 132 25 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Fl. Åker. 162 13 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 19 View this dissertation
Anemone hepatica plena Demonstr. pl. 049 15 View this dissertation
Anemone lutea Pan Svec. 026 25 View this dissertation
Anemone narcissifolia Fl. alp. 071 18 View this dissertation
Anemone narcissifolia Hist. nat. Rossia 144 30 View this dissertation
Anemone nemorosa Pan Svec. 026 25 View this dissertation
