Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Tragopogon calycibus corollae radio longioribus, foliis integris, seminibus laevibus: disci papposis, radii calyculatis Pl. hybr. 033 13 View this dissertation
Tragopogon crocifolium Fl. Monsp. 074 24 View this dissertation
Tragopogon dalechampii Fl. Monsp. 074 24 as dalechampi View this dissertation
Tragopogon foliis crassioribus Fl. Monsp. 074 30 View this dissertation
Tragopogon hirsutum Fl. Monsp. 074 30 View this dissertation
Tragopogon hybridum Demonstr. pl. 049 21 View this dissertation
Tragopogon hybridum Fl. Palaest. 070 27 View this dissertation
Tragopogon hybridum Fund. fr. 123 15 View this dissertation
Tragopogon luteum Pan Svec. 026 31 View this dissertation
Tragopogon orientale Demonstr. pl. 049 21 View this dissertation
Tragopogon picroides Fl. Palaest. 070 27 View this dissertation
Tragopogon picroides Fl. Monsp. 074 24 View this dissertation
Tragopogon picroides Pl. rar. Afr. 115 6 View this dissertation
Tragopogon porrifolium Demonstr. pl. 049 21 View this dissertation
Tragopogon porrifolium Fl. Monsp. 074 24 View this dissertation
Tragopogon porrifolium Generat. ambig. 104 13 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Herbat. Upsal. 050 10 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Stat. pl. 055 22 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Fl. Angl. 056 21 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Calend. fl. 072 [22] View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Fl. Monsp. 074 24 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Prodr. fl. Dan. 082 22 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Generat. ambig. 104 12 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Generat. ambig. 104 13 View this dissertation
Tragopogon pratense Fl. Belg. 112 20 View this dissertation
