Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Sterculia foliis digitatis Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 29 View this dissertation
Sterculia foliis ovalibus integerrimis, alternis petiolatis, floribus paniculatis Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 29 View this dissertation
Sterna Oecon. nat. 020 [37, as 7] View this dissertation
Sterna Migr. avium 079 26 View this dissertation
Sterna Polit. nat. 109 13 View this dissertation
Sterna hirundo Migr. avium 079 16 View this dissertation
Sterna nigra, fronte albicante, cauda cuneiformi Chin. Lagerstr. 064 12 View this dissertation
Sterna stolida Chin. Lagerstr. 064 12 View this dissertation
Sterna stulta Nat. pelagi 084 13 View this dissertation
Stewartia Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 [iv] as Stewertia View this dissertation
Stewartia Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 10 View this dissertation
Stewartia Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 12 View this dissertation
Stewartia Pot. theae 142 9 as Steuartia View this dissertation
Stewartia Pot. theae 142 10 as Steuartia View this dissertation
Stillingia sylvatica Obs. mat. med. 171 6 View this dissertation
Stincus Mat. med. anim. 029 11 View this dissertation
Stipa Fund. agrost. 152 27 View this dissertation
Stipa Fund. agrost. 152 30 View this dissertation
Stipa Fund. agrost. 152 36 View this dissertation
Stipa aristis basi pilosis, panicula spicata, foliis filiformibus Cent. 1 pl. 065 6 View this dissertation
Stipa juncea Fl. Monsp. 074 9 View this dissertation
Stipa pennata Fl. Angl. 056 11 View this dissertation
Stipa pennata Fl. Monsp. 074 9 View this dissertation
Stipa pennata Fund. agrost. 152 21 View this dissertation
Stipa tenacissima Cent. 1 pl. 065 6 View this dissertation
