Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Scarabaeus vernalis Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 7 View this dissertation
Scarabaeus vernalis Esca avium 174 6 View this dissertation
Scarus Cul. mut. 088 9 View this dissertation
Scarus cilliceus Var. cib. 156 8 View this dissertation
Sceptrum carolinum Betula 001 12 View this dissertation
Sceptrum carolinum Hort. Upsal. 007 34 View this dissertation
Scheuchzeria Hort. Upsal. 007 41 View this dissertation
Scheuchzeria alpina Rar. Norv. 157 11 View this dissertation
Scheuchzeria palustris Pan Svec. 026 21 View this dissertation
Scheuchzeria palustris Herbat. Upsal. 050 16 View this dissertation
Scheuchzeria palustris Herbat. Upsal. 050 20 View this dissertation
Scheuchzeria palustris Stat. pl. 055 15 View this dissertation
Scheuchzeria palustris Fl. alp. 071 16 View this dissertation
Scheuchzeria palustris Hist. nat. Rossia 144 29 View this dissertation
Scheuchzeria palustris Fl. Åker. 162 10 View this dissertation
Scheuchzeria palustris Ledum 178 [1] View this dissertation
Schinus Fl. Jam. 105 26 View this dissertation
Schinus limonia Herb. Amboin. 057 9 View this dissertation
Schoenanthum Fund. agrost. 152 16 as Schaenanthum View this dissertation
Schoenanthum amboinicum Herb. Amboin. 057 20 as Schaenanthum View this dissertation
Schoenanthus Fund. agrost. 152 14 View this dissertation
Schoenanthus avenaceus procumbens maderaspatanus, bupleuri folio Cent. 2 pl. 066 7 View this dissertation
Schoenus Hort. Upsal. 007 41 View this dissertation
Schoenus Fl. oecon. 017 2 View this dissertation
Schoenus Fl. Cap. 099 6 View this dissertation
