Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Rapunculus Nom. bot. 107 10 View this dissertation
Rapunculus foliis angustissimis dentatis, floribus umbellatis Cent. 2 pl. 066 22 View this dissertation
Rapunculus foliis angustissimis dentatis, floribus umbellatis Pl. rar. Afr. 115 12 View this dissertation
Rapunculus foliis imis cordatis, superioribus angustis, spica cylindracea longissima Pl. Mart.-Burs. 006 6 View this dissertation
Rauvolfia Vir. pl. 013 25 View this dissertation
Reaumuria Nect. fl. 122 5 as Reaumaria View this dissertation
Reaumuria Nect. fl. 122 12 View this dissertation
Reaumuria vermiculata Fl. Palaest. 070 21 View this dissertation
Recurvirostra Oecon. nat. 020 40 View this dissertation
Recurvirostra avocetta Migr. avium 079 28 as avosetta View this dissertation
Remora Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 41 View this dissertation
Renealmia Fung. melit. 069 3 View this dissertation
Renealmia disticha Fl. Jam. 105 15 as distica View this dissertation
Renealmia polystachia Fl. Jam. 105 15 View this dissertation
Renealmia recurva Fl. Jam. 105 15 View this dissertation
Renealmia usneoides Herb. Amboin. 057 27 View this dissertation
Renealmia usneoides Fl. Jam. 105 15 View this dissertation
Reseda Hort. Upsal. 007 34 View this dissertation
Reseda Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 21 View this dissertation
Reseda Fl. oecon. 017 15 View this dissertation
Reseda Pl. hybr. 033 7 View this dissertation
Reseda Fl. Angl. 056 5 View this dissertation
Reseda Metam. pl. 067 19 View this dissertation
Reseda Nom. bot. 107 13 View this dissertation
Reseda Nect. fl. 122 8 View this dissertation
