Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Phlox Hort. Upsal. 007 36 View this dissertation
Phlox Nova pl. gen. 1751 032 8 View this dissertation
Phlox Pl. hybr. 033 29 View this dissertation
Phlox Fund. fr. 123 18 View this dissertation
Phlox Fund. fr. 123 23 View this dissertation
Phlox foliis lanceolatis margine scabris, corymbis compositis Pl. rar. Camsch. 030 10 View this dissertation
Phlox foliis lineari-lanceolatis glabris, caule erecto, corymbo terminali Pl. rar. Camsch. 030 10 View this dissertation
Phlox foliis lineari-lanceolatis villosis, caule erecto, corymbo terminali Pl. rar. Camsch. 030 10 View this dissertation
Phlox foliis linearibus villosis, pedunculis ternis Pl. rar. Camsch. 030 9 View this dissertation
Phlox foliis ovatis, floribus solitariis Pl. rar. Camsch. 030 10 View this dissertation
Phlox foliis setaceis glabris, floribus solitariis Pl. rar. Camsch. 030 11 View this dissertation
Phlox foliis subulatis hirsutis, floribus oppositis Pl. rar. Camsch. 030 10 View this dissertation
Phlox sibirica Hist. nat. Rossia 144 28 View this dissertation
Phoca Oecon. nat. 020 36 View this dissertation
Phoca Oecon. nat. 020 41 View this dissertation
Phoca Instr. peregr. 096 11 View this dissertation
Phoca Polit. nat. 109 15 View this dissertation
Phoca Lepra 140 6 View this dissertation
Phoca Usum hist. nat. 145 23 View this dissertation
Phoca ursina Hist. nat. Rossia 144 12 View this dissertation
Phoenicopterus Fund. ornith. 137 24 View this dissertation
Phoenix Hort. Upsal. 007 37 View this dissertation
Phoenix Spons. pl. 012 [1] as Phaenix View this dissertation
Phoenix Vir. pl. 013 26 View this dissertation
Phoenix Chin. Lagerstr. 064 5 View this dissertation
