Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Phellandrium mutellina Fl. alp. 071 15 View this dissertation
Philadelphus Hort. Upsal. 007 21 View this dissertation
Philadelphus Vir. pl. 013 10 View this dissertation
Philadelphus Vir. pl. 013 31 View this dissertation
Philadelphus Calend. fl. 072 5 View this dissertation
Philadelphus Fr. Svec. 091 24 View this dissertation
Philadelphus Fr. Svec. 091 [ii] View this dissertation
Philadelphus coronarius Demonstr. pl. 049 13 View this dissertation
Philadelphus coronarius Calend. fl. 072 [10] View this dissertation
Philadelphus coronarius Calend. fl. 072 [13] View this dissertation
Philadelphus coronarius Calend. fl. 072 [16] View this dissertation
Philadelphus coronarius Fr. Svec. 091 5 View this dissertation
Philadelphus coronarius Fr. Svec. 091 22 View this dissertation
Philadelphus coronarius Hort. cul. 132 25 View this dissertation
Philander Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 2 View this dissertation
Philander americanus Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 2 View this dissertation
Philander maximus orientalis Mus. Ad.-Frid. 011 2 View this dissertation
Phillyrea Hort. Upsal. 007 36 View this dissertation
Phillyrea Gem. arb. 024 9 View this dissertation
Phillyrea Fl. Monsp. 074 7 View this dissertation
Phillyrea Nom. bot. 107 9 View this dissertation
Phillyrea angustifolia Demonstr. pl. 049 [1] View this dissertation
Phillyrea angustifolia Fl. Palaest. 070 11 View this dissertation
Phillyrea angustifolia Fl. Monsp. 074 8 View this dissertation
Phillyrea foliis lanceolatis integerrimis Pl. Mart.-Burs. 006 30 View this dissertation
