Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Alca impennis Fund. ornith. 137 10 View this dissertation
Alca impennis Fund. ornith. 137 16 View this dissertation
Alca lomvia Nat. pelagi 084 13 View this dissertation
Alca torda Migr. avium 079 25 View this dissertation
Alca torda Nat. pelagi 084 13 View this dissertation
Alcea Vir. pl. 013 32 View this dissertation
Alcea Sapor. med. 031 12 View this dissertation
Alcea ficifolia Demonstr. pl. 049 18 View this dissertation
Alcea filicifolia Fl. Palaest. 070 24 View this dissertation
Alcea floridana quinquecapsularis, laurinis, foliis leviter crenatis, seminibus coniferarum instar alatis Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 24 View this dissertation
Alcea folio rotundo, laciniato Vir. pl. 013 34 View this dissertation
Alcea indica floribus rosaceis parvis, fructibus parvis quinquepartitis hispidis lappaceis Nova pl. gen. 1747 014 17 View this dissertation
Alcea maritima galloprovincialis, geranii folio Cent. 1 pl. 065 22 View this dissertation
Alcea minor maritima tenuifolia procumbens Cent. 1 pl. 065 22 View this dissertation
Alcea rosea Demonstr. pl. 049 18 View this dissertation
Alcea rosea Pl. officin. 052 12 View this dissertation
Alcea rosea Calend. fl. 072 [22] as Alceae View this dissertation
Alcea rosea Cul. mut. 088 3 View this dissertation
Alcea rosea Hort. cul. 132 24 View this dissertation
Alcea rosea Hort. cul. 132 25 View this dissertation
Alcea tenuifolia humilis maritima galloprovincialis, foliis inferioribus nonnihil ad geranium accedentibus Cent. 1 pl. 065 22 View this dissertation
Alceae affinis indica abutilon dicta, flore parvo, foliis mollibus profunde venosis, siliculis lanuginosis Cent. 2 pl. 066 26 View this dissertation
Alces Mat. med. anim. 029 6 View this dissertation
Alchemilla Vir. pl. 013 12 as Alchimilla View this dissertation
Alchemilla Vir. pl. 013 27 as Alchimilla View this dissertation
