Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Ajuga reptans Fl. Belg. 112 18 View this dissertation
Ajuga verna Pan Svec. 026 26 View this dissertation
Alaternus Hort. Upsal. 007 35 View this dissertation
Alaternus Gem. arb. 024 6 View this dissertation
Alaternus Fl. Monsp. 074 7 View this dissertation
Alauda Morb. hyeme 038 3 View this dissertation
Alauda Morb. hyeme 038 13 View this dissertation
Alauda Cui bono? 042 24 View this dissertation
Alauda Migr. avium 079 31 View this dissertation
Alauda Instr. peregr. 096 11 View this dissertation
Alauda Polit. nat. 109 13 View this dissertation
Alauda Fund. ornith. 137 25 View this dissertation
Alauda alpestris Migr. avium 079 15 View this dissertation
Alauda arborea Migr. avium 079 31 View this dissertation
Alauda arvensis Migr. avium 079 31 View this dissertation
Alauda arvensis Fund. ornith. 137 27 View this dissertation
Alauda campestris Migr. avium 079 31 View this dissertation
Alauda pratensis Migr. avium 079 31 View this dissertation
Alauda tungusica Hist. nat. Rossia 144 16 View this dissertation
Albuca Nect. fl. 122 14 View this dissertation
Alca Polit. nat. 109 13 View this dissertation
Alca Fund. ornith. 137 19 View this dissertation
Alca arctica Nat. pelagi 084 13 as artica View this dissertation
Alca grylle Nat. pelagi 084 13 as gryllus View this dissertation
Alca impennis Nat. pelagi 084 13 View this dissertation
