Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations - Browse

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Viola tricolor Pan Svec. 026 34 View this dissertation
Viola tricolor Stat. pl. 055 21 View this dissertation
Viola tricolor Fl. Angl. 056 23 View this dissertation
Viola tricolor Fl. Monsp. 074 26 View this dissertation
Viola tricolor Prodr. fl. Dan. 082 24 View this dissertation
Viola tricolor Nom. bot. 107 17 View this dissertation
Viola tricolor Fl. Belg. 112 21 View this dissertation
Viola tricolor Fl. Åker. 162 18 View this dissertation
Viola tricolor Pand. fl. Ryb. 165 22 View this dissertation
Viola tricolor beta Hosp. insect. fl. 043 31 View this dissertation
Viola uniflora Hist. nat. Rossia 144 33 View this dissertation
Vipera Amphib. Gyll. 005 3 View this dissertation
Vipera Amphib. Gyll. 005 5 View this dissertation
Vipera Amphib. Gyll. 005 6 View this dissertation
Vipera Surin. Grill. 016 32 View this dissertation
Vipera Oecon. nat. 020 28 View this dissertation
Vipera Rad. senega 023 5 View this dissertation
Vipera Mat. med. anim. 029 12 View this dissertation
Vipera americana caudisona, longitudine 4 pedes exaequans, coloris leucophaei, hinc inde in dorso fusco colore adspersa, tintinabulum seu crepitaculum in cauda extrema a multis squamis compositum, habens Surin. Grill. 016 23 View this dissertation
Vipera anglica fusca, dorso linea undata nigricante conspicua Amphib. Gyll. 005 6 View this dissertation
Vipera anglica nigricans Amphib. Gyll. 005 5 View this dissertation
Vipera caudisona Amphib. Gyll. 005 3 View this dissertation
Vipera caudisona Amphib. Gyll. 005 6 View this dissertation
Vipera caudisona Hort. Upsal. 007 3 View this dissertation
Vipera caudisona Hort. Upsal. 007 43 View this dissertation
