Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Phalaena psi Pand. insect. 093 20 View this dissertation
Lichen candelarius Pand. insect. 093 [23, as 31] View this dissertation
Phalaena mesomella Pand. insect. 093 11 View this dissertation
Coccinella bipustulata Pand. insect. 093 15 View this dissertation
Acarus telarius Pand. insect. 093 16 View this dissertation
Rosa Pand. insect. 093 15 View this dissertation
Festuca Pand. insect. 093 11 View this dissertation
Phalaena amata Pand. insect. 093 20 View this dissertation
Thrips juniperina Pand. insect. 093 22 as Trips View this dissertation
Phalaena grossulariata Pand. insect. 093 12 View this dissertation
Chrysomela tridentata Pand. insect. 093 12 View this dissertation
Phalaena xylostella Pand. insect. 093 12 View this dissertation
Papilio polychloros Pand. insect. 093 15 View this dissertation
Cynips quercus folii Pand. insect. 093 20 View this dissertation
Cantharis navalis Pand. insect. 093 20 View this dissertation
Phalaena euonymella Pand. insect. 093 12 View this dissertation
Chrysomela 10-punctata Pand. insect. 093 13 View this dissertation
Phalaena sambucaria Pand. insect. 093 13 View this dissertation
Musca hyoscyami Pand. insect. 093 12 View this dissertation
Papilio c album Pand. insect. 093 22 View this dissertation
Phalaena pini Pand. insect. 093 20 View this dissertation
Curculio abietis Pand. insect. 093 21 View this dissertation
Aphis rosae Pand. insect. 093 15 View this dissertation
Sphinx atropos Pand. insect. 093 11 View this dissertation
Phalaena camelina Pand. insect. 093 16 View this dissertation
