Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Phalaena quercifolia Pand. insect. 093 15 as quircifolia View this dissertation
Coccus hesperidum Pand. insect. 093 [17, as 38] View this dissertation
Musa Pand. insect. 093 22 View this dissertation
Scarabaeus horticola Pand. insect. 093 14 View this dissertation
Papilio virgaureae Pand. insect. 093 18 View this dissertation
Hypochaeris Pand. insect. 093 18 View this dissertation
Verbascum Pand. insect. 093 12 View this dissertation
Phalaena gemella Pand. insect. 093 20 View this dissertation
Atriplex Pand. insect. 093 22 as Artiplex View this dissertation
Phalaena pratella Pand. insect. 093 11 View this dissertation
Cicada rosae Pand. insect. 093 15 View this dissertation
Podura Pand. insect. 093 6 View this dissertation
Papilio machaon Pand. insect. 093 14 View this dissertation
Cynips viminalis Pand. insect. 093 21 View this dissertation
Tenthredo cincta Pand. insect. 093 15 View this dissertation
Phalaena curtula Pand. insect. 093 22 View this dissertation
Aphis cirsii Pand. insect. 093 18 View this dissertation
Phalaena oporana Pand. insect. 093 15 View this dissertation
Chrysomela decempunctata Pand. insect. 093 22 View this dissertation
Papilio antiopa Pand. insect. 093 18 View this dissertation
Phalaena turionella Pand. insect. 093 21 View this dissertation
Curculio chinensis Pand. insect. 093 [17, as 38] View this dissertation
Curculio fagi Pand. insect. 093 20 View this dissertation
Phalaena bombyx Pand. insect. 093 7 View this dissertation
Phalaena lapella Pand. insect. 093 18 View this dissertation
