Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Bunias cakile Fl. Angl. 056 20 View this dissertation
Drosera perennis Fl. Angl. 056 28 View this dissertation
Reseda Fl. Angl. 056 5 View this dissertation
Lathyrus sylvestris Fl. Angl. 056 20 View this dissertation
Lavatera arborea Fl. Angl. 056 20 View this dissertation
Tormentilla erecta Fl. Angl. 056 17 View this dissertation
Chenopodium fruticosum Fl. Angl. 056 13 View this dissertation
Galium verum Fl. Angl. 056 11 View this dissertation
Andromeda Fl. Angl. 056 6 View this dissertation
Scilla bifolia Fl. Angl. 056 14 View this dissertation
Myrica gale Fl. Angl. 056 24 View this dissertation
Viscum album Fl. Angl. 056 24 View this dissertation
Juglans Fl. Angl. 056 4 View this dissertation
Staphylea pinnata Fl. Angl. 056 14 as Staphyllaea View this dissertation
Berberis vulgaris Fl. Angl. 056 14 View this dissertation
Festuca avenaceum dumetorum Fl. Angl. 056 29 View this dissertation
Prunus cerasus Fl. Angl. 056 17 View this dissertation
Agrostis stolonifera Fl. Angl. 056 10 View this dissertation
Salix viminalis Fl. Angl. 056 24 View this dissertation
Medicago polymorpha arabica Fl. Angl. 056 21 View this dissertation
Verbena officinalis Fl. Angl. 056 9 View this dissertation
Centaurea jacea Fl. Angl. 056 22 View this dissertation
Hieracium murorum Fl. Angl. 056 21 View this dissertation
Sisymbrium irio Fl. Angl. 056 19 as Sisymbrum View this dissertation
Othonna palustris Fl. Angl. 056 23 View this dissertation
