Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Urtica canadensis Demonstr. pl. 049 25 View this dissertation
Chrysocoma coma aurea Demonstr. pl. 049 22 View this dissertation
Ononis viscosa Demonstr. pl. 049 19 View this dissertation
Euphorbia pilosa Demonstr. pl. 049 13 View this dissertation
Salvia hispanica Demonstr. pl. 049 2 View this dissertation
Aster dumosus Demonstr. pl. 049 23 View this dissertation
Crocus sativus vernus Demonstr. pl. 049 2 View this dissertation
Polygonum bistorta Demonstr. pl. 049 11 View this dissertation
Allium obliquum Demonstr. pl. 049 9 View this dissertation
Sisymbrium strictissimum Demonstr. pl. 049 17 View this dissertation
Bupleurum difforme Demonstr. pl. 049 7 View this dissertation
Lupinus varius Demonstr. pl. 049 19 View this dissertation
Erigeron uniflorum Demonstr. pl. 049 23 View this dissertation
Rubia tinctorum Demonstr. pl. 049 4 View this dissertation
Trifolium melilotus indica Demonstr. pl. 049 21 as melit. indicum View this dissertation
Arenaria stellaria Demonstr. pl. 049 12 View this dissertation
Narcissus jonquilla Demonstr. pl. 049 9 View this dissertation
Corylus avellana hispanica Demonstr. pl. 049 25 View this dissertation
Gnaphalium alpinum Demonstr. pl. 049 23 View this dissertation
Acer pseudoplatanus Demonstr. pl. 049 27 View this dissertation
Serratula centauroides Demonstr. pl. 049 22 View this dissertation
Blitum capitatum Demonstr. pl. 049 [1] View this dissertation
Lawsonia spinosa Demonstr. pl. 049 11 View this dissertation
Phyllanthus urinaria Demonstr. pl. 049 25 View this dissertation
Digitalis purpurea Demonstr. pl. 049 16 View this dissertation
