Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Centaurea cyanus Demonstr. pl. 049 24 View this dissertation
Solanum nigrum villosum Demonstr. pl. 049 6 View this dissertation
Malpighia glabra Demonstr. pl. 049 12 View this dissertation
Asarum europaeum Demonstr. pl. 049 12 View this dissertation
Geranium phaeum Demonstr. pl. 049 18 View this dissertation
Rumex sanguineus Demonstr. pl. 049 10 View this dissertation
Hibiscus mutabilis Demonstr. pl. 049 19 View this dissertation
Coreopsis alternifolia Demonstr. pl. 049 24 View this dissertation
Nicotiana paniculata Demonstr. pl. 049 6 View this dissertation
Browallia americana Demonstr. pl. 049 17 View this dissertation
Cardamine impatiens Demonstr. pl. 049 17 View this dissertation
Sigesbeckia orientalis Demonstr. pl. 049 23 View this dissertation
Lilium martagon Demonstr. pl. 049 10 View this dissertation
Antirrhinum majus Demonstr. pl. 049 16 View this dissertation
Filago dichotoma Demonstr. pl. 049 24 View this dissertation
Rhus vernix Demonstr. pl. 049 9 View this dissertation
Claytonia sibirica Demonstr. pl. 049 7 View this dissertation
Tordylium maximum Demonstr. pl. 049 8 View this dissertation
Amaranthus retroflexus Demonstr. pl. 049 25 View this dissertation
Mollugo tetraphylla Demonstr. pl. 049 4 View this dissertation
Bellis hortensis Demonstr. pl. 049 23 View this dissertation
Cactus curassavicus Demonstr. pl. 049 13 View this dissertation
Scorzonera humilis Demonstr. pl. 049 22 View this dissertation
Lathyrus bithynicus Demonstr. pl. 049 20 View this dissertation
Cucumis melo Demonstr. pl. 049 25 View this dissertation
