Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Musa paradisiaca Demonstr. pl. 049 26 View this dissertation
Scutellaria supina Demonstr. pl. 049 16 View this dissertation
Cnicus benedictus Demonstr. pl. 049 22 View this dissertation
Lathyrus pedunculis bifloris, cirrhis diphyllis, foliolis ensiformibus, leguminibus glabris, stipulis bipartitis Demonstr. pl. 049 20 View this dissertation
Vitis vulpina Demonstr. pl. 049 7 View this dissertation
Phaseolus coccineus Demonstr. pl. 049 19 View this dissertation
Cactus peruvianus Demonstr. pl. 049 13 View this dissertation
Tamus communis Demonstr. pl. 049 26 View this dissertation
Cynara scolymus Demonstr. pl. 049 22 View this dissertation
Asclepias exaltata Demonstr. pl. 049 7 View this dissertation
Mentha viridis Demonstr. pl. 049 16 View this dissertation
Ranunculus arvensis Demonstr. pl. 049 15 View this dissertation
Chenopodium fruticosum Demonstr. pl. 049 7 View this dissertation
Verbena hastata Demonstr. pl. 049 [1] View this dissertation
Euphorbia canariensis Demonstr. pl. 049 13 View this dissertation
Bryonia alba Demonstr. pl. 049 25 View this dissertation
Othonna sibirica Demonstr. pl. 049 24 View this dissertation
Saururus cernuus Demonstr. pl. 049 11 View this dissertation
Andrachne telephioides Demonstr. pl. 049 26 View this dissertation
Crataegus tomentosa Demonstr. pl. 049 13 View this dissertation
Jatropha curcas Demonstr. pl. 049 25 View this dissertation
Antirrhinum molle Demonstr. pl. 049 16 View this dissertation
Hedysarum coronarium Demonstr. pl. 049 20 View this dissertation
Potentilla recta Demonstr. pl. 049 14 View this dissertation
Trollius europaeus Demonstr. pl. 049 15 View this dissertation
