Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Acer Pl. escul. 035 29 View this dissertation
Orobus niger Pl. escul. 035 21 View this dissertation
Spondias Pl. escul. 035 4 View this dissertation
Citrus Pl. escul. 035 13 View this dissertation
Leontodon Pl. escul. 035 28 View this dissertation
Rumex acetosa Pl. escul. 035 13 View this dissertation
Capparis Pl. escul. 035 29 View this dissertation
Fucus Pl. escul. 035 26 View this dissertation
Valeriana Pl. escul. 035 28 View this dissertation
Berberis Pl. escul. 035 13 View this dissertation
Crocus Pl. escul. 035 29 View this dissertation
Acorus Pl. escul. 035 13 View this dissertation
Orobus tuberosus Pl. escul. 035 20 View this dissertation
Stachys Pl. escul. 035 27 View this dissertation
Citrus Pl. escul. 035 29 View this dissertation
Leontodon taraxacum Pl. escul. 035 21 View this dissertation
Rumex lapathum Pl. escul. 035 13 View this dissertation
Cardamine Pl. escul. 035 20 View this dissertation
Fucus Pl. escul. 035 29 View this dissertation
Valeriana locusta Pl. escul. 035 7 View this dissertation
Berberis Pl. escul. 035 28 View this dissertation
Cucurbita Pl. escul. 035 4 View this dissertation
Acorus Pl. escul. 035 29 View this dissertation
Oryza Pl. escul. 035 5 View this dissertation
Stachys Pl. escul. 035 28 View this dissertation
