Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Eugenia Pl. escul. 035 4 View this dissertation
Arctium Pl. escul. 035 23 View this dissertation
Polypodium filix mas Pl. escul. 035 26 View this dissertation
Crambe Pl. escul. 035 20 View this dissertation
Vaccinium oxycoccos Pl. escul. 035 14 as oxycoccus View this dissertation
Melampyrum Pl. escul. 035 27 View this dissertation
Cerasus Pl. escul. 035 17 View this dissertation
Sorbus Pl. escul. 035 16 View this dissertation
Hypochaeris Pl. escul. 035 21 View this dissertation
Rubus norlandicus Pl. escul. 035 18 View this dissertation
Bromus Pl. escul. 035 27 View this dissertation
Fagopyrum Pl. escul. 035 15 View this dissertation
Arctium Pl. escul. 035 28 View this dissertation
Porrum Pl. escul. 035 29 View this dissertation
Crambe Pl. escul. 035 20 View this dissertation
Vaccinium vitis idaea Pl. escul. 035 14 as idea View this dissertation
Melampyrum arvense Pl. escul. 035 19 as arverse View this dissertation
Cerasus Pl. escul. 035 28 View this dissertation
Sorbus Pl. escul. 035 27 View this dissertation
Hypochaeris Pl. escul. 035 28 View this dissertation
Rubus saxatilis Pl. escul. 035 18 View this dissertation
Cactus Pl. escul. 035 4 View this dissertation
Fagus Pl. escul. 035 24 View this dissertation
Armeniaca Pl. escul. 035 4 as Armoniaca View this dissertation
Porrum amphicarpon Pl. escul. 035 12 View this dissertation
