Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Menyanthes Pl. hybr. 033 7 View this dissertation
Amaranthus Pl. hybr. 033 29 View this dissertation
Trifolium Pl. hybr. 033 7 View this dissertation
Geranium Pl. hybr. 033 25 View this dissertation
Saxifraga Pl. hybr. 033 29 View this dissertation
Cyanus floridus odoratus turcicus seu orientalis major, flore albo Pl. hybr. 033 18 View this dissertation
Primula Pl. hybr. 033 12 View this dissertation
Veronica spicata minor Pl. hybr. 033 23 View this dissertation
Calendula humilis africana, flore intus albo, foris violaceo simplici Pl. hybr. 033 9 View this dissertation
Menyanthes foliis orbiculatis, corollis margine laceris Pl. hybr. 033 27 View this dissertation
Anemonospermos afra, foliis et facie taraxaci incanis Pl. hybr. 033 8 View this dissertation
Trifolium hybridum Pl. hybr. 033 17 View this dissertation
Geranium Pl. hybr. 033 29 View this dissertation
Saxifraga bulbifera Pl. hybr. 033 28 View this dissertation
Cyanus floridus odoratus turcicus seu orientalis major, flore luteo Pl. hybr. 033 18 View this dissertation
Primula foliis glabris carnosis integerrimis Pl. hybr. 033 12 View this dissertation
Vitis foliis quinatis Pl. hybr. 033 28 View this dissertation
Campanula Pl. hybr. 033 7 View this dissertation
Menyanthes foliis ternatis Pl. hybr. 033 27 View this dissertation
Anemonospermos africana, jacobeae maritimae foliis, flore sulphureo Pl. hybr. 033 8 View this dissertation
Trifolium pratense album Pl. hybr. 033 17 View this dissertation
Geranium moschatum, cicutae folio Pl. hybr. 033 25 View this dissertation
Saxifraga caule nudo simplici, foliis dentatis, coma foliosa Pl. hybr. 033 28 View this dissertation
Primula foliis petiolatis, sublobatis crenatis Pl. hybr. 033 12 View this dissertation
Ziziphora Pl. hybr. 033 28 View this dissertation
