Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Malva caule erecto, foliis multipartitis Pl. hybr. 033 24 View this dissertation
Thalictrum pratense Pl. hybr. 033 22 View this dissertation
Dryas pentapetala, foliis pinnatis Pl. hybr. 033 26 View this dissertation
Cochlearia foliis caulinis cordato-sagittatis amplexicaulibus Pl. hybr. 033 15 View this dissertation
Ricinus Pl. hybr. 033 27 View this dissertation
Blitum capitellis spicatis terminalibus Pl. hybr. 033 14 as terminalbus View this dissertation
Alchemilla alpina pubescens minor Pl. hybr. 033 23 as Alchimilla View this dissertation
Verbena tetrandra, spicis longis acuminatis, foliis multifido-laciniatis Pl. hybr. 033 16 as tetranda View this dissertation
Malva foliis angulatis crispis, floribus axillaribus glomeratis Pl. hybr. 033 25 View this dissertation
Torenia Pl. hybr. 033 7 View this dissertation
Elymus Pl. hybr. 033 15 View this dissertation
Cochlearia foliis radicalibus subrotundis, caulinis oblongis sinuatis Pl. hybr. 033 15 View this dissertation
Salix Pl. hybr. 033 29 View this dissertation
Brassica Pl. hybr. 033 7 View this dissertation
Alchemilla foliis digitatis Pl. hybr. 033 23 as Alchimilla View this dissertation
Veronica Pl. hybr. 033 6 View this dissertation
Malva foliis radicalibus reniformibus incisis, caulinis quinquepartitis pinnato-multifidis Pl. hybr. 033 24 View this dissertation
Torenia kakapu Pl. hybr. 033 28 View this dissertation
Erica Pl. hybr. 033 29 View this dissertation
Cortusa foliis cordatis petiolatis Pl. hybr. 033 12 as folis View this dissertation
Salvia africana frutescens, flore violaceo, folio scorodoniae Pl. hybr. 033 28 View this dissertation
Brassica foliis lyratis, caule hirsuto, siliquis glabris Pl. hybr. 033 15 View this dissertation
Alchemilla foliis lobatis Pl. hybr. 033 23 as Alchimilla View this dissertation
Veronica Pl. hybr. 033 7 View this dissertation
Mentha Pl. hybr. 033 7 View this dissertation
