Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Sus Vir. pl. 013 17 View this dissertation
Ocimum Vir. pl. 013 12 View this dissertation
Crataegus Vir. pl. 013 21 as Crategus View this dissertation
Crataegus Vir. pl. 013 21 as Crategus View this dissertation
Anethum Vir. pl. 013 19 View this dissertation
Berberis Vir. pl. 013 33 View this dissertation
Hedyotis foliis lanceolato-ovatis, floribus verticillatis Vir. pl. 013 18 View this dissertation
Clematis Vir. pl. 013 21 View this dissertation
Sibbaldia Vir. pl. 013 27 as Sibaldia View this dissertation
Mirabilis Vir. pl. 013 19 View this dissertation
Agrimonia Vir. pl. 013 27 View this dissertation
Faba Vir. pl. 013 31 View this dissertation
Pulsatilla Vir. pl. 013 30 View this dissertation
Rubus Vir. pl. 013 33 View this dissertation
Malva Vir. pl. 013 12 View this dissertation
Cerinthe Vir. pl. 013 18 View this dissertation
Tussilago Vir. pl. 013 23 View this dissertation
Phalaris Vir. pl. 013 17 View this dissertation
Juglans Vir. pl. 013 35 View this dissertation
Capra Vir. pl. 013 16 View this dissertation
Symphytum Vir. pl. 013 18 View this dissertation
Ocimum Vir. pl. 013 34 View this dissertation
Crepis Vir. pl. 013 25 View this dissertation
Anethum Vir. pl. 013 31 View this dissertation
Berberis Vir. pl. 013 36 View this dissertation
