Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Cicer Vir. pl. 013 23 View this dissertation
Pancratium Vir. pl. 013 20 View this dissertation
Asperugo Vir. pl. 013 18 View this dissertation
Eupatorium Vir. pl. 013 23 View this dissertation
Spermacoce Vir. pl. 013 18 View this dissertation
Arum Vir. pl. 013 29 View this dissertation
Datura Vir. pl. 013 19 View this dissertation
Santolina Vir. pl. 013 33 View this dissertation
Anacardium occidentale Vir. pl. 013 4 View this dissertation
Melissa Vir. pl. 013 30 View this dissertation
Cassia Vir. pl. 013 31 View this dissertation
Viola martia Vir. pl. 013 30 View this dissertation
Corona imperialis Vir. pl. 013 31 View this dissertation
Pisum Vir. pl. 013 32 View this dissertation
Rhus Vir. pl. 013 25 View this dissertation
Aconitum Vir. pl. 013 24 View this dissertation
Levisticum Vir. pl. 013 8 View this dissertation
Bupleurum Vir. pl. 013 14 View this dissertation
Gloriosa Vir. pl. 013 31 View this dissertation
Thymus Vir. pl. 013 34 View this dissertation
Cichorium Vir. pl. 013 23 View this dissertation
Panicum Vir. pl. 013 32 View this dissertation
Asperula Vir. pl. 013 17 View this dissertation
Euphorbia Vir. pl. 013 12 View this dissertation
Stachys Vir. pl. 013 29 View this dissertation
