Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Clematis passiflora, flore luteo Passifl. 008 15 View this dissertation
Passiflora foliis indivisis ovatis integerrimis, petiolis aequalibus Passifl. 008 8 View this dissertation
Murucuja 2 maliformis Passifl. 008 28 View this dissertation
Granadilla folio tricuspidi obtuso et oculato Passifl. 008 15 View this dissertation
Flos passionis Passifl. 008 03ff. View this dissertation
Periclymeni perfoliati folio Passifl. 008 12 View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora flore roseo, triphyllo Passifl. 008 21 View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora pentaphylla angustifolia Passifl. 008 29 as angusti folia View this dissertation
Passiflora foliis indivisis ovatis integerrimis, petiolis biglandulosis Passifl. 008 7 View this dissertation
Murucuja 3 maliformis Passifl. 008 21 View this dissertation
Granadilla folio vario Passifl. 008 28 View this dissertation
Flos passionis albus, folio ibisci sericeo trilobato Passifl. 008 18 View this dissertation
Scinum Passifl. 008 [iii] View this dissertation
Theobroma Passifl. 008 [iii] View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora pentaphylla, flore caeruleo punctato Passifl. 008 22 View this dissertation
Passiflora foliis indivisis serratis Passifl. 008 7 View this dissertation
Murucuja 4 pyriformis 1, quae murucuja guacu Passifl. 008 25 View this dissertation
Granadilla fructu citriformi, foliis oblongis Passifl. 008 10 View this dissertation
Flos passionis albus reticulatus Passifl. 008 19 View this dissertation
Toluifera Passifl. 008 [iii] View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora pentaphylla flore caeruleo punctato Passifl. 008 28 View this dissertation
Passiflora foliis naviformibus umbilicatis, americana Passifl. 008 26 View this dissertation
Murucuja 4, seu pyriformis altera Passifl. 008 8 View this dissertation
Granadilla fructu minore corymboso Passifl. 008 11 View this dissertation
Flos passionis altheae foliis magis serratis Passifl. 008 18 View this dissertation
