Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations

Taxon Dissertation Lidén Page Note View Dissertation
Clematis non crenata americana triphylla, ex codice bentingiano Passifl. 008 27 View this dissertation
Passiflora naviformibus foliis, americana Passifl. 008 26 View this dissertation
Granadilla folio glabro tricuspidi et angusto, flore virescente minimo Passifl. 008 20 View this dissertation
Passiflora foliis cordatis trilobis integerrimis glabris, lateribus angulatis Passifl. 008 15 View this dissertation
Flos passionalis, flore viridi Passifl. 008 21 View this dissertation
Hymenaea Passifl. 008 [iii] as Hymenea View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora, flore luteo Passifl. 008 15 View this dissertation
Passiflora obverse lunulatis, punctis duobus melliferis sub basi Passifl. 008 14 View this dissertation
Granadilla folio hastato holosericeo, petalis candicantibus: fimbriis ex purpureo et luteo variis Passifl. 008 17 View this dissertation
Passiflora foliis cordato-oblongis integerrimis, floribus solitariis, involucro tripartito integerrimo Passifl. 008 10 View this dissertation
Flos passionis Passifl. 008 03ff. View this dissertation
Laurus foliis enervibus obverse ovatis obtusis Passifl. 008 [iii] View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora flore roseo, triphyllo Passifl. 008 21 View this dissertation
Passiflora scaphoides, seu foliis naviformibus umbilicatis, americana Passifl. 008 26 View this dissertation
Granadilla folio hederaceo, flore albo, fructu globoso villoso Passifl. 008 28 View this dissertation
Passiflora foliis cordato-trilobis integerrimis, basi utrinque denticulo reflexo Passifl. 008 17 View this dissertation
Flos passionis albus, folio ibisci sericeo trilobato Passifl. 008 18 View this dissertation
Laurus foliis trilobis Passifl. 008 [iii] View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora pentaphylla angustifolia Passifl. 008 29 as angusti folia View this dissertation
Passiflora seu flos passionis curassavicus, folio glabro trilobato et angusto, flore flavescente omnium minimo Passifl. 008 20 View this dissertation
Granadilla folio hederaceo, flore et fructu minimis Passifl. 008 18 View this dissertation
Passiflora foliis crenatis tripartito-divisis Passifl. 008 21 View this dissertation
Flos passionis albus reticulatus Passifl. 008 19 View this dissertation
Maroc seu clematis virginiana Passifl. 008 21 View this dissertation
Clematis passiflora pentaphylla, flore caeruleo punctato Passifl. 008 22 View this dissertation
