Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration

Jackson, Henry A. C.

Artist Biographical Record: 
International Year: 
5 (1983)
29. Armillaria ventricosa Pk. [Catathelasma ventricosa]    1943
Watercolor and aniline dye over graphite    25.5 × 19.8 cm.
Lent by the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (Accession no. 23, 058), gift of Dr. Naomi Jackson Groves, Ottawa, 1977

Photo Credits
Portrait: Courtesy of the Biosystematics Research Institute, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa
Artwork: The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, gift of Dr. Naomi Jackson Groves, Ottawa, 1977
Two artworks by this artist were displayed in the 5th International. The link to the second artwork in this Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration is here
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (1983)

Jackson, Henry A. C.

Artist Biographical Record: 
International Year: 
5 (1983)
30. Elvela infula Schaeff. [Gyromitra infula]   1943
Watercolor and aniline dye over graphite   25.5 × 20.4 cm.
Lent by the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (Accession no. 23, 039), gift of Dr. Naomi Jackson Groves, Ottawa, 1977
Photo Credits
Portrait: Courtesy of the Biosystematics Research Institute, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa
Artwork: The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, gift of Dr. Naomi Jackson Groves, Ottawa, 1977
Two artworks by this artist were displayed in the 5th International. The link to the second artwork in this Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration is here
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (1983)

Jakob, A. Kristin

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
5 (1983)
31. Viola tricolor hybrid  1981
Watercolor   26 × 18 cm. 
Lent by the artist
Photo Credit
Portrait: Revell Lauder
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (1983)
Two artworks by this artist were displayed in the 5th International, the other is in our permanent collection: Accession no. 6670
The link to the second artwork in this Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration is here

Jakob, A. Kristin

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
5 (1983)
32. Crocus laevigatus fonteneyei 1982 
Watercolor 23.2 × 19.3 cm. 
Hunt Institute collection
Photo Credit
Portrait: Revell Lauder
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (1983)
Two artworks by this artist were displayed in the 5th International. The link to the second artwork in this Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration is here

James, Rose Marie

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
15 (2016)
Balloon Cotton Bush, Gomphocarpus  physocarpus [Gomphocarpus physocarpus E. Meyer, Asclepiadaceae] 2015
Watercolor on paper 48 × 32 cm
Hunt Institute collection, gift from the artist


Portrait credit: Brune Picchi
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (2016)

Jamison, Philip

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
4 (1977)

Janish, Jeanne Russell (Mrs. Carl F.)

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
1 (1964)

Jarvis, Hazel R.

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
10 (2001)
Indian corn     1999
Watercolor     52 × 57.5  cm
Hunt Institute collection
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (2001)

Jenkins, Carolyn

Artist Biographical Record: 
International Year: 
14 (2013)
Holm, Kermes and Pyrenean Oak, Quercus ilex [Quercus ilex Linnaeus], Q. coccifera [Q. coccifera Linnaeus], and Q. pyrenaica [Q. pyrenaica Willdenow, Fagaceae] 2012
Watercolor on paper 32.6 × 37.5 cm
Hunt Institute collection, gift from the artist
Portrait credit: Jemima Schlee
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (2013)

Jess, Robin A.

Artist Biographical Record: 
United States
International Year: 
6 (1988)
Cyclamen      1984
Pen-and-ink  35.2 × 48.8 cm.
Hunt Institute collection, gift from the artist
Portrait collection: Kenneth J. Hess
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (1988)
