Author: Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780 // J. Carver
Title: Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768.
Edition: The second edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Author.
Additional Publisher Info: J. Dodsley; J. Robson; J. Walters; J. Bew; Mess. Richardson and Urquhart.
Date: 1779.
Format: 8º.
Printer: William Richardson.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates (including 2 maps, one of these frontisp.).
Copies: ViU-R
Reported: BM; CtY; CtY-M; DLC; MH; NcU; NIC; NN; PU; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Sabin 3: 382; Cox 2: 151; Embacher 71; Howes 102 (no. C 215); Meisel 3: 351; NUC 97: NC 0175904.
Editor/Contributor: Lettsom, John Coakley, 1744-1815.
HI Number: \16253\
Title: Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768.
Edition: The second edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Author.
Additional Publisher Info: J. Dodsley; J. Robson; J. Walters; J. Bew; Mess. Richardson and Urquhart.
Date: 1779.
Format: 8º.
Printer: William Richardson.
Illustrations: 6 BW plates (including 2 maps, one of these frontisp.).
Copies: ViU-R
Reported: BM; CtY; CtY-M; DLC; MH; NcU; NIC; NN; PU; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Sabin 3: 382; Cox 2: 151; Embacher 71; Howes 102 (no. C 215); Meisel 3: 351; NUC 97: NC 0175904.
Editor/Contributor: Lettsom, John Coakley, 1744-1815.
HI Number: \16253\
Author: Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780 // J. Carver
Title: Voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Amérique septentrionale, pendant les années 1766, 1767 et 1768.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris et Amsterdam. J. E. G. Dufour.
Date: 1802.
Format: 18º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: Breton de la Martinière, Jean Baptiste Joseph (Translated from the German of: Das Interessanteste aus Johann Carvers Reisen, durch die innern Gegenden von Nordamerika. In: Samml. Interessanter Zwekmässig Abgefasster Reisebeschreib. Jugend 4: 31-287. 1796 >>4MLP 1824<<4.
Reported: ICN; NN
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Décade Philos. 1802/03.I(7): 446. 1802/03 [1 Dec. 1802] >>3>>4MLP 0482<<4; NUC 97: NC 0175918.
Editor/Contributor: Campe, Joachim Heinrich, 1746-1818.
HI Number: \24118\
Title: Voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Amérique septentrionale, pendant les années 1766, 1767 et 1768.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris et Amsterdam. J. E. G. Dufour.
Date: 1802.
Format: 18º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (including 1 map).
Translator: Breton de la Martinière, Jean Baptiste Joseph (Translated from the German of: Das Interessanteste aus Johann Carvers Reisen, durch die innern Gegenden von Nordamerika. In: Samml. Interessanter Zwekmässig Abgefasster Reisebeschreib. Jugend 4: 31-287. 1796 >>4MLP 1824<<4.
Reported: ICN; NN
Reference / Citation: Announcement in Décade Philos. 1802/03.I(7): 446. 1802/03 [1 Dec. 1802] >>3>>4MLP 0482<<4; NUC 97: NC 0175918.
Editor/Contributor: Campe, Joachim Heinrich, 1746-1818.
HI Number: \24118\
Author: Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780 // J. Carver
Title: Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768.
Edition: The third edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Author.
Additional Publisher Info: J. Dodsley; J. Robson; J. Walter; J. Bew; Mess. Richardson and Urquhart.
Date: 1780.
Format: 8º.
Printer: William Richardson.
Illustrations: 8 MIXD plates (including 2 frontisp.: 1 map and 1 portrait of Jonathan Carver + another map).
Copies: ICN
Reference / Citation: Howes 102 (no. C 215); NUC 97: NC 0175907.
Editor/Contributor: Lettsom, John Coakley, 1744-1815.
HI Number: \28920\
Title: Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768.
Edition: The third edition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. Author.
Additional Publisher Info: J. Dodsley; J. Robson; J. Walter; J. Bew; Mess. Richardson and Urquhart.
Date: 1780.
Format: 8º.
Printer: William Richardson.
Illustrations: 8 MIXD plates (including 2 frontisp.: 1 map and 1 portrait of Jonathan Carver + another map).
Copies: ICN
Reference / Citation: Howes 102 (no. C 215); NUC 97: NC 0175907.
Editor/Contributor: Lettsom, John Coakley, 1744-1815.
HI Number: \28920\
Author: Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780 // Johann Carver
Title: ... Reisen durch die innern Gegenden von Nord-Amerika in den Jahren 1766, 1767 und 1768.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Hamburg. Carl Ernst Bohn.
Date: 1780.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Carl Wilhelm Meyn.
Pagination: I-XXIV, 1-456.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (map).
Translator: (Translated from the English, HI 13402).
Copies: HBG-SuUB; O2NB
Reported: DLC; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 305; Cox 2: 151; Embacher 71; Howes 102 (no. C 215); Meisel 3: 351; Sabin 3: 383; Heinsius 1: 513; Kayser 1: 418; NUC 97: NC 0175864.
Editor/Contributor: Ebeling, Christoph Daniel, 1741-1817.
HI Number: \14842\
Title: ... Reisen durch die innern Gegenden von Nord-Amerika in den Jahren 1766, 1767 und 1768.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Hamburg. Carl Ernst Bohn.
Date: 1780.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Carl Wilhelm Meyn.
Pagination: I-XXIV, 1-456.
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (map).
Translator: (Translated from the English, HI 13402).
Copies: HBG-SuUB; O2NB
Reported: DLC; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 305; Cox 2: 151; Embacher 71; Howes 102 (no. C 215); Meisel 3: 351; Sabin 3: 383; Heinsius 1: 513; Kayser 1: 418; NUC 97: NC 0175864.
Editor/Contributor: Ebeling, Christoph Daniel, 1741-1817.
HI Number: \14842\
Author: Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780 // Jonathan Carver
Title: Three years travels through the interior parts of North America, for more than five thousand miles; containing an account of the Great Lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, soil and vegetable productions of the north-west regions of that vast continent; with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles, insects, and fishes peculiar to the country. Together with ...; and an appendix describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for forming settlements.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Philadelphia. Key & Simpson.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Copies: MH-HL; PPAN
Seen / Located: MiU; MiU-C
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; DLC; MH; NN; OCl; PPAP; PPL; PU; TxU; ViU
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 305; Cox 2: 151-152; Howes 102 (no. C 215); Evans 10: 30169; Meisel 3: 352; Sabin 3: 383; NUC 97: NC 0175882.
HI Number: \13403\
Title: Three years travels through the interior parts of North America, for more than five thousand miles; containing an account of the Great Lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, soil and vegetable productions of the north-west regions of that vast continent; with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles, insects, and fishes peculiar to the country. Together with ...; and an appendix describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for forming settlements.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Philadelphia. Key & Simpson.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Copies: MH-HL; PPAN
Seen / Located: MiU; MiU-C
Reported: BM; BMNH; CtY; DLC; MH; NN; OCl; PPAP; PPL; PU; TxU; ViU
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 305; Cox 2: 151-152; Howes 102 (no. C 215); Evans 10: 30169; Meisel 3: 352; Sabin 3: 383; NUC 97: NC 0175882.
HI Number: \13403\
Author: Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780 // Jonathan Carver
Title: Voyage dans les parties intérieures de l'Amérique septentrionale, pendant les années 1766, 1767 & 1768.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Pissot.
Date: 1784.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-24, i-xxviii, 1-451 (452 blank).
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (map).
Translator: Montucla, Jean Étienne, 1725-1799 (on the title-page as: M. de C....) (Translated from the 3rd english edition, HI 13401).
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: MiU; P-BC
Reported: BM; DLC; ICU; NN
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 152; Howes 102 (no. C 215); Sabin 3: 383; Meisel 3: 351; Brunet 6: 21006; Fournier 73; NUC 97: NC 0175914.
Editor/Contributor: Montucla, Jean Étienne, 1725-1799.
HI Number: \14843\
Title: Voyage dans les parties intérieures de l'Amérique septentrionale, pendant les années 1766, 1767 & 1768.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Pissot.
Date: 1784.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-24, i-xxviii, 1-451 (452 blank).
Illustrations: 1 BW plate (map).
Translator: Montucla, Jean Étienne, 1725-1799 (on the title-page as: M. de C....) (Translated from the 3rd english edition, HI 13401).
Copies: O2NB
Seen / Located: MiU; P-BC
Reported: BM; DLC; ICU; NN
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 152; Howes 102 (no. C 215); Sabin 3: 383; Meisel 3: 351; Brunet 6: 21006; Fournier 73; NUC 97: NC 0175914.
Editor/Contributor: Montucla, Jean Étienne, 1725-1799.
HI Number: \14843\
Author: Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780 // Jonathan Carver
Title: Reize door de binnenlanden van Noord-Amerika.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leyden. A. en J. Honkoop.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Eerste deel (- Tweede deel).
Illustrations: 6 MIXD plates (including 1 map).
Translator: Pasteur, Jan David, 1753-1804 (Translated from the 3rd english edition, HI 13401).
Copies: DLC
Reported: BR-BR; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Sabin 3: 384; Meisel 3: 351; Howes 102 (no. C 215); NUC 97: NC 0175865.
HI Number: \16254\
Title: Reize door de binnenlanden van Noord-Amerika.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Leyden. A. en J. Honkoop.
Date: 1796.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Eerste deel (- Tweede deel).
Illustrations: 6 MIXD plates (including 1 map).
Translator: Pasteur, Jan David, 1753-1804 (Translated from the 3rd english edition, HI 13401).
Copies: DLC
Reported: BR-BR; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Sabin 3: 384; Meisel 3: 351; Howes 102 (no. C 215); NUC 97: NC 0175865.
HI Number: \16254\
Author: Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780 // Jonathan Carver
Title: Three years travels throughout the interior parts of North-America, for more than five thousand miles, containing an account of the Great Lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, soil and vegetable productions of the north-west regions of that vast continent; with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles, insects, and fishes peculiar to the country. Together with ...; and an appendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America, that are the most proper for forming settlements.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Boston. David West.
Date: 1797.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Printer: John Russell.
Copies: MH-HL
Reported: CaOTU; DLC; MB; MBAt; NcU; NIC; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 261; Cox 2: 152; Howes 102 (no. C 215); Evans 11: 31920; Meisel 3: 352; Sabin 3: 383; NUC 97: NC 0175884.
HI Number: \21798\
Title: Three years travels throughout the interior parts of North-America, for more than five thousand miles, containing an account of the Great Lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, soil and vegetable productions of the north-west regions of that vast continent; with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles, insects, and fishes peculiar to the country. Together with ...; and an appendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America, that are the most proper for forming settlements.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Boston. David West.
Date: 1797.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Printer: John Russell.
Copies: MH-HL
Reported: CaOTU; DLC; MB; MBAt; NcU; NIC; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Bradley Bibliogr. 3: 261; Cox 2: 152; Howes 102 (no. C 215); Evans 11: 31920; Meisel 3: 352; Sabin 3: 383; NUC 97: NC 0175884.
HI Number: \21798\
Author: Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780 // Jonathan Carver
Title: Three years travels through the interior parts of North-America, for more than five thousand miles, containing an account of the Great Lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, soil and vegetable productions of the north-west regions of that vast continent; with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles, insects, and fishes peculiar to the country. Together with ...; and an appendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for forming settlements.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Philadelphia.
Date: 1792.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Printer: Joseph Crukshank.
Copies: MiU-C; PU
Reported: ICJ; ICN; ICU; OCl; NcD; NN
Reference / Citation: Sabin 3: 383; Evans 8: 24181; Howes 102 (no. C 215); NUC 97: NC 0175876.
HI Number: \23172\
Title: Three years travels through the interior parts of North-America, for more than five thousand miles, containing an account of the Great Lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, soil and vegetable productions of the north-west regions of that vast continent; with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles, insects, and fishes peculiar to the country. Together with ...; and an appendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for forming settlements.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Philadelphia.
Date: 1792.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Printer: Joseph Crukshank.
Copies: MiU-C; PU
Reported: ICJ; ICN; ICU; OCl; NcD; NN
Reference / Citation: Sabin 3: 383; Evans 8: 24181; Howes 102 (no. C 215); NUC 97: NC 0175876.
HI Number: \23172\
Author: Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780 // Jonathan Carver
Title: Three years travels through the interior parts of North-America, for more than five thousand miles, containing an account of the Great Lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, soil and vegetable productions of the north-west regions of that vast continent; with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles, insects, and fishes peculiar to the country. Together with ...; and an appendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for forming settlements.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Philadelphia.
Date: 1789.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Printer: Joseph Crukshank.
Copies: MiU-C
Reported: CtY; DLC; MB; NN; OCl; PPL; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Meisel 3: 351; Sabin 3: 383; Evans 7: 21728; Howes 102 (no. C 215); NUC 97: NC 0175873.
HI Number: \23173\
Title: Three years travels through the interior parts of North-America, for more than five thousand miles, containing an account of the Great Lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, soil and vegetable productions of the north-west regions of that vast continent; with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles, insects, and fishes peculiar to the country. Together with ...; and an appendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for forming settlements.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Philadelphia.
Date: 1789.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Printer: Joseph Crukshank.
Copies: MiU-C
Reported: CtY; DLC; MB; NN; OCl; PPL; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Meisel 3: 351; Sabin 3: 383; Evans 7: 21728; Howes 102 (no. C 215); NUC 97: NC 0175873.
HI Number: \23173\