Author: Bossu, Jean Bernard, 1720-1792
Title: Nieuwe reizen naer Noord-Amerika. Behelzende eene beschryving van de onderscheidene volken en stammen, die de landen omtrent de groote rivier Saint Louis, gewoonlyk de Mississipi genaamd, bewoonen, derzelver godsdienst, staatsbestuur, zeden, wyze van oorlogen en koophandel.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amsterdam. S. van Esveldt.
Date: 1769.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 4 BW plates.
Translator: (Translated from the French, HI 18110).
Reported: DLC; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 301; Howes 66 (no. B 626); NUC 68: NB 0666568.
HI Number: \18111\
Title: Nieuwe reizen naer Noord-Amerika. Behelzende eene beschryving van de onderscheidene volken en stammen, die de landen omtrent de groote rivier Saint Louis, gewoonlyk de Mississipi genaamd, bewoonen, derzelver godsdienst, staatsbestuur, zeden, wyze van oorlogen en koophandel.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amsterdam. S. van Esveldt.
Date: 1769.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 4 BW plates.
Translator: (Translated from the French, HI 18110).
Reported: DLC; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 301; Howes 66 (no. B 626); NUC 68: NB 0666568.
HI Number: \18111\
Author: Bossu, Jean Bernard, 1720-1792
Title: Nouveaux voyages aux Indes occidentales; contenant une relation des différens peuples qui habitant les environs du grand fleuve Saint-Louis, appellé vulgairement le Mississipi; leur religion; leur gouvernement; leurs moeurs; leurs guerres & leur commerce.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amsterdam. D. T. Changuin.
Date: 1769.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 4 BW plates.
Reported: BM; MiU-C; NcD; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 301; Howes 66 (no. B 626); NUC 68: NB 0666573.
HI Number: \24384\
Title: Nouveaux voyages aux Indes occidentales; contenant une relation des différens peuples qui habitant les environs du grand fleuve Saint-Louis, appellé vulgairement le Mississipi; leur religion; leur gouvernement; leurs moeurs; leurs guerres & leur commerce.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Amsterdam. D. T. Changuin.
Date: 1769.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 4 BW plates.
Reported: BM; MiU-C; NcD; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 301; Howes 66 (no. B 626); NUC 68: NB 0666573.
HI Number: \24384\
Author: Bossu, Jean Bernard, 1720-1792
Title: Nouveaux voyages aux Indes occidentales; contenant une relation des différens peuples qui habitent les environs du grand fleuve Saint-Louis, appellé vulgairement le Mississipi; leur religion; leur gouvernement; leurs moeurs; leurs guerres & leur commerce.
Edition: Seconde édition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Le Jay.
Date: 1768.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 4 BW plates (including frontisp. vol. 1).
Reported: CtY; CU; DLC; NcU; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 300-301; Howes 66 (no. B 626); NUC 68: NB 0666571.
HI Number: \24383\
Title: Nouveaux voyages aux Indes occidentales; contenant une relation des différens peuples qui habitent les environs du grand fleuve Saint-Louis, appellé vulgairement le Mississipi; leur religion; leur gouvernement; leurs moeurs; leurs guerres & leur commerce.
Edition: Seconde édition.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Le Jay.
Date: 1768.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: 4 BW plates (including frontisp. vol. 1).
Reported: CtY; CU; DLC; NcU; NN; RPJCB
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 300-301; Howes 66 (no. B 626); NUC 68: NB 0666571.
HI Number: \24383\
Author: Bossu, Jean Bernard, 1720-1792 // Bossu
Title: Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. T. Davies.
Date: 1771.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Pagination: [Vol. 1]: i-viii, 1-407 (408 blank); [Vol. 2]: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (2nd and 4th p. blank), 1-432.
Translator: Forster, Johann Reinhold, 1729-1798 (Translated from the French, HI 18110).
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: MA; MB; MH-HL; P-BC
Reported: BM; CU; DLC; DNAL; E-UL; LINN; MBAt; MBH; MH; MiU-C; NcD; NcU; NN; NNC; OCl; PPAN; PPAP; PPL; PU; RPJCB; TxU; ViU; Wellcome
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1174; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 305, 328; Jackson 363; Sabin 2: 301; Cox 2: 142; Howes 66 (no. B 626); Lowndes 1: 241; Stevenson 2(2): p. 345; Hoare 58; Soulsby 3591; Lawrence, Strandell & Kiger 919.
Editor/Contributor: Forster, Johann Reinhold, 1729-1798.
Notes: Other Contr.: Linnaeus, Carl, 1707-1778 (The life of Peter Loefling. Vol. 2: 71-87; translated from: Företal, 7th-20th unnumb. p., in: Löfling, Pehr: Iter hispanicum. Stockholm, 1758 (HI 03433). Half-title in vol. 2: 69 reads: An abstract of the most useful and necessary articles mentioned by Peter Loefling, botanist to His Catholic Majesty, in his Travels through Spain, and that part of South America called Cumana, consisting in his life, and in systematical descriptions of the plants of both countries, referred to the pages of the original swedish edition.
HI Number: \07231\
Title: Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. T. Davies.
Date: 1771.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Vol. I (- Vol. II).
Pagination: [Vol. 1]: i-viii, 1-407 (408 blank); [Vol. 2]: 1st-4th unnumb. p. (2nd and 4th p. blank), 1-432.
Translator: Forster, Johann Reinhold, 1729-1798 (Translated from the French, HI 18110).
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: MA; MB; MH-HL; P-BC
Reported: BM; CU; DLC; DNAL; E-UL; LINN; MBAt; MBH; MH; MiU-C; NcD; NcU; NN; NNC; OCl; PPAN; PPAP; PPL; PU; RPJCB; TxU; ViU; Wellcome
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 1174; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 305, 328; Jackson 363; Sabin 2: 301; Cox 2: 142; Howes 66 (no. B 626); Lowndes 1: 241; Stevenson 2(2): p. 345; Hoare 58; Soulsby 3591; Lawrence, Strandell & Kiger 919.
Editor/Contributor: Forster, Johann Reinhold, 1729-1798.
Notes: Other Contr.: Linnaeus, Carl, 1707-1778 (The life of Peter Loefling. Vol. 2: 71-87; translated from: Företal, 7th-20th unnumb. p., in: Löfling, Pehr: Iter hispanicum. Stockholm, 1758 (HI 03433). Half-title in vol. 2: 69 reads: An abstract of the most useful and necessary articles mentioned by Peter Loefling, botanist to His Catholic Majesty, in his Travels through Spain, and that part of South America called Cumana, consisting in his life, and in systematical descriptions of the plants of both countries, referred to the pages of the original swedish edition.
HI Number: \07231\
Author: Bossu, Jean Bernard, 1720-1792 // Bossu
Title: Nouveaux voyages aux Indes occidentales; contenant une relation des differens peuples qui habitent les environs du grand fleuve Saint-Louis, appellé vulgairement le Mississipi; leur religion; leur gouvernement; leursmoeurs [sic]; leurs guerres & leur commerce.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Le Jay.
Date: 1768.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Premiere partie (- Seconde partie).
Illustrations: 4 BW plates (including frontisp. vols. 1-2).
Copies: ViU-R
Seen / Located: BM; MiU-C
Reported: CtY; DLC; ICJ; MB; NcU
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 142-143; Howes 66 (no. B 626); NUC 68: NB 0666570.
Notes: The printing error "leursmoeurs" on the title-page of vol. 1 is corrected to "leurs moeurs" on the title-page of vol. 2.
HI Number: \18110\
Title: Nouveaux voyages aux Indes occidentales; contenant une relation des differens peuples qui habitent les environs du grand fleuve Saint-Louis, appellé vulgairement le Mississipi; leur religion; leur gouvernement; leursmoeurs [sic]; leurs guerres & leur commerce.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Le Jay.
Date: 1768.
Format: 12º.
Volumation: 2 vols.: Premiere partie (- Seconde partie).
Illustrations: 4 BW plates (including frontisp. vols. 1-2).
Copies: ViU-R
Seen / Located: BM; MiU-C
Reported: CtY; DLC; ICJ; MB; NcU
Reference / Citation: Cox 2: 142-143; Howes 66 (no. B 626); NUC 68: NB 0666570.
Notes: The printing error "leursmoeurs" on the title-page of vol. 1 is corrected to "leurs moeurs" on the title-page of vol. 2.
HI Number: \18110\
Author: Bossu, Jean Bernard, 1720-1792 // Bossy
Title: Neue Reisen nach West-Indien Darinnen Nachrichten von der Religion, der Regierungsart, den Sitten, der Handlung und den Kriegen der Völker enthalten, die an dem grossen Flusse Saint Louis, der gemeiniglich der Mississippi genannt wird, wohnen.
Edition: Neue von dem Verfasser durchsehene und verbesserte Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Helmstädt.
Date: 1776.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Translator: (Translated from the French, HI 18110).
Reported: MH (vol. 1 only)
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 301; Howes 66 (no. B 626); Heinsius 1: 388; Kayser 1: 321; NUC 68: NB 0666566 (p.p.).
HI Number: \18113\
Title: Neue Reisen nach West-Indien Darinnen Nachrichten von der Religion, der Regierungsart, den Sitten, der Handlung und den Kriegen der Völker enthalten, die an dem grossen Flusse Saint Louis, der gemeiniglich der Mississippi genannt wird, wohnen.
Edition: Neue von dem Verfasser durchsehene und verbesserte Auflage.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Helmstädt.
Date: 1776.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Translator: (Translated from the French, HI 18110).
Reported: MH (vol. 1 only)
Reference / Citation: Sabin 2: 301; Howes 66 (no. B 626); Heinsius 1: 388; Kayser 1: 321; NUC 68: NB 0666566 (p.p.).
HI Number: \18113\
Author: Botanista, Theophilus // Theophilus Botanista (Pseud.)
Title: Rural beauties; or, the natural history of the four following western counties, viz. Cornwall, Devonshire, Dorsetshire, and Somersetshire. With additional remarks.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. W. Fenner; J. Fuller; C. Henderson.
Additional Publisher Info: W. Fenner; J. Fuller; C. Henderson.
Date: 1757.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Volumation: 1 vol. (in 10 fasc.).
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (frontisp. and map).
Copies: CtY
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Jackson 504; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 3: 1040; NUC 68 NB 0679370.
HI Number: \10397\
Title: Rural beauties; or, the natural history of the four following western counties, viz. Cornwall, Devonshire, Dorsetshire, and Somersetshire. With additional remarks.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. W. Fenner; J. Fuller; C. Henderson.
Additional Publisher Info: W. Fenner; J. Fuller; C. Henderson.
Date: 1757.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Volumation: 1 vol. (in 10 fasc.).
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (frontisp. and map).
Copies: CtY
Reported: BM
Reference / Citation: Jackson 504; Cat. BM (Compact ed.) 3: 1040; NUC 68 NB 0679370.
HI Number: \10397\
Author: Boubée, Nérée, 1806-1863 // Nérée Boubée
Title: Itinéraires en France, pour l'étude de l'histoire naturelle et de la géologie, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Bureau du Bulletin d'Histoire Naturelle de France.
Date: s.d.[ca.1834].
Format: 18º in 6's.
Printer: Decourchant.
Volumation: 1 vol. only: Ier volume.
Pagination: 1-55 (56 blank), 1-40, 1-20, 1-80.
Illustrations: 11 MIXD plates (including frontisp.).
Copies: PPAN
Reference / Citation: NUC 69: NB 0683533.
Notes: Unfinished work. Collection of 5 papers, among them: 3) Promenade de Bagne'res au lac d'Oo, pour l'étude de la Vallée du Larboust ([second set of pagination] pp. 1-40; floristic: Botanique des montagnes du lac d'Oo pp. 33-37).
HI Number: \23199\
Title: Itinéraires en France, pour l'étude de l'histoire naturelle et de la géologie, ...
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Bureau du Bulletin d'Histoire Naturelle de France.
Date: s.d.[ca.1834].
Format: 18º in 6's.
Printer: Decourchant.
Volumation: 1 vol. only: Ier volume.
Pagination: 1-55 (56 blank), 1-40, 1-20, 1-80.
Illustrations: 11 MIXD plates (including frontisp.).
Copies: PPAN
Reference / Citation: NUC 69: NB 0683533.
Notes: Unfinished work. Collection of 5 papers, among them: 3) Promenade de Bagne'res au lac d'Oo, pour l'étude de la Vallée du Larboust ([second set of pagination] pp. 1-40; floristic: Botanique des montagnes du lac d'Oo pp. 33-37).
HI Number: \23199\
Author: Boubée, Nérée, 1806-1863 // Nérée Boubée
Title: Relation des expériences physiques et géologiques faites au lac d'Oo en 1831, avec l'itinéraire du naturaliste de Bagnères au lac.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Levrault; Crochart. :: Toulouse. Vieusseux.
Date: 1832.
Format: 18º in 6's.
Pagination: I-VIII, 1-36, 1-42.
Illustrations: 6 COL plates (including frontisp.).
Copies: PPAN
Reference / Citation: NUC 69: NB 0683536.
Notes: Consists of two papers, the second previously published: 2) Promenade de Bagne'res au lac d'Oo pour l'étude de la Vallée du Larboust ([second set of pagination] pp. 1-42; floristic: Botanique des montagnes du lac d'Oo, pp. 33-37).
HI Number: \23200\
Title: Relation des expériences physiques et géologiques faites au lac d'Oo en 1831, avec l'itinéraire du naturaliste de Bagnères au lac.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Levrault; Crochart. :: Toulouse. Vieusseux.
Date: 1832.
Format: 18º in 6's.
Pagination: I-VIII, 1-36, 1-42.
Illustrations: 6 COL plates (including frontisp.).
Copies: PPAN
Reference / Citation: NUC 69: NB 0683536.
Notes: Consists of two papers, the second previously published: 2) Promenade de Bagne'res au lac d'Oo pour l'étude de la Vallée du Larboust ([second set of pagination] pp. 1-42; floristic: Botanique des montagnes du lac d'Oo, pp. 33-37).
HI Number: \23200\
Author: Boucher de Crèvecoeur, Jules Armand Guillaume, 1757-1844 // J. A. G. Boucher
Title: Extrait de la Flore d'Abbeville et du département de la Somme.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. J.-J. Fuchs.
Date: AnXI.1803.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Printer: H.-L. Perronneau.
Pagination: i-xvi, 1-108.
Copies: DNAL
Seen / Located: G; P; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; LINN; NYBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1052; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 406; Dierbach 175; Miltitz 127; Krüger 143; Lindau & Sydow 1: 3465a; Sayre 14; TL-2 1: 681.
Notes: This is an extract of the earlier work: Flore d'Abbeville, département de la Somme, read on 8 Oct. 1799 at the Academy of Sciences, Paris (See: Proce's Verbaux Séances Acad. Sc. 2: 963. 1912). However, publication of this earlier work has not been established yet. The present item, although not designated as such, is considered to be the second edition. The third edition was published under the title: Flore d'Abbeville et des environs. Troisie'me édition. Abbeville, 1834 (HI 00680). Headline on p. 1 reads: Extrait de la flore d'Abbeville et du département de la Somme, rangé suivant le syste^me de Linné.
HI Number: \00679\
Title: Extrait de la Flore d'Abbeville et du département de la Somme.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. J.-J. Fuchs.
Date: AnXI.1803.
Format: 12º in 6's.
Printer: H.-L. Perronneau.
Pagination: i-xvi, 1-108.
Copies: DNAL
Seen / Located: G; P; P-BC
Reported: BM; BMNH; LINN; NYBG
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 1052; Bradley Bibliogr. 1: 406; Dierbach 175; Miltitz 127; Krüger 143; Lindau & Sydow 1: 3465a; Sayre 14; TL-2 1: 681.
Notes: This is an extract of the earlier work: Flore d'Abbeville, département de la Somme, read on 8 Oct. 1799 at the Academy of Sciences, Paris (See: Proce's Verbaux Séances Acad. Sc. 2: 963. 1912). However, publication of this earlier work has not been established yet. The present item, although not designated as such, is considered to be the second edition. The third edition was published under the title: Flore d'Abbeville et des environs. Troisie'me édition. Abbeville, 1834 (HI 00680). Headline on p. 1 reads: Extrait de la flore d'Abbeville et du département de la Somme, rangé suivant le syste^me de Linné.
HI Number: \00679\