Author: Wang, Lo-shan
Title: Yün-nan pei chêng chih. [Complete collection of records concerning Yunnan].
Date: 1831.
Reference / Citation: Merrill-Walker 558.
HI Number: \34152\
Title: Yün-nan pei chêng chih. [Complete collection of records concerning Yunnan].
Date: 1831.
Reference / Citation: Merrill-Walker 558.
HI Number: \34152\
Author: Warden, David Baillie, 1778-1845
Title: Statistische, politische und historische Beschreibung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Ilmenau. Bernhard Friedrich Voigt.
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Bernhard Friedrich Voigt.
Translator: Cannabich, I. G. F. (Translated from the English, HI 27857).
Reported: NN
Reference / Citation: Sabin 27: 332; Kayser 6: 153; Heinsius 7(2): 436.
HI Number: \27860\
Title: Statistische, politische und historische Beschreibung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Ilmenau. Bernhard Friedrich Voigt.
Date: 1824.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Bernhard Friedrich Voigt.
Translator: Cannabich, I. G. F. (Translated from the English, HI 27857).
Reported: NN
Reference / Citation: Sabin 27: 332; Kayser 6: 153; Heinsius 7(2): 436.
HI Number: \27860\
Author: Warden, David Baillie, 1778-1845 // D. B. Warden
Title: Description statistique, historique et politique des États-Unis de l'Amérique septentrionale, depuis l'époque des premiers établissemens jusqu'a nos jours.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Rey et Gravier.
Date: 1820.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Fain.
Volumation: 5 vols.: Tome premier; Tome II (- Tome V).
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (frontisp. vol. 1 + 2 maps).
Translator: (Translated from the English, HI 17857).
Copies: HBL
Reported: DLC; MB; NN
Reference / Citation: Sabin 27: 330.
HI Number: \27859\
Title: Description statistique, historique et politique des États-Unis de l'Amérique septentrionale, depuis l'époque des premiers établissemens jusqu'a nos jours.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Rey et Gravier.
Date: 1820.
Format: 8º.
Printer: Fain.
Volumation: 5 vols.: Tome premier; Tome II (- Tome V).
Illustrations: 3 BW plates (frontisp. vol. 1 + 2 maps).
Translator: (Translated from the English, HI 17857).
Copies: HBL
Reported: DLC; MB; NN
Reference / Citation: Sabin 27: 330.
HI Number: \27859\
Author: Warden, David Baillie, 1778-1845 // D. B. Warden
Title: A statistical, political, and historical account of the United States of North America; from the period of their first colonizatin to the present day.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Edinburgh. Archibald Constable and Co. :: London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown; Hurst, Robinson, and Company.
Date: 1819.
Format: 8º.
Printer: George Ramsay and Co. (Edinburgh).
Volumation: 3 vols.: Volume I (- Volume III).
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (maps, including frontisp. vol. 1).
Copies: E-UL
Reported: DLC; copy at BM belongs either to this or other issue treated (HI 27858). \s\ Sabin 27: 331; Lowndes 4: 2839.
HI Number: \27857\
Title: A statistical, political, and historical account of the United States of North America; from the period of their first colonizatin to the present day.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Edinburgh. Archibald Constable and Co. :: London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown; Hurst, Robinson, and Company.
Date: 1819.
Format: 8º.
Printer: George Ramsay and Co. (Edinburgh).
Volumation: 3 vols.: Volume I (- Volume III).
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (maps, including frontisp. vol. 1).
Copies: E-UL
Reported: DLC; copy at BM belongs either to this or other issue treated (HI 27858). \s\ Sabin 27: 331; Lowndes 4: 2839.
HI Number: \27857\
Author: Warden, David Baillie, 1778-1848 // D. B. Warden
Title: A statistcal, political, and historical account of their first colonization to the present day.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Edinburgh. Archibald Constable and Co. :: London. Hurst, Robinson, and Company. :: Philadelphia. Thomas Wardle.
Date: 1819.
Format: 8º.
Printer: George Ramsay and Co. (Edinburgh).
Volumation: 3 vols.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (frontisp. vols. 1, 3: maps).
Reported: DLC
Reference / Citation: Sabin 27: 331-332; Lowndes 4: 2839; Shaw & Shoemaker 1819: 50034.
HI Number: \27858\
Title: A statistcal, political, and historical account of their first colonization to the present day.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Edinburgh. Archibald Constable and Co. :: London. Hurst, Robinson, and Company. :: Philadelphia. Thomas Wardle.
Date: 1819.
Format: 8º.
Printer: George Ramsay and Co. (Edinburgh).
Volumation: 3 vols.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (frontisp. vols. 1, 3: maps).
Reported: DLC
Reference / Citation: Sabin 27: 331-332; Lowndes 4: 2839; Shaw & Shoemaker 1819: 50034.
HI Number: \27858\
Author: Watson, Hewett Cottrell, 1804-1881 //
Title: Catalogue of british plants, <Included in vol. I of Hooker's British flora, Second edition.>.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Edinburgh or London?].
Date: s.d.[1834?].
Format: 2º.
Pagination: 1-3.
Copies: K
Reference / Citation: Jackson 230; Kew 5: 498.
HI Number: \10145\
Title: Catalogue of british plants, <Included in vol. I of Hooker's British flora, Second edition.>.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Edinburgh or London?].
Date: s.d.[1834?].
Format: 2º.
Pagination: 1-3.
Copies: K
Reference / Citation: Jackson 230; Kew 5: 498.
HI Number: \10145\
Author: Watson, Hewett Cottrell, 1804-1881 //
Title: A catalogue of british plants included in vol. I. of Hooker's British flora. <Printed for the purpose of obtaining local lists of native plants.>.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Edinburgh?].
Date: s.d.[1832?].
Format: 2º.
Pagination: 1-4.
Copies: K
Reference / Citation: Kew 5: 498.
HI Number: \12796\
Title: A catalogue of british plants included in vol. I. of Hooker's British flora. <Printed for the purpose of obtaining local lists of native plants.>.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Edinburgh?].
Date: s.d.[1832?].
Format: 2º.
Pagination: 1-4.
Copies: K
Reference / Citation: Kew 5: 498.
HI Number: \12796\
Author: Watson, John, 1725-1783
Title: The history and antiquities of the parish of Halifax in Yorkshire.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. T. Lowndes.
Date: 1775.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 10 BW plates (including frontisp. portrait of John Watson).
Reported: BM; DLC
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 10994; Pritzel (Ed. 2) 962; Lowndes 4: 2854; DNB 20: 925.
HI Number: \09610\
Title: The history and antiquities of the parish of Halifax in Yorkshire.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. T. Lowndes.
Date: 1775.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 10 BW plates (including frontisp. portrait of John Watson).
Reported: BM; DLC
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 10994; Pritzel (Ed. 2) 962; Lowndes 4: 2854; DNB 20: 925.
HI Number: \09610\
Author: Webb, Philip Barker, 1793-1854 // P. B. Webb
Title: Notice sur le Parolinia, nouveau genre de la famille des Crucifères, et sur des espèces à ajouter à la flore des Canaries.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1840].
Format: 8º.
Printer: Paul Renouard.
Pagination: 1-11 (12 blank).
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: HAL-L
Seen / Located: G; LE; P; P-BC
Reported: RHS
Reference / Citation: Cat. RHS 465
HI Number: \12182\
Title: Notice sur le Parolinia, nouveau genre de la famille des Crucifères, et sur des espèces à ajouter à la flore des Canaries.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Paris].
Date: s.d.[1840].
Format: 8º.
Printer: Paul Renouard.
Pagination: 1-11 (12 blank).
Illustrations: 1 BW plate.
Copies: HAL-L
Seen / Located: G; LE; P; P-BC
Reported: RHS
Reference / Citation: Cat. RHS 465
HI Number: \12182\
Author: Webb, Philip Barker, 1793-1854 // P. Barker-Webb
Title: Histoire naturelle des Iles Canaries.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Béthune (vol. 1, pt. 1 - vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. 1; vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. ult.; Atlas); Bureaux (vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. 2-3).
Date: 1836/1840-1836/1850[1835-1850](Vol.1(1)dated1842;vol.1(2)dated1839;vol.2(1)dated1839;vol.2(2)dated1836/1844;vol.3(1)dated1840;vol.3(2,sect.1)dated1836/1840;vol.3(2,sect.2-3)dated1836/1850each;vol.3(2,sect.ult.)dated1840;Atlasdated1838).
Format: 4º (text) + 2º (atlas).
Printer: Béthune et Plon (vol. 1, pt. 1 - vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. 1; vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. ult.; Atlas); Plon Frères (vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. 2-3).
Volumation: 4 vols. (3 vols. text + 1 vol. atlas; vols. 1-3 in 2 parts each; vol. 3, pt. 2 in 4 sections; atlas in 3 series; altogether in 106 fasc): Tome premier. Premiére partie (- Tome troisiéme. Deuxiéme partie. Phytogaphica canariensis. Sectio ultima) + Atlas.
Illustrations: 439 BW or 439 COL plates (64 pls., including 2 portraits, in vol. 1; 53 pls. in vol. 2; 287 pls. in vol. 3; 35 pls., including frontisp. and 14 maps, in atlas).
Copies: G; HBL (vol. 1, pt. 2; vol. 3, pt. 1); MH-HL (vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. 1); WU (vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. ult.)
Seen / Located: LE; MA; MH-FH; MH-JP; O2NB; P; P-BC; W (all incomplete)
Reported: BMNH; E-UL; K; LINN; MBH (incomplete); RHS (incomplete); Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10023; Brunet 1: 655; Stafleu 1392; Nissen 2118; Bradley 1: 497; Desmond 648; Stearn, William T.: On the dates of publication of Webb and Berthelot's "Histoire naturelle des Îles Canaries", J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 1(2): 49-63. 1937 [15 Feb.].
HI Number: \06604\
Title: Histoire naturelle des Iles Canaries.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Béthune (vol. 1, pt. 1 - vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. 1; vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. ult.; Atlas); Bureaux (vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. 2-3).
Date: 1836/1840-1836/1850[1835-1850](Vol.1(1)dated1842;vol.1(2)dated1839;vol.2(1)dated1839;vol.2(2)dated1836/1844;vol.3(1)dated1840;vol.3(2,sect.1)dated1836/1840;vol.3(2,sect.2-3)dated1836/1850each;vol.3(2,sect.ult.)dated1840;Atlasdated1838).
Format: 4º (text) + 2º (atlas).
Printer: Béthune et Plon (vol. 1, pt. 1 - vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. 1; vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. ult.; Atlas); Plon Frères (vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. 2-3).
Volumation: 4 vols. (3 vols. text + 1 vol. atlas; vols. 1-3 in 2 parts each; vol. 3, pt. 2 in 4 sections; atlas in 3 series; altogether in 106 fasc): Tome premier. Premiére partie (- Tome troisiéme. Deuxiéme partie. Phytogaphica canariensis. Sectio ultima) + Atlas.
Illustrations: 439 BW or 439 COL plates (64 pls., including 2 portraits, in vol. 1; 53 pls. in vol. 2; 287 pls. in vol. 3; 35 pls., including frontisp. and 14 maps, in atlas).
Copies: G; HBL (vol. 1, pt. 2; vol. 3, pt. 1); MH-HL (vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. 1); WU (vol. 3, pt. 2, sect. ult.)
Seen / Located: LE; MA; MH-FH; MH-JP; O2NB; P; P-BC; W (all incomplete)
Reported: BMNH; E-UL; K; LINN; MBH (incomplete); RHS (incomplete); Teyler
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 10023; Brunet 1: 655; Stafleu 1392; Nissen 2118; Bradley 1: 497; Desmond 648; Stearn, William T.: On the dates of publication of Webb and Berthelot's "Histoire naturelle des Îles Canaries", J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 1(2): 49-63. 1937 [15 Feb.].
HI Number: \06604\