Author: Troil, Uno von, 1746-1803 // Uno von Troil
Title: Letters on Iceland: containing observations on the civil, literary, ecclesiastical, and natural history; antiquities, volcanos, basaltes, hot springs; customs, dress, manners of the inhabitants, &c. &c. made, during a voyage undertaken in the year 1772, by Joseph Banks, ... Assisted by Dr. Solander, ... Dr. J. Lind, ... Dr. Uno von Troil, and several other literary and ingenious gentlemen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dublin. S. Price; W. and H. Whitestone; J. Potts; T. Walker; C. Jenkin; W. Hallmead; J. Vallance; L. White; J. Beatty; P. Higly; P. Byrne.
Date: 1780.
Format: 8º.
Printer: G. Perrin.
Pagination: i-xxvi, 1-400.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (including frontisp.: map).
Translator: (Translated from the German, HI 15906).
Copies: HBL-S
Reference / Citation: Cox 1: 185; Hoare sub 63.
HI Number: \32819\
Title: Letters on Iceland: containing observations on the civil, literary, ecclesiastical, and natural history; antiquities, volcanos, basaltes, hot springs; customs, dress, manners of the inhabitants, &c. &c. made, during a voyage undertaken in the year 1772, by Joseph Banks, ... Assisted by Dr. Solander, ... Dr. J. Lind, ... Dr. Uno von Troil, and several other literary and ingenious gentlemen.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Dublin. S. Price; W. and H. Whitestone; J. Potts; T. Walker; C. Jenkin; W. Hallmead; J. Vallance; L. White; J. Beatty; P. Higly; P. Byrne.
Date: 1780.
Format: 8º.
Printer: G. Perrin.
Pagination: i-xxvi, 1-400.
Illustrations: 2 BW plates (including frontisp.: map).
Translator: (Translated from the German, HI 15906).
Copies: HBL-S
Reference / Citation: Cox 1: 185; Hoare sub 63.
HI Number: \32819\
Author: Trozelius, Clas Blechert, 1719-1794 // Clas B. Trozelius (Pr.)
HI Number: \06272\
HI Number: \06272\
Author: Tuckerman, Edward, 1817-1886
Title: A further enumeration of some New England Lichenes.
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Boston].
Date: [1840].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-26.
Seen / Located: G; MH-HL
Reported: MBH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 10520; NUC 603: NT 0373491.
HI Number: \09510\
Title: A further enumeration of some New England Lichenes.
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Boston].
Date: [1840].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-26.
Seen / Located: G; MH-HL
Reported: MBH
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 1) 10520; NUC 603: NT 0373491.
HI Number: \09510\
Author: Tuckey, James Kingston, 1776-1816
Title: Verhaal van eene ontdekkingsreis, ondernomen in 1816, naar de Zaire ... met aanteekeningen wegens de natuurijke historie.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Rotterdam.
Date: 1820.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: Plates.
Reference / Citation: Review in Vaderl. Lett. - Oefen. Tijdschr. Kunsten Wetensch. 1823. 1(10): 402-408. 1823; 1827. 1(10): 406-410. 1827 >>4MLP 3740<<4.
HI Number: \27764\
Title: Verhaal van eene ontdekkingsreis, ondernomen in 1816, naar de Zaire ... met aanteekeningen wegens de natuurijke historie.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Rotterdam.
Date: 1820.
Format: 8º.
Volumation: 2 vols.
Illustrations: Plates.
Reference / Citation: Review in Vaderl. Lett. - Oefen. Tijdschr. Kunsten Wetensch. 1823. 1(10): 402-408. 1823; 1827. 1(10): 406-410. 1827 >>4MLP 3740<<4.
HI Number: \27764\
Author: Tuckey, James Kingston, 1776-1816 // J. K. Tuckey
Title: Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, usually called the Conga, in south Africa, in 1816, under the direction of ... To which is added, the journal of Professor Smith; some general observations on the country and its inhabitants; and an appendix: containing the natural history of that part of the kingdom of Congo through which the Zaire flows.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1818.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 14 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: C; H-UB; LE; O2NB; P; P-BC
Reported: BMNH; E-UL; K; LINN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 9552 and 1225; Bradley 1: 491; Graesse 7: 209; Jackson 346; Lowndes 4: 2717; Kleppa 298; Desmond 565.
HI Number: \06277\
Title: Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, usually called the Conga, in south Africa, in 1816, under the direction of ... To which is added, the journal of Professor Smith; some general observations on the country and its inhabitants; and an appendix: containing the natural history of that part of the kingdom of Congo through which the Zaire flows.
Place of Publication / Publisher: London. John Murray.
Date: 1818.
Format: 4º.
Illustrations: 14 BW plates.
Copies: MH-HL
Seen / Located: C; H-UB; LE; O2NB; P; P-BC
Reported: BMNH; E-UL; K; LINN
Reference / Citation: Pritzel (Ed. 2) 9552 and 1225; Bradley 1: 491; Graesse 7: 209; Jackson 346; Lowndes 4: 2717; Kleppa 298; Desmond 565.
HI Number: \06277\
Author: Tuckey, James Kingston, 1776-1816 // J.-K. Tuckey
Title: Relation d'une expédition entreprise en 1816, sous les ordres du ... pour reconnoître le Zaire, communément appelé le Congo, fleuve de l'Afrique méridionale; suivi du journal du professeur Smith, et de quelques observations générales sur les habitans, et l'histoire naturelle de la partie du royaume de Congo arrosée par le Zaire.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Gide Fils.
Date: 1818.
Format: 8º (text) + 4º (atlas).
Printer: J. Gratiot.
Volumation: 3 vols. (2 vols. text + atlas): Tome premier (- Tome second) + Atlas.
Illustrations: 16 BW plates (including 1 map; plates are numbered: 2-5, 6/7, 8/9, 10-18; first plate (map) unnumbered).
Translator: Defauconpret, Auguste-Jean-Baptiste, 1767-1843 (on title-page as: L'auteur de Quinze jours a Londres) (Translated from the English, HI 06277).
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: H-UB (2 vols.); P-BC
Reference / Citation: François Chamonal, Cat. voyages, médecine et sciences, varia [June 1970]: Item 638; Barbier 3: 1164; Brunet 5: 973-974.
HI Number: \27763\
Title: Relation d'une expédition entreprise en 1816, sous les ordres du ... pour reconnoître le Zaire, communément appelé le Congo, fleuve de l'Afrique méridionale; suivi du journal du professeur Smith, et de quelques observations générales sur les habitans, et l'histoire naturelle de la partie du royaume de Congo arrosée par le Zaire.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Paris. Gide Fils.
Date: 1818.
Format: 8º (text) + 4º (atlas).
Printer: J. Gratiot.
Volumation: 3 vols. (2 vols. text + atlas): Tome premier (- Tome second) + Atlas.
Illustrations: 16 BW plates (including 1 map; plates are numbered: 2-5, 6/7, 8/9, 10-18; first plate (map) unnumbered).
Translator: Defauconpret, Auguste-Jean-Baptiste, 1767-1843 (on title-page as: L'auteur de Quinze jours a Londres) (Translated from the English, HI 06277).
Copies: HBL
Seen / Located: H-UB (2 vols.); P-BC
Reference / Citation: François Chamonal, Cat. voyages, médecine et sciences, varia [June 1970]: Item 638; Barbier 3: 1164; Brunet 5: 973-974.
HI Number: \27763\
Author: Turczaninow, Nikolaj Stepanovic, 1796-1863
Title: Decades quattuor plantarum hucusque non descriptarum Sibiriae maxime orientalis et regionum confinium incolarum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Moscou].
Date: [1840].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 21 pp.
Seen / Located: MH-HL
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 455; Trautvetter 1517; Merrill-Walker 505.
HI Number: \27767\
Title: Decades quattuor plantarum hucusque non descriptarum Sibiriae maxime orientalis et regionum confinium incolarum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Moscou].
Date: [1840].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 21 pp.
Seen / Located: MH-HL
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 455; Trautvetter 1517; Merrill-Walker 505.
HI Number: \27767\
Author: Turczaninow, Nikolaj Stepanovic, 1796-1863 // Nicolaus Turczaninow
Title: Decades tres plantarum novarum Chinae boreali et Mongoliae chinensi incolarum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Moscou].
Date: s.d.[1832].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-27.
Copies: H
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 458; review in Biblioth. Universelle Sci., Sci. Arts 55(1): 107-108. 1834 [Jan.].
HI Number: \27765\
Title: Decades tres plantarum novarum Chinae boreali et Mongoliae chinensi incolarum.
Place of Publication / Publisher: s.l. [Moscou].
Date: s.d.[1832].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-27.
Copies: H
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 458; review in Biblioth. Universelle Sci., Sci. Arts 55(1): 107-108. 1834 [Jan.].
HI Number: \27765\
Author: Turczaninow, Nikolaj Stepanovic, 1796-1864
Title: Enumeratio plantarum quas in China boreali collegit et mecum benevole communicavit cl. medicus missionis rossicae Porphyrius Kirilow.
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Moscou].
Date: [1837].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 148-158.
Copies: MH-HL
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 458; Merrill-Walker 505.
HI Number: \27766\
Title: Enumeratio plantarum quas in China boreali collegit et mecum benevole communicavit cl. medicus missionis rossicae Porphyrius Kirilow.
Place of Publication / Publisher: [Moscou].
Date: [1837].
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 148-158.
Copies: MH-HL
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 458; Merrill-Walker 505.
HI Number: \27766\
Author: Turczaninow, Nikolaj Stephanovic, 1796-1863
Title: Catalogus plantarum in regionibus baicalensibus et in Dahuria sponte crescentium.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moscou.
Date: 1838.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-23.
Seen / Located: G; LE; MH-HL; P
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 455; NUC 604: NT 0384935.
HI Number: \12165\
Title: Catalogus plantarum in regionibus baicalensibus et in Dahuria sponte crescentium.
Place of Publication / Publisher: Moscou.
Date: 1838.
Format: 8º.
Pagination: 1-23.
Seen / Located: G; LE; MH-HL; P
Reference / Citation: Bradley 1: 455; NUC 604: NT 0384935.
HI Number: \12165\